Teman (person)

Who Was Teman in the Bible?

Teman: A Patriarch in the Lineage of Esau

Teman is a biblical figure mentioned in the genealogies of Esau, the twin brother of Jacob. As the son of Eliphaz, Esau’s eldest son, Teman holds a significant place in the lineage of the Edomites, who were descendants of Esau. This makes Teman a grandson of Esau, and his name is mentioned in several genealogical records, including Genesis 36:11, 1 Chronicles 1:36, and Genesis 36:15. The name Teman (תֵּימָן) means “south” or “southern region,” which not only refers to a geographic location but also carries symbolic meaning in biblical literature.

Teman in the Genealogies

The genealogical records in Genesis and 1 Chronicles list Teman among the sons of Eliphaz, alongside his brothers Omar, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz, and Amalek. This lineage is important because it establishes the foundation for the Edomite nation, a group that played a significant role in the history of Israel. Esau, also known as Edom, became the father of the Edomites, and his descendants settled in the region of Seir, south of the land of Israel.

Teman’s inclusion in these genealogies highlights his prominence within the Edomite family structure. The Edomites often interacted with the Israelites, sometimes as allies but more frequently as adversaries. This tumultuous relationship between the two nations is a recurring theme throughout the Old Testament, where Edom’s fate is often tied to its actions toward Israel.

Teman’s Association with Wisdom

Teman is not only a person but also a region in Edom that became synonymous with wisdom and understanding. This association is most famously exemplified in the book of Job, where one of Job’s friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, represents the voice of traditional wisdom (Job 2:11). Eliphaz’s connection to Teman suggests that the region was known for its wise men, and the wisdom of Teman became proverbial in ancient Israel.

The prophets also reference Teman when speaking of Edom. For example, in Jeremiah 49:7, the Lord questions, “Is wisdom no more in Teman? Has counsel perished from the prudent? Has their wisdom vanished?” This rhetorical question implies that Teman was once esteemed for its wisdom, but even such wisdom would be insufficient to prevent the judgment that was coming upon Edom.

The Role of Teman in Edom’s History

Teman, as both a person and a region, is closely tied to the broader narrative of Edom’s relationship with Israel. The Edomites, descendants of Esau, were often at odds with the Israelites, descendants of Jacob. Despite their shared ancestry, the two nations had a contentious relationship, marked by conflicts and hostilities.

The Bible records numerous prophecies against Edom, foretelling its eventual downfall due to its hostility towards Israel. In Obadiah 1:9, the prophet declares, “Your warriors, Teman, will be terrified, and everyone in Esau’s mountains will be cut down in the slaughter.” This prophecy highlights Teman’s significance within Edom and its ultimate fate as part of God’s judgment on the nation.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Dangers of Pride and Hostility

The story of Teman and Edom serves as a warning against pride and hostility toward God’s people. The Edomites, despite their close kinship with Israel, allowed pride and animosity to fuel their actions, leading to their downfall. This reflects the broader biblical principle that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

For modern Christians, this is a reminder to guard against the dangers of pride and to maintain a posture of humility. The story of Teman and Edom teaches that pride can lead to estrangement from God and can result in severe consequences. Instead, believers are called to live in humility, recognizing their dependence on God’s grace.

The Importance of Wisdom

Teman’s association with wisdom, particularly through Eliphaz the Temanite, underscores the value of seeking wisdom. However, the wisdom of Teman, while respected, ultimately fell short when it was not aligned with God’s truth. Eliphaz’s counsel to Job, though well-intentioned, was flawed because it lacked a full understanding of God’s ways.

This highlights the importance of grounding our wisdom in the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of true wisdom (Proverbs 9:10). Christians are called to seek wisdom that is not merely human or traditional but is rooted in the knowledge of God and His Word. True wisdom comes from aligning our understanding with God’s revealed truth, rather than relying solely on human insight.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty Over Nations

The story of Teman and Edom also illustrates God’s sovereignty over the nations. Despite Edom’s strength and wisdom, it could not escape God’s judgment. The prophetic declarations against Edom, including those involving Teman, demonstrate that no nation is beyond God’s reach or authority.

For modern Christians, this serves as a reminder of God’s control over all events in history. God’s sovereignty means that He is actively involved in the affairs of nations and individuals, guiding history according to His divine plan. This truth offers comfort and assurance that God is in control, even when the world seems chaotic or unjust.

God’s Justice and Mercy

The judgment pronounced against Teman and Edom is a reflection of God’s justice. Yet, even in judgment, God’s purpose is not simply to destroy but to call people back to Himself. The story of Edom’s downfall is a reminder that God’s justice is always balanced with His mercy. He desires repentance and restoration, not just punishment.

Christians today can find hope in the fact that God’s judgments are not arbitrary but are designed to lead people to repentance. God’s justice is an expression of His love, as He seeks to correct and restore those who turn away from Him. This understanding should encourage believers to trust in God’s just and merciful character, knowing that He is always working for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Fulfillment of True Wisdom

While Teman was known for its wisdom, true wisdom is ultimately found in Jesus Christ. Colossians 2:3 declares that in Christ “are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Jesus is the embodiment of divine wisdom, surpassing the limited understanding of human wisdom represented by figures like Eliphaz the Temanite.

For Christians, this means that following Jesus is the path to true wisdom. By learning from His teachings, embracing His example, and living according to His Word, believers can access the wisdom that leads to life. Jesus invites all to come to Him, not only for salvation but also for the wisdom needed to navigate the complexities of life.

Jesus as the Ultimate Judge and Redeemer

The prophetic judgments against Teman and Edom foreshadow the ultimate judgment that will be carried out by Jesus Christ. As the righteous judge, Christ will separate the righteous from the wicked at the end of time (Matthew 25:31-46). However, Jesus is not only the judge; He is also the redeemer who offers salvation to all who repent and believe in Him.

For believers, this dual role of Jesus as judge and redeemer emphasizes the urgency of sharing the gospel. It also provides assurance that, in Christ, we have an advocate who intercedes on our behalf. Through His sacrifice, we are spared from the judgment that fell upon Teman and Edom, and we are brought into the fullness of life in Him.


Teman, both as a person and a region, plays a significant role in the biblical narrative, particularly in the context of Edom’s history and its relationship with Israel. Teman’s story teaches valuable lessons about the dangers of pride, the limitations of human wisdom, and the importance of humility before God. It also highlights God’s sovereignty, justice, and mercy, pointing us to the ultimate fulfillment of wisdom and justice in Jesus Christ.

For modern Christians, the story of Teman is a reminder to seek true wisdom in Christ, to live humbly before God, and to trust in His sovereign plan for our lives. As we reflect on the lessons from Teman, we are encouraged to deepen our relationship with God, relying on His wisdom and grace to guide us in every aspect of our lives. Through Jesus, we find the wisdom, redemption, and hope that surpass all human understanding, leading us to eternal life in Him.

– Genesis36:11, 15, 42
– 1 Chronicles 1:36, 53

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