
Who Was Sherebiah in the Bible?

Sherebiah: A Faithful Priest in the Post-Exilic Period

Sherebiah, whose Hebrew name is שֵׁרֵבְיָה (shareveyah), meaning “Yahweh thirsts” or “Thirsts for Yahweh,” was a notable priest during the time of Ezra and Nehemiah, following the Babylonian exile. His story is recorded in several passages in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, highlighting his significant role in the spiritual restoration of Israel.

Sherebiah’s Return from Exile

Sherebiah is first mentioned in Ezra 8:18, where he is listed among the Levites who returned from Babylon to Jerusalem with Ezra. The Levites were a tribe set apart for priestly duties and service in the temple. The return from exile marked a critical moment in Jewish history, as it signified the beginning of the restoration of worship and temple service in Jerusalem.

Ezra 8:18 (NIV): “Because the gracious hand of our God was on us, they brought us Sherebiah, a capable man, from the descendants of Mahli son of Levi, the son of Israel, and Sherebiah’s sons and brothers, 18 in all.”

Overseer of Temple Treasures

In Ezra 8:24-30, Sherebiah is appointed by Ezra to oversee the temple servants and weigh the silver, gold, and articles dedicated to the Lord’s house. This responsibility indicates his trustworthiness and significant role in the restoration efforts. His duties involved ensuring that the sacred items were properly accounted for and used in the worship of God.

Ezra 8:24-25 (NIV): “Then I set apart twelve of the leading priests, together with Sherebiah, Hashabiah and ten of their brothers, and I weighed out to them the offering of silver and gold and the articles that the king, his advisers, his officials and all Israel present there had donated for the house of our God.”

Teacher and Interpreter of the Law

Sherebiah’s contributions extended beyond administrative tasks. In Nehemiah 8:7, he is listed as one of the Levites who helped the people understand the Law when it was read publicly by Ezra. This role was crucial as the returning exiles needed to reconnect with their spiritual heritage and understand God’s commandments.

Nehemiah 8:7-8 (NIV): “The Levites—Jeshua, Bani, Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, Azariah, Jozabad, Hanan and Pelaiah—instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there. They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people understood what was being read.”

Participant in Public Repentance and Worship

In Nehemiah 9:4-5, Sherebiah is among the Levites who led the people in public confession and repentance. This event was a powerful moment of national renewal and recommitment to God. Sherebiah’s leadership in this spiritual revival underscores his dedication to God’s service.

Nehemiah 9:4-5 (NIV): “Standing on the stairs of the Levites were Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani and Kenani. They cried out with loud voices to the Lord their God. And the Levites—Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabniah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah—said: ‘Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting.’”

Musical Duties and Leadership

Sherebiah also had responsibilities in the musical worship of the community. Nehemiah 12:24 mentions him among those who led songs of praise and confession. Music played a vital role in Israelite worship, helping to express devotion and facilitate communal participation.

Nehemiah 12:24 (NIV): “And the leaders of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua son of Kadmiel and their associates, who stood opposite them to give praise and thanksgiving, one section responding to the other, as prescribed by David the man of God.”

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Service

Sherebiah’s example teaches modern Christians the importance of faithfulness in service. His dedication to various roles, from overseeing temple treasures to teaching the Law and leading worship, demonstrates a commitment to God’s work in all its forms. Christians today are encouraged to serve faithfully in their capacities, knowing that every role contributes to God’s greater plan.

The Value of Scripture

Sherebiah’s involvement in helping the people understand the Law highlights the importance of Scripture. Understanding and applying God’s Word is essential for spiritual growth and community renewal. Modern Christians should prioritize Bible study and teaching, ensuring that the truths of Scripture are clearly communicated and understood.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness in Restoration

The story of Sherebiah is a testament to God’s faithfulness in restoring His people. Despite the exile, God brought the Israelites back to their land and reestablished their worship practices. This reflects God’s unwavering commitment to His covenant and His desire for a relationship with His people.

A Model of Repentance

Sherebiah’s leadership in public confession and repentance serves as a model for modern Christians. It reminds us of the importance of acknowledging our sins, seeking God’s forgiveness, and recommitting to His ways. Repentance is a vital aspect of maintaining a healthy and vibrant relationship with God.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Fulfillment of the Law

Sherebiah’s role in teaching the Law points forward to Jesus Christ, who is the fulfillment of the Law (Matthew 5:17). Jesus came to complete what the Law pointed towards, providing a way for humanity to be reconciled with God. Sherebiah’s efforts in explaining the Law foreshadow the ultimate revelation of God’s will in Jesus Christ.

The Ultimate High Priest

While Sherebiah served as a priest in the post-exilic period, Jesus is our ultimate High Priest. Hebrews 4:14-16 describes Jesus as the great High Priest who empathizes with our weaknesses and intercedes for us. Sherebiah’s priestly duties remind us of the greater priestly work of Christ, who mediates a new covenant between God and humanity.

Hebrews 4:14-16 (NIV): “Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”


Sherebiah’s life and ministry, though briefly mentioned in the Bible, provide valuable insights for modern Christians. His faithfulness in various roles, dedication to teaching God’s Word, and participation in worship and repentance highlight the integral aspects of a vibrant faith. Through his story, we see the continuity of God’s covenantal promises, the importance of Scripture, and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s plan in Jesus Christ.

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