
Who Was Stachys in the Bible?

A Man Living at the Time of the New Testament

Stachys is a figure mentioned briefly in the New Testament, specifically in Romans 16:9. While the Bible does not provide extensive information about Stachys, his mention in this verse offers insight into the nature of the early Christian community and the relationships within it.

Romans 16:9 (ESV) states:

“Greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Christ, and my beloved Stachys.”

The Context of Romans 16

Romans 16 is a chapter filled with personal greetings from the Apostle Paul to various members of the Christian community in Rome. This chapter provides a glimpse into the lives of early Christians and highlights the interconnectedness and fellowship among believers. The mention of Stachys as “my beloved” indicates a close and affectionate relationship between Paul and Stachys.

Stachys’ Role and Significance

Although the Bible does not elaborate on Stachys’ specific role or contributions, his inclusion in Paul’s greetings suggests that he was a respected and valued member of the Christian community. The term “beloved” used by Paul signifies a deep bond of friendship and mutual respect. Stachys likely played a significant role in supporting the early church, contributing to its growth and stability.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Christian Fellowship

Stachys’ mention in Romans 16 underscores the importance of fellowship within the Christian community. Relationships built on mutual love, respect, and faith are crucial for spiritual growth and encouragement. Modern Christians are reminded of the value of building and nurturing strong bonds within their faith communities, as these relationships provide support and strength in their spiritual journey.

Every Individual Matters

The brief mention of Stachys highlights that every individual, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is important in the body of Christ. Each person’s contribution is valuable and recognized. This encourages believers to appreciate and affirm the roles and efforts of all members within their church, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and unity.

The Power of Personal Connections

Paul’s personal greeting to Stachys illustrates the power of personal connections in ministry. These connections are vital for effective ministry and the spread of the gospel. Modern Christians can learn from Paul’s example to invest in meaningful relationships, offering encouragement and support to one another in their walk with Christ.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Personal Care and Attention

The mention of individuals like Stachys in the Bible reflects God’s personal care and attention to each believer. God values every person and their unique contributions to His kingdom. This personal attention from God assures believers of their worth and significance in His eyes, encouraging them to faithfully serve Him in their capacities.

Reflecting God’s Love in Community

The affection Paul shows towards Stachys mirrors the love and care that God extends to His children. Christians are called to reflect this love in their interactions with one another, creating a community that exemplifies God’s love and grace. This reflection of divine love strengthens the church and draws others to Christ.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Unity in Christ

Stachys’ relationship with Paul demonstrates the unity that believers have in Christ. Despite diverse backgrounds and roles, Christians are united through their faith in Jesus. This unity is a powerful testimony to the world of the transformative power of the gospel. Modern believers are encouraged to maintain this unity, working together to further the mission of the church.

The Mission of the Early Church

Stachys’ mention in the context of Paul’s missionary work highlights the collaborative nature of the early church’s mission. Just as Paul relied on the support and partnership of fellow believers like Stachys, Christians today are called to collaborate and support one another in fulfilling the Great Commission. This mission is a collective effort that requires the involvement of the entire body of Christ.


Stachys, though briefly mentioned in Romans 16:9, serves as a reminder of the value of each individual in the Christian community. His relationship with Paul highlights the importance of fellowship, mutual support, and personal connections in the body of Christ. For modern Christians, Stachys’ example teaches valuable lessons about the significance of every believer, the power of unity in Christ, and the importance of reflecting God’s love in community. By embracing these principles, believers can strengthen their faith communities and effectively participate in the mission of the church, following the example set by the early Christians.

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