
Who Was Shitrai in the Bible?

Shitrai: An Overseer in King David’s Administration

Shitrai is a figure mentioned briefly in the Bible in 1 Chronicles 27:29. He is described as one of the officials who served under King David during the time of the United Monarchy. Specifically, Shitrai was in charge of David’s herds that grazed in Sharon, a region known for its fertile plains and rich pastures. The name שִׁטְרַי (Shitrai) does not have a clearly defined meaning in Hebrew, and there are variations in the spelling of his name in different manuscripts (Ketiv and Qere).

The Context of 1 Chronicles 27

1 Chronicles 27 provides a detailed account of the various officials and leaders who managed different aspects of King David’s administration. This chapter highlights the organized and structured nature of David’s kingdom, with specific individuals assigned to oversee military, agricultural, and economic responsibilities. Shitrai’s role as the overseer of the herds in Sharon places him within this framework of meticulous governance.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Every Role

Shitrai’s inclusion in the biblical record, although brief, emphasizes the importance of faithfulness in every role, no matter how seemingly minor. In the body of Christ, every believer has a unique and significant role. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 teaches that the church is one body with many parts, and each part is essential to the functioning of the whole. Just as Shitrai faithfully managed the herds, Christians are called to faithfully steward their God-given responsibilities.

The Value of Administrative Roles

Shitrai’s position highlights the value of administrative roles within God’s kingdom. Often, tasks related to management and organization are overlooked or undervalued, yet they are crucial for the effective functioning of any community. Romans 12:6-8 encourages believers to use their gifts, including the gift of administration, diligently and cheerfully. Shitrai’s role reminds us that such contributions are vital and honored by God.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Attention to Detail

The mention of Shitrai in the detailed records of King David’s administration underscores God’s attention to detail. This reflects God’s character, as He is involved in every aspect of His creation. Psalm 147:4-5 speaks of God’s intimate knowledge of the universe, counting the stars and calling them by name. This assures believers that God is concerned with the details of their lives and values their contributions.

Assurance of God’s Provision

Shitrai’s responsibility for the herds in Sharon also symbolizes God’s provision for His people. The fertile plains of Sharon were a source of sustenance and prosperity. Psalm 23:1-2 portrays God as a shepherd who provides for His flock, leading them to green pastures. Shitrai’s role in managing the herds serves as a reminder of God’s faithful provision and care for His people.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the Good Shepherd

Shitrai’s role as an overseer of herds can be connected to Jesus Christ, who is often described as the Good Shepherd. In John 10:11, Jesus declares, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Christ’s care for His followers surpasses any earthly shepherd’s duties, as He provides spiritual nourishment, guidance, and protection.

Stewardship in Christ’s Kingdom

Shitrai’s example of stewardship under King David points to the broader concept of stewardship in Christ’s kingdom. Believers are entrusted with various responsibilities and are called to manage them faithfully. Jesus’ parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 emphasizes the importance of being good stewards of what God has given us, using our gifts and resources to serve His purposes.


Shitrai, though a minor figure in the Bible, offers significant lessons for modern Christians. His role in King David’s administration as the overseer of the herds in Sharon underscores the importance of faithfulness in every task, the value of administrative roles, and the meticulous nature of God’s record-keeping. Shitrai’s story also connects to broader biblical themes, such as God’s provision and the role of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

By understanding Shitrai’s place in the biblical narrative, believers can appreciate the importance of their own roles in God’s kingdom, recognizing that every contribution is valued by God. Shitrai’s example encourages Christians to be faithful stewards of their responsibilities, trusting in God’s provision and care as they serve Him.

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