
Who Was Segub in the Bible?

The Name of Two Old Testament Israelites

In the Bible, the name Segub refers to two different individuals, each significant in their own right within the historical and genealogical context of the Old Testament. Understanding their stories helps to illuminate various lessons about obedience, faithfulness, and the importance of lineage in God’s plan.

Segub, Son of Hiel

Context in 1 Kings 16:34

Segub is first mentioned in 1 Kings 16:34: “In Ahab’s time, Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho. He laid its foundations at the cost of his firstborn son Abiram, and he set up its gates at the cost of his youngest son Segub, in accordance with the word of the Lord spoken by Joshua son of Nun.” This verse recounts a tragic event where Hiel of Bethel, Segub’s father, rebuilt the city of Jericho in direct defiance of a curse pronounced by Joshua centuries earlier (Joshua 6:26).

The Curse of Jericho

Joshua 6:26 reads: “At that time Joshua pronounced this solemn oath: ‘Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its gates.'” Hiel’s actions led to the fulfillment of this curse, resulting in the deaths of his sons, Abiram and Segub. This serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience to God’s explicit commands.

Segub, a Judahite

Context in 1 Chronicles 2:21-22

Another Segub is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2:21-22: “Later, Hezron, when he was sixty years old, married the daughter of Makir, the father of Gilead. He made love to her, and she bore him Segub. Segub was the father of Jair, who controlled twenty-three towns in Gilead.” This Segub is a member of the tribe of Judah, specifically a descendant of Hezron, who was a grandson of Judah.

The Lineage of Segub

Segub’s lineage is noteworthy because it connects him to significant figures in Israel’s history. His father, Hezron, is an important link in the genealogical line that leads to King David and ultimately to Jesus Christ. Segub’s son, Jair, became notable for controlling multiple towns in Gilead, indicating the family’s influence and prominence.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Consequences of Disobedience

The story of Segub, the son of Hiel, underscores the severe consequences of disregarding God’s commands. Hiel’s decision to rebuild Jericho resulted in the fulfillment of a prophetic curse, leading to the deaths of his sons. For modern Christians, this serves as a powerful reminder to take God’s Word seriously and to obey His commands faithfully. Disobedience can lead to devastating consequences, not only for the individual but also for those around them.

The Importance of Faithfulness and Obedience

In contrast, the Segub mentioned in 1 Chronicles represents a lineage of faithfulness and God’s blessing. Being part of the tribe of Judah and an ancestor of Jair highlights the importance of maintaining faithfulness to God’s covenant. Modern Christians can learn the importance of living obediently and faithfully, trusting in God’s promises and His plan for their lives.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Justice

The stories of both Segubs illustrate God’s sovereignty and justice. In the case of Hiel’s son, we see God’s justice in action, as the curse pronounced by Joshua is fulfilled. This shows that God is just and His words are not to be taken lightly. On the other hand, the lineage of the Judahite Segub reflects God’s sovereignty in maintaining the line through which His promises to Israel, and ultimately to the world through Jesus Christ, would be fulfilled.

God’s Faithfulness to His Promises

The genealogical account in 1 Chronicles demonstrates God’s faithfulness to His promises. Despite the challenges and sins of the people, God preserved the line of Judah, leading to the birth of Jesus. This reminds believers that God is faithful and that He fulfills His promises, even when circumstances seem dire.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Lineage and Prophecy Fulfillment

The Segub of 1 Chronicles is part of the lineage that ultimately leads to Jesus Christ. This connection emphasizes the continuity of God’s redemptive plan throughout the Old and New Testaments. The genealogical records show that every individual and event plays a part in the fulfillment of God’s grand narrative of salvation.

Jesus as the Ultimate Fulfillment

Jesus Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfills the prophecies and covenants made throughout the Old Testament. The story of Segub and his descendants highlights the importance of lineage and prophecy, culminating in the arrival of the Messiah, who brings salvation to all who believe.


The accounts of the two Segubs in the Bible, while brief, provide valuable lessons and insights for modern Christians. They highlight the importance of obedience to God’s commands, the severe consequences of disobedience, and the faithfulness of God to His promises. These stories remind believers of God’s sovereignty, justice, and the ultimate fulfillment of His redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. By studying these narratives, Christians are encouraged to live faithfully, trust in God’s promises, and recognize their place in the ongoing story of God’s salvation.

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