
Who Was Shiphmites in the Bible?

Shiphmites: Descendants of Shiphm

The term “Shiphmites” is found in 1 Chronicles 27:27, a passage that lists various officials in King David’s administration. While the Bible does not provide extensive information about the Shiphmites, their mention offers insights into the organizational structure of David’s reign.

The Context of 1 Chronicles 27:27

In 1 Chronicles 27, we find a detailed account of King David’s military and administrative divisions. This chapter outlines the leaders of each tribe and the officials in charge of various responsibilities, reflecting the meticulous organization of David’s kingdom. The Shiphmites are listed among these groups, indicating their role in this well-ordered system.

The Role of the Shiphmites

The Hebrew word for Shiphmites in this verse is שִׁפְמִי (Shiphmi), though the exact etymology and meaning remain unclear. Despite this, their inclusion in the list of officials suggests they held a specific and possibly significant role within the administration. They could have been responsible for governance, military duties, or another administrative function in Israel.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Importance of Every Role

The mention of the Shiphmites, though brief, highlights the importance of every individual’s role within a larger community. In modern Christian life, this teaches us that each believer has a unique purpose and contribution within the body of Christ. As Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, the church is one body with many parts, each essential to the whole.

Faithfulness in Small Tasks

Even though the Shiphmites are not well-known figures, their presence in the biblical record emphasizes the value of faithfulness in seemingly minor tasks. Modern Christians are reminded to perform their duties with diligence and dedication, no matter how small they may seem. Colossians 3:23-24 encourages us to work heartily as for the Lord, knowing that our service is ultimately to God.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Attention to Detail

The detailed listing of officials, including the Shiphmites, in David’s administration reflects God’s attention to detail and order. This characteristic of God’s nature assures us that He is attentive to every aspect of our lives. Psalm 139:1-4 speaks of God’s intimate knowledge of us, highlighting His care for even the smallest details.

Assurance of God’s Care

The inclusion of groups like the Shiphmites in Scripture serves as a reminder that God cares for all His people, regardless of their prominence. This assures modern Christians that God values each person and their contributions. Matthew 10:29-31 reinforces this by reminding us that not even a sparrow falls to the ground outside of God’s care, and we are worth more than many sparrows.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Organizational Structure and Christ’s Kingdom

The organized structure of King David’s administration, which included the Shiphmites, prefigures the order and structure within the kingdom of Christ. Jesus is often referred to as the Son of David, emphasizing His role in fulfilling the Davidic covenant. The New Testament describes the church as a body with Christ as the head (Ephesians 1:22-23), indicating an organized and purposeful structure.

Our Place in Christ’s Body

Just as the Shiphmites had a specific role within David’s administration, every believer has a place within the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13 explains that Christ gave various gifts to the church to equip His people for works of service, building up the body of Christ. This encourages Christians to discover and fulfill their God-given roles within the church.


The mention of the Shiphmites in 1 Chronicles 27:27, though brief, offers significant insights into the organization of King David’s reign and the importance of every individual’s role within a community. For modern Christians, this highlights the value of every contribution, no matter how small, and reassures us of God’s detailed care and purpose for our lives. The organizational structure of David’s administration also prefigures the order and purpose within Christ’s kingdom, reminding us of our unique and valuable place within the body of Christ. By understanding these truths, we can better appreciate our role in God’s redemptive plan and strive to serve faithfully in all we do.

1. 1 Chronicles 27:27 – Shammoth the Izrahite was in charge of the first month, Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel was in charge of the second month, and in his division were 24,000 men.

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