
Who Was Sheresh in the Bible?

Sheresh: A Man of the Tribe of Manasseh

Sheresh is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in 1 Chronicles 7:16. His Hebrew name, שֶׁרֶשׁ (Sheresh), appears in the genealogical records of the tribe of Manasseh, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. According to the Bible, Sheresh lived during the time of Egypt and the Wilderness, indicating his presence during significant periods of Israelite history.

The Family of Sheresh

Sheresh was the son of Machir and Maacah, as noted in 1 Chronicles 7:16. Machir was a notable descendant of Manasseh, the son of Joseph, who played a crucial role in Israel’s history. Sheresh had siblings named Gilead, Peresh, and Hammolecheth, and he was the father of Ulam and Rakem.

1 Chronicles 7:16 (NIV): “Makir’s wife Maakah gave birth to a son and named him Peresh. His brother was named Sheresh, and his sons were Ulam and Rakem.”

The Significance of the Tribe of Manasseh

The tribe of Manasseh was one of the prominent tribes of Israel, descended from Manasseh, the firstborn son of Joseph. This tribe settled on the eastern side of the Jordan River and had a significant role in the history and settlement of Israel. Sheresh’s place within this tribe highlights the importance of family lineage and the continuation of God’s covenant promises through the generations.

The Importance of Genealogy in the Bible

Genealogies in the Bible serve several purposes: they provide historical context, establish legal and familial lines, and demonstrate the continuity of God’s covenantal promises. Sheresh’s inclusion in these records, although brief, emphasizes the meticulous nature of biblical record-keeping and the value placed on every individual in God’s plan.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Value of Every Individual

Sheresh’s brief mention in the Bible serves as a reminder that every individual plays a part in God’s overarching plan. In today’s world, where individuals may feel insignificant or overlooked, the Bible affirms the value and importance of each person. Christians are encouraged to see themselves as integral parts of God’s story, contributing to His purposes in ways that may not always be immediately visible.

The Continuity of God’s Promises

Sheresh’s place in the genealogy of the tribe of Manasseh highlights the continuity of God’s promises. Despite the many challenges faced by the Israelites, God’s covenant remained steadfast. Modern Christians can take comfort in knowing that God’s promises are reliable and enduring, extending through generations and into their own lives.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Through Generations

The genealogical records, including the mention of Sheresh, illustrate God’s faithfulness throughout the generations. Despite the ups and downs in the history of Israel, God’s commitment to His people never wavered. This assurance of God’s unwavering faithfulness is a cornerstone for believers today, providing confidence in His promises and His care.

The Role of Family in Faith

The inclusion of family genealogies in the Bible underscores the importance of family in the transmission of faith and values. For modern Christians, this highlights the responsibility to nurture and pass on their faith to future generations, ensuring that the knowledge of God and His works remains alive and vibrant within families and communities.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage Leading to Christ

While Sheresh himself is a minor figure, the genealogies of the Old Testament ultimately point forward to the lineage of Jesus Christ. The detailed recording of ancestral lines underscores the precision and intentionality of God’s plan, culminating in the birth of Jesus, the Savior of the world. This connection emphasizes that every part of God’s plan, including the seemingly minor details, is purposeful and significant.

The Fulfillment of God’s Promises

Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promises made throughout the Old Testament. The genealogical records, including those that mention Sheresh, lead to the ultimate promise of salvation through Christ. Modern Christians can see the faithfulness of God in bringing about His redemptive plan through Jesus, fulfilling the covenants made with the patriarchs and their descendants.

Matthew 1:1-17 (NIV): This passage outlines the genealogy of Jesus, tracing His lineage back to Abraham and David, showcasing the fulfillment of God’s promises through history.


Sheresh, though a minor figure in the Bible, holds significant theological and historical weight. His mention in the genealogies of 1 Chronicles underscores the meticulous record-keeping of the Bible and the importance of every individual in God’s plan. For modern Christians, Sheresh’s inclusion serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness, the value of each person, and the continuity of God’s covenantal promises. His story connects believers to the rich tapestry of God’s work throughout history, culminating in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

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