
Who Was Shebna in the Bible?

Shebna, also known as Shebnah in some translations, is a figure from the time of the Divided Monarchy in ancient Israel. His story is recorded in the books of 2 Kings and Isaiah, where he is depicted as a high-ranking official in the court of King Hezekiah of Judah. Shebna’s life serves as a cautionary tale about pride, humility, and the importance of faithful service to God.

Shebna: High-Ranking Official

The Royal Steward

Shebna held the prestigious position of royal steward or palace administrator under King Hezekiah. This role placed him in charge of managing the affairs of the royal household and overseeing various administrative functions, making him one of the most influential figures in the kingdom. His name, derived from the Hebrew word שֶׁבְנָה (Shebnah), means “growth” or “youth,” perhaps indicating his potential and promise at the time of his appointment.

Biblical References

Shebna is first mentioned in 2 Kings 18:18 and 2 Kings 18:26, where he appears during the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem. His role and actions during this critical period are further expanded upon in Isaiah 22:15-19, where the prophet Isaiah delivers a message of judgment against him.

The Prophecy Against Shebna

Isaiah’s Pronouncement

In Isaiah 22:15-19, the prophet Isaiah condemns Shebna for his pride and self-centeredness. Isaiah’s prophecy criticizes Shebna for constructing a lavish tomb for himself, which was an act of arrogance and self-aggrandizement. Isaiah declares that God will remove Shebna from his position of authority and replace him with Eliakim, a more faithful and humble servant. The passage reads:

“Thus says the Lord God of hosts, ‘Go, proceed to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the house, and say: What have you here, and whom have you here, that you have hewn a sepulcher here, as he who hews himself a sepulcher on high, who carves a tomb for himself in a rock? Indeed, the Lord will throw you away violently, O mighty man, and will surely seize you. He will surely turn violently and toss you like a ball into a large country; there you shall die, and there your glorious chariots shall be the shame of your master’s house. So I will drive you out of your office, and from your position he will pull you down’” (Isaiah 22:15-19, NKJV).

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Dangers of Pride

Shebna’s downfall serves as a stark warning against the dangers of pride and self-exaltation. His desire for personal glory and status led to his humiliation and removal from office. Modern Christians can learn from Shebna’s mistake by cultivating humility and recognizing that true greatness lies in serving others rather than seeking personal accolades.

Importance of Humility and Faithfulness

The contrast between Shebna and Eliakim, who replaced him, underscores the importance of humility and faithfulness in God’s eyes. Eliakim is described as a dependable and righteous servant, entrusted with the responsibilities that Shebna had misused. This teaches believers to prioritize faithfulness and integrity in their service to God and others.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Justice and Mercy

The story of Shebna illustrates God’s justice in dealing with pride and arrogance. However, it also reflects His mercy, as He provides a faithful replacement in Eliakim. God’s actions demonstrate His commitment to righteous leadership and His desire to correct and guide His people towards humility and obedience.

God’s Sovereignty

Shebna’s removal from office also highlights God’s sovereignty over human affairs. Despite Shebna’s high position and influence, God’s will ultimately prevailed. This reassures believers that no matter how powerful or self-sufficient individuals may seem, God remains in control and His purposes will be accomplished.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Example of Humility

Jesus Christ exemplifies the humility and servant leadership that Shebna lacked. Philippians 2:5-8 describes Jesus’ willingness to humble Himself, even to the point of death on a cross. Jesus’ life and teachings consistently emphasized the importance of serving others and placing God’s will above personal ambition.

Jesus’ Teachings on Servant Leadership

Jesus taught His disciples to reject the pursuit of power and status, instead embracing servant leadership. In Mark 10:42-45, Jesus said, “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (NKJV). This teaching directly contrasts Shebna’s behavior and offers a model for Christians to follow.


Shebna’s story, though brief, provides profound lessons about pride, humility, and faithful service to God. His fall from a position of great authority due to his arrogance serves as a cautionary tale for all believers. By examining Shebna’s life, modern Christians are reminded of the importance of humility, obedience, and prioritizing God’s will above personal ambitions. Through Jesus Christ, the ultimate example of humility and servant leadership, believers can find the perfect model to emulate in their own lives. Understanding Shebna’s narrative encourages Christians to cultivate a heart of service, trust in God’s sovereignty, and live faithfully in accordance with His commandments.

– 2 Kings 18:18, 18:26
– Isaiah 22:15-19

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