
Who was Shemer in the Bible?

The Namesake of Samaria

Shemer is a notable figure mentioned in the Bible primarily in the context of King Omri’s reign over Israel. The name “Shemer” (שֶׁמֶר) in Hebrew means “preservation” or “custody.” This name appears in two distinct contexts in the Old Testament.

Shemer in 1 Kings 16:24

In 1 Kings 16:24, we read about Shemer in the context of the construction of the city of Samaria:

“He [Omri] bought the hill of Samaria from Shemer for two talents of silver, and he built a city on the hill and named the city he built Samaria, after Shemer, the owner of the hill” (1 Kings 16:24, ESV).

King Omri, one of the kings of Israel, purchased a hill from Shemer and built the city of Samaria on it, naming the city after Shemer. This act signifies Shemer’s prominence and influence in that region during Omri’s time. The city of Samaria later became the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and played a significant role in Israel’s history.

Shemer, the Levite

Shemer is also mentioned in the genealogies of the Levites, the tribe set apart for the service of God.

Shemer in 1 Chronicles 6:46

In 1 Chronicles 6:46, Shemer is identified as a Levite:

“The son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son of Merari, the son of Levi” (1 Chronicles 6:46, ESV).

Here, Shemer is noted as the son of Mahli and a descendant of Levi through Merari. The Levites were entrusted with duties related to the worship and service in the tabernacle and later the temple. This particular Shemer’s lineage places him within the broader narrative of Israel’s religious and cultic life, emphasizing the importance of maintaining worship practices and service to God.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Heritage and Legacy

For modern Christians, the story of Shemer underscores the importance of heritage and legacy. Shemer’s name being immortalized through the city of Samaria highlights how our actions and contributions can have lasting impacts beyond our lifetimes. This teaches Christians to consider the legacy they leave and the importance of contributing positively to God’s work.

Dedication to God’s Service

The mention of Shemer as a Levite emphasizes the significance of dedicating oneself to God’s service. The Levites were set apart for specific duties in the worship of God, and this dedication is a model for Christians today. It encourages believers to commit their talents and resources to the service of God and the church.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Provision

Shemer’s inclusion in the biblical narrative, both as the original owner of the hill where Samaria was built and as a Levite, demonstrates God’s sovereignty and provision. The establishment of Samaria was a key event in Israel’s history, showing God’s hand in guiding the nation’s leaders and cities. Likewise, the service of the Levites reflects God’s provision for worship and religious order among His people.

Assurance of God’s Plans

For modern believers, understanding that God has a plan and purpose for each individual, just as He did for Shemer, provides assurance and encouragement. God’s orchestration of events and people in the Bible reaffirms that He is actively involved in the lives of His followers, guiding and using them for His purposes.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Foreshadowing the Kingdom of Christ

The city of Samaria, named after Shemer, later becomes significant in the New Testament. Jesus’s interactions in Samaria, particularly with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4), highlight the inclusivity and outreach of Christ’s ministry. This connection shows how Old Testament events and places set the stage for the unfolding of Christ’s redemptive work.

The Levites and Christ’s Priesthood

Shemer’s role as a Levite also connects to the broader theme of priesthood in the Bible. While the Levites served in the temple, Jesus Christ is described as the ultimate high priest in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7). This connection highlights the fulfillment of the Levitical priesthood in Christ’s perfect and eternal priesthood.


Shemer, though briefly mentioned, plays a significant role in the biblical narrative. His name is immortalized through the city of Samaria, which became central in Israel’s history, and his lineage as a Levite underscores the importance of dedicated service to God. For modern Christians, Shemer’s story offers lessons on the lasting impact of our contributions, the importance of heritage, and the assurance of God’s sovereign plans. These insights connect believers to the broader narrative of God’s redemptive work, culminating in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.

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