
Who Was Sharai in the Bible?

Sharai is a biblical figure mentioned in the book of Ezra, specifically in Ezra 10:40. He lived during the time of the Exile and Return, a significant period in Israel’s history when the Israelites were returning from Babylonian captivity to rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. Although Sharai is only briefly mentioned, his inclusion in the genealogical records provides valuable insights into his role and the broader context of his time.

The Exile and Return

The Babylonian Exile was a period of great suffering and hardship for the Israelites. In 586 BC, Jerusalem was conquered, and many Israelites were taken captive to Babylon. This exile lasted for about 70 years until the Persian king Cyrus the Great allowed the Israelites to return to their homeland and rebuild their city and temple (Ezra 1:1-4).

The book of Ezra documents the return of the Israelites, their efforts to rebuild the temple, and the challenges they faced. It also highlights the spiritual and communal restoration that was necessary after such a long period of separation from their land and their God.

Sharai’s Role in the Book of Ezra

Sharai is mentioned in Ezra 10:40:

“Azrael, Shelemiah, Shemariah, Shallum, Amariah, and Joseph, of the sons of Nebo: Jeiel, Mattithiah, Zabad, Zebina, Jaddai, Joel, Benaiah, and Sharai.”

This verse lists Sharai among those who had taken foreign wives and were required to separate from them as part of a communal purification process. The Israelites were commanded to maintain the purity of their worship and adherence to God’s laws. Marrying foreign wives, who often brought idolatrous practices with them, was seen as a serious violation of God’s commands.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness to God’s Commands

Sharai’s mention in the context of Ezra 10 underscores the importance of faithfulness to God’s commands. The Israelites, including Sharai, were called to separate from foreign influences that could lead them away from God. For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder to remain faithful to God’s word and avoid influences that could lead them astray from their faith.

Importance of Community Purity

The act of separating from foreign wives was part of a broader effort to restore the community’s purity and dedication to God. This highlights the importance of communal holiness and accountability. Christians today can learn from this by striving for purity in their own lives and encouraging their communities to live according to God’s standards.

Commitment to Restoration

Sharai’s inclusion in the genealogical record of those returning from exile signifies his commitment to the restoration of Israel. His actions, although challenging, were part of a larger effort to re-establish the worship of God in Jerusalem. Modern Christians can draw inspiration from this dedication, recognizing the importance of commitment to restoring and maintaining their relationship with God.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness in Restoration

The return from exile and the rebuilding of Jerusalem were clear demonstrations of God’s faithfulness to His people. Despite their disobedience that led to the exile, God remained committed to His covenant and facilitated their return. This reflects God’s loving and steadfast nature, assuring believers that He is always willing to restore those who turn back to Him.

Personal Involvement

The mention of individuals like Sharai in the biblical record shows God’s personal involvement in the lives of His people. Each person played a role in the larger narrative of restoration and renewal. This personal attention from God reassures Christians that He cares about their individual lives and contributions to His kingdom.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The events of the Exile and Return, including the purification efforts, were part of the unfolding plan of God that would ultimately lead to the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus, as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises, came to restore not just the physical temple, but the spiritual relationship between God and humanity.

Role in Redemption

Sharai’s actions in purifying the community prefigure the greater purification and redemption brought by Jesus. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross provides the ultimate means of purification from sin, offering believers a restored relationship with God. This connection highlights the continuity of God’s redemptive plan from the Old Testament to the New Testament.


Although Sharai is only briefly mentioned in the Bible, his role during the Exile and Return is significant. His participation in the purification process underscores the importance of faithfulness, communal purity, and commitment to God’s commands. For modern Christians, Sharai’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience, the assurance of God’s loving faithfulness, and the ultimate restoration found in Jesus Christ. By reflecting on these lessons, believers can deepen their faith and live in greater alignment with God’s will.

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