
Who Was Shear-jashub in the Bible?

Shear-jashub is a relatively lesser-known figure in the Bible, yet his story holds deep significance and carries a powerful message of hope and restoration. Mentioned in Isaiah 7:3, Shear-jashub is presented during a critical period in Israel’s history known as the Divided Monarchy. Understanding his role and the meaning of his name provides valuable insights into God’s faithfulness and His promises to His people.

Shear-jashub: Man of the Divided Monarchy

Historical Context

Shear-jashub lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a period when Israel was split into two kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. This was a tumultuous time marked by political instability and frequent conflicts. Shear-jashub was the son of the prophet Isaiah, one of the major prophets in the Old Testament, and the brother of Maher-shalal-hash-baz.

Meaning of the Name Shear-jashub

The name Shear-jashub (שְׁאָר יָשׁוּב) in Hebrew means “a remnant shall return.” This name carries prophetic significance, symbolizing hope and the assurance of God’s promise to preserve a faithful remnant of His people. The concept of a remnant is a recurring theme in the Bible, highlighting God’s mercy and His commitment to His covenant despite the people’s frequent unfaithfulness.

Shear-jashub’s Role in Isaiah’s Prophecy

In Isaiah 7:3, God instructs Isaiah to take his son Shear-jashub to meet King Ahaz of Judah. At that time, Judah faced a significant threat from the alliance between the Northern Kingdom of Israel and Syria. God’s message to King Ahaz, delivered through Isaiah and symbolized by Shear-jashub’s presence, was a reassurance of divine protection and a call to trust in God rather than in human alliances or military power.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Trusting in God’s Promises

The story of Shear-jashub teaches modern Christians the importance of trusting in God’s promises, especially during times of crisis. Just as King Ahaz was encouraged to rely on God’s protection rather than seeking help from foreign powers, believers today are reminded to place their trust in God’s faithfulness and sovereignty.

Hope and Restoration

Shear-jashub’s name signifies a message of hope and restoration. In the midst of adversity, God promises to preserve a remnant of His people. This assurance can provide comfort to Christians facing personal trials or witnessing societal upheavals, knowing that God remains in control and His plans for restoration and redemption are steadfast.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Faithfulness

Shear-jashub’s story underscores God’s sovereignty and faithfulness. Despite the apparent chaos and threats during the time of the Divided Monarchy, God had a plan to preserve His people. This reflects God’s unchanging nature and His commitment to His covenant. Modern believers can find reassurance in God’s unchanging character, trusting that He is faithful to His promises.

Assurance of Divine Protection

The presence of Shear-jashub with Isaiah when meeting King Ahaz served as a tangible sign of God’s protection. This assurance of divine protection extends to believers today, affirming that God is always present and watching over His people, even when circumstances seem dire.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The concept of a remnant returning finds its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, the idea of a remnant points to God’s plan for redemption. In the New Testament, Jesus embodies this promise as He restores and redeems humanity. Through Christ, all believers, both Jew and Gentile, are part of the remnant saved by faith.

Jesus as the Ultimate Hope

Shear-jashub’s prophetic name pointed to a future hope of restoration. Jesus Christ, as the fulfillment of this hope, offers ultimate restoration and salvation. In Him, believers find the true and lasting hope that transcends any earthly challenge or crisis.


Shear-jashub, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, holds significant theological importance. His story during the time of the Divided Monarchy provides a powerful message of hope, trust, and God’s faithfulness. Modern Christians can learn from Shear-jashub’s story to place their trust in God’s promises, find comfort in His protection, and recognize the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus Christ. Through understanding Shear-jashub’s role and the meaning behind his name, believers are encouraged to remain steadfast in their faith and trust in the ultimate hope found in Christ.

– Isaiah 7:3
– 2 Kings 19:2
– Romans (various references)
– Isaiah 8:1

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