
Who was Sharar in the Bible?

Sharar: A Man of the United Monarchy

Sharar is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Bible during the period of the United Monarchy. His name appears in two key references: 2 Samuel 23:33 and 1 Chronicles 11:35. In these passages, Sharar is identified as the father of Ahiam, one of David’s mighty warriors. The mention of Sharar, though brief, provides insight into the genealogical and historical context of the time.

Biblical References and Historical Context

In 2 Samuel 23:33, we read, “Sharar the Hararite, Ahiam the son of Sharar the Hararite.” Similarly, 1 Chronicles 11:35 mentions, “Ahiam the son of Sacar the Hararite.” The variation in names, Sharar and Sacar, reflects common transliteration differences from Hebrew to English. The Hebrew name שָׁרָר (Sharar) or שָׂכָר (Sacar) means “dawn” or “reward,” indicating a possible significance in his community.

The Role and Significance of Sharar

Though the Bible provides limited information about Sharar, his inclusion in the genealogical records is notable. In a biblical perspective, every name mentioned carries weight and significance, as the Bible is viewed as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. The meticulous recording of individuals, even those with brief mentions like Sharar, underscores the importance of each person in God’s overarching redemptive plan.

Sharar’s mention alongside his son Ahiam, one of King David’s mighty men, indicates a legacy of valor and faithfulness. Ahiam’s role as a warrior (2 Samuel 23:33, 1 Chronicles 11:35) suggests that Sharar’s family was esteemed within the Israelite community, contributing to the defense and leadership of the nation during the United Monarchy.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Every Individual

The brief mention of Sharar in the Bible serves as a reminder that every individual is significant in God’s eyes. Modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that their lives, no matter how seemingly small or unnoticed, are part of God’s greater plan. Just as Sharar’s name is recorded in Scripture, our contributions and faithfulness are seen and valued by God.

Importance of Legacy

Sharar’s connection to Ahiam highlights the impact of one’s legacy. Modern Christians are encouraged to consider the influence they have on future generations. By living faithfully and instilling godly values, we can ensure that our legacy positively impacts those who come after us.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Attention to Detail

The inclusion of Sharar in the biblical narrative demonstrates God’s attention to detail. Every person, no matter how briefly mentioned, has a purpose in God’s plan. This reflects God’s loving nature and His care for each individual. Modern Christians can find assurance in knowing that God is intimately involved in their lives and cares about every detail.

God’s Redemptive Plan

Sharar’s mention in the context of the United Monarchy period highlights the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan through history. From the genealogical records to the mighty deeds of David’s warriors, each part of the narrative contributes to the greater story of God’s salvation. This reminds modern Christians of their place in God’s ongoing story and His sovereign plan for humanity.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Lineage and Fulfillment

While Sharar himself is not directly connected to the lineage of Jesus Christ, his inclusion in the genealogical records of the United Monarchy period points to the broader theme of lineage and fulfillment in Scripture. The genealogies in the Bible, including those of Jesus Christ (Matthew 1, Luke 3), emphasize God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises through specific family lines.

Faithfulness in the Everyday

Sharar’s mention, though brief, serves as a testament to faithfulness in everyday life. Modern Christians can draw inspiration from this, understanding that their daily acts of faith and obedience contribute to God’s kingdom. Just as Sharar’s legacy included a mighty warrior son, our faithfulness can have lasting impacts beyond what we may see.


In conclusion, Sharar’s brief mention in the Bible is a profound reminder of the value of every individual in God’s eyes. His legacy, seen through his son Ahiam, underscores the importance of faithfulness and the impact of one’s life on future generations. For modern Christians, Sharar’s story encourages us to recognize our significance in God’s plan, trust in His attention to detail, and live faithfully in the everyday moments. Through these lessons, we can draw closer to a loving God and understand our connection to His redemptive work through Jesus Christ.

– 2 Samuel 23:33
– 1 Chronicles 11:35

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