
Man living at the time of United Monarchy

Shobi is a person mentioned in 2 Samuel 17:27 in the Bible. He is described as a man living at the time of the United Monarchy. Shobi is specifically identified as a man of the Ammonites, a people group living in the region at that time. The only reference to Shobi in the Bible is found in 2 Samuel 17:27.

In a biblical interpretation, the mention of Shobi in the Bible serves to provide historical context and detail about the people living in the region during the time of the United Monarchy, which was the period when Israel was united under the reigns of King Saul, King David, and King Solomon. The Ammonites were one of the neighboring nations of Israel and Judah, and their interactions with the Israelites are recorded in various parts of the Old Testament.

The Ammonites were descendants of Ben-Ammi, who was the son of Lot and his younger daughter (Genesis 19:38). Throughout the Bible, the Ammonites are often portrayed as enemies of Israel, engaging in conflicts and battles with the Israelites. However, there are also instances where individuals from the Ammonites, like Shobi, show kindness and support to the people of Israel, as seen in the story of David’s flight from Absalom in 2Samuel17

It is important to note that while the Bible provides historical details about various individuals and nations, the primary focus of the Scriptures is to reveal God’s redemptive plan for humanity through Jesus Christ. The mention of Shobi and the Ammonites serves as a backdrop to the larger narrative of God’s dealings with His chosen people and the fulfillment of His promises.

In conclusion, Shobi, as a man of the Ammonites living during the United Monarchy, represents a minor character in the historical accounts of the Bible, shedding light on the diverse interactions between different nations in the ancient Near East. His brief mention in 2 Samuel 17:27 highlights the intricate details of the biblical narrative and the providential oversight of God in the affairs of humanity.

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