
Who was Seraphim in the Bible?

The Seraphim are a type of angelic beings mentioned in the book of Isaiah, specifically in chapter 6, verse 2. The Hebrew word for Seraphim is שָׂרָף (saraph), which means “burning ones.” These celestial beings are described as having six wings, with two wings covering their faces, two covering their feet, and two for flying. They are depicted in the presence of God, continually praising Him and proclaiming His holiness.

The Vision of Isaiah

In Isaiah 6:1-4, the prophet Isaiah recounts a vision he had of the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, with the train of His robe filling the temple. Above Him stood the Seraphim, each with six wings: “With two they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.” The Seraphim called out to one another, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory.”

The Significance of the Seraphim

The presence of the Seraphim in this vision underscores several important theological themes:

  1. God’s Holiness: The Seraphim’s thrice-repeated cry of “Holy, holy, holy” emphasizes the absolute holiness of God. In Hebrew, repetition is used to express superlative degree, indicating that God is the epitome of holiness.
  2. Reverence and Worship: The Seraphim cover their faces and feet in the presence of God, demonstrating deep reverence. This act signifies that even these pure and exalted beings show utmost respect and humility before the Almighty.
  3. Purity and Fervent Love: The term “burning ones” reflects their purity and intense love for God. Their constant worship signifies their unwavering devotion and their role in the heavenly realm.

Biblical Role of the Seraphim

The Seraphim are considered to be among the highest order of angels, often associated with purity and fervent love for God. Their primary role, as depicted in Isaiah’s vision, is to worship God and proclaim His holiness continually. This ceaseless worship highlights the unending praise that God deserves.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Holiness of God

The vision of the Seraphim serves as a powerful reminder of God’s holiness. Modern Christians can draw from this vision the importance of recognizing and revering God’s holiness in their daily lives. Worship should be approached with a sense of awe and respect, acknowledging God’s pure and perfect nature.

The Importance of Humility and Reverence

The Seraphim’s act of covering their faces and feet signifies profound humility and reverence. Christians today are called to approach God with similar humility, understanding their position before a holy and sovereign God. This humility should permeate all aspects of their worship and service.

Continuous Worship

The Seraphim’s unceasing praise of God sets an example for believers. Worship is not confined to specific times or places but should be a continuous attitude of the heart. Christians are encouraged to cultivate a lifestyle of worship, continually offering praise and thanksgiving to God.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Accessible Holiness

While the Seraphim highlight God’s holiness and majesty, the vision also shows that God is accessible. Isaiah’s vision occurs in the temple, a place where God meets His people. Despite His transcendence, God desires to be with His people and invites them into His presence.

Purification and Commissioning

In Isaiah 6:6-7, one of the Seraphim touches Isaiah’s lips with a live coal from the altar, saying, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.” This act of purification signifies God’s willingness to cleanse and forgive those who come to Him. For modern Christians, it illustrates the loving and redemptive nature of God, who purifies and commissions His servants for His work.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of Holiness

Jesus Christ embodies the holiness of God. In the New Testament, Jesus is often depicted as the one who reveals God’s glory and holiness to humanity. John 1:14 states, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.”

The Ultimate Sacrifice

The purification that the Seraphim performed on Isaiah prefigures the ultimate purification through Jesus Christ. Jesus, through His sacrifice on the cross, offers complete atonement for sin. Hebrews 9:13-14 explains that the blood of Christ cleanses our consciences from acts that lead to death so that we may serve the living God.

Eternal Worship

In Revelation 4:8, the living creatures around God’s throne, which resemble the Seraphim, continually say, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” This eternal worship mirrors the continuous praise seen in Isaiah’s vision and points to the ultimate reality of worship in God’s eternal kingdom, where Christ reigns supreme.


The Seraphim, as depicted in Isaiah 6, are celestial beings that stand in the presence of God, proclaiming His holiness and majesty. Their role in worship exemplifies the heavenly realm’s devotion to God and His glory. For modern Christians, the vision of the Seraphim provides profound lessons on the holiness of God, the importance of humility and reverence in worship, and the call to continuous praise. This connection to a loving God who purifies and commissions His people and the fulfillment of these themes in Jesus Christ enriches the believer’s understanding of their faith and their relationship with the Almighty.

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