
Who Was Tebaliah in the Bible?

Tebaliah’s Role during the Divided Monarchy

Tebaliah is a relatively obscure figure in the Old Testament, mentioned only once in 1 Chronicles 26:11. His name, Tebaliah (תְּבַלְיָה), means “Yahweh is good,” which reflects the deep faith and acknowledgment of God’s goodness prevalent among the Israelites. Tebaliah was a Levite, specifically one of the gatekeepers of the temple during the reign of King David. His inclusion in the detailed genealogical and administrative records of 1 Chronicles highlights the importance of every role within the service of God, no matter how seemingly small.

The Role of Gatekeepers in the Temple

In the time of King David, the temple had not yet been built, but the Ark of the Covenant had a temporary resting place. The gatekeepers, or “porters,” were responsible for guarding the entrances to this sacred area, ensuring that only those who were ritually clean and prepared for worship could enter. This was a vital role, as the purity of the temple and its rituals were central to maintaining Israel’s covenant relationship with God.

Tebaliah served alongside his brothers, Shimri, Hilkiah, and Zechariah, in this sacred duty. The gatekeepers were organized into divisions, each with specific duties and responsibilities. This organization reflects the high level of importance placed on temple service and the meticulous care taken to preserve the holiness of God’s dwelling place among His people.

The Significance of Tebaliah’s Name

The name Tebaliah, meaning “Yahweh is good,” carries profound theological significance. Names in the Bible often reflect the character of God or a particular divine attribute that the individual or their parents wished to highlight. Tebaliah’s name serves as a declaration of God’s goodness, a theme that resonates throughout the Psalms and other biblical writings (Psalm 34:8; Nahum 1:7).

By bearing this name, Tebaliah’s identity and role as a gatekeeper were intrinsically linked to the acknowledgment of God’s goodness and faithfulness. His life, though mentioned briefly, becomes a testament to the trust in God’s unwavering goodness, especially within the context of temple worship and service.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Faithfulness in Our Calling

Tebaliah’s life reminds modern Christians of the importance of faithfulness in whatever role God has called us to. Just as Tebaliah served as a gatekeeper with diligence, ensuring the sanctity of the temple, believers today are called to be vigilant in their spiritual lives. Proverbs 4:23 urges believers to “guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” This parallels Tebaliah’s role as a gatekeeper, highlighting the importance of guarding our spiritual lives against anything that might defile our relationship with God.

In the body of Christ, every role is significant, and every service is valuable, no matter how small or behind-the-scenes it may appear. 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 emphasizes that all members of the body are important and have unique roles to play. Tebaliah’s example encourages us to serve faithfully, trusting that our labor is not in vain in the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58).

Upholding Holiness in Worship

Tebaliah’s role as a gatekeeper also teaches us about the importance of upholding holiness in our worship of God. In an age where worship practices can sometimes become casual or routine, Tebaliah’s example calls us back to the reverence and purity that should characterize our approach to God. Just as the gatekeepers ensured that only the ritually clean could enter the temple, Christians today are reminded to approach God with clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-4).

Connection to a Loving God

Reflecting God’s Goodness

Tebaliah’s name, meaning “Yahweh is good,” is a reminder that our lives are meant to reflect the goodness of God. As Christians, we are called to be light in the world, reflecting the goodness and love of God to those around us (Matthew 5:16). Tebaliah’s life, though mentioned briefly, stands as a testament to the goodness of God that permeates all of creation and is evident in His care for His people.

God’s Care for the Details of Our Lives

The inclusion of Tebaliah in the genealogical record shows that God cares about the details of our lives. Every service, no matter how small, is seen and valued by God. This reflects His intimate knowledge and care for each of His children, as Jesus reminds us in Matthew 10:29-31, where even the sparrows are not forgotten by God. This should encourage believers to live their lives with the assurance that God is aware of their faithfulness, even in the smallest acts of service.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Ultimate Gatekeeper

In the New Testament, Jesus refers to Himself as the gate through which the sheep enter (John 10:7-9). Just as Tebaliah guarded the physical gates of the temple, Jesus guards the spiritual entrance to the Kingdom of God. He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Tebaliah’s role as a gatekeeper foreshadows the greater role of Christ as the one who grants access to eternal life and ensures that those who enter are made clean by His sacrifice.

The Call to Watchfulness

Jesus also calls His followers to be watchful, much like the gatekeepers of old. In Mark 13:33-37, He exhorts His disciples to stay awake and be on guard, for they do not know when the master of the house will return. This parallels the role of Tebaliah and his fellow gatekeepers, who had to be vigilant in their duties. For Christians, this means living with a sense of spiritual alertness, ready for Christ’s return and faithfully fulfilling the tasks He has given us.


Tebaliah, though only briefly mentioned in the Bible, offers a rich example of faithfulness, service, and the importance of upholding holiness in our lives. His name, meaning “Yahweh is good,” reflects the deep trust in God’s character that underpinned his service as a gatekeeper. For modern Christians, Tebaliah’s life serves as a reminder that every role in God’s Kingdom is significant, that we are called to guard our hearts and lives with diligence, and that in all things, we are to reflect the goodness of our loving God. Ultimately, Tebaliah’s story points us to Jesus Christ, the ultimate Gatekeeper, who ensures that those who come to Him are welcomed into the eternal presence of God.

– 1 Chronicles 26:11 : Hilkiah the second, Tabaliah the third and Zechariah the fourth. The sons and relatives of Hosah were thirteen in all.

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