
What Was Thebez in the Bible?

The Historical and Biblical Significance of Thebez

Thebez, known in Hebrew as תֶּבֶץ (Tevetz), is a city mentioned briefly in the Old Testament. Although its appearances are limited, Thebez plays a significant role in the unfolding of God’s justice, particularly in the story of Abimelech, a son of Gideon, who sought to establish himself as king in Israel through violent means. The city is mentioned in two key passages: Judges 9:50-54 and 2 Samuel 11:21. These accounts offer insights into the consequences of pride, the execution of divine justice, and the importance of God’s protection.

The Story of Abimelech and Thebez

Abimelech’s Ambition and Thebez’s Defiance

In the Book of Judges, Abimelech is depicted as a man driven by ambition and ruthless in his quest for power. He persuaded the leaders of Shechem to support him in becoming king by eliminating his seventy half-brothers, the sons of Gideon, in an effort to secure his rule (Judges 9:1-5). After his rise to power, Abimelech’s reign was marked by treachery and bloodshed, ultimately leading to his downfall as a fulfillment of the curse pronounced by Jotham, Gideon’s surviving son (Judges 9:7-21).

Thebez enters the narrative in Judges 9:50-54, when Abimelech, after quelling a revolt in Shechem, turned his attention to the city of Thebez. The people of Thebez, upon learning of Abimelech’s approach, took refuge in the city’s stronghold, a tower that served as their last line of defense. In his attempt to destroy the tower and the people within, Abimelech met his end when a woman dropped an upper millstone from the tower, striking his head and mortally wounding him. In a final act of pride, Abimelech commanded his armor-bearer to kill him with a sword so that it would not be said that a woman killed him (Judges 9:54). This event fulfilled Jotham’s curse and demonstrated the futility of Abimelech’s violent ambitions.

Thebez as a Point of Reference in 2 Samuel

The city of Thebez is mentioned again in 2 Samuel 11:21, in a message from Joab, the commander of David’s army, to King David. Joab referred to the incident at Thebez while reporting on a failed military campaign, using it as an example to caution against reckless assaults on fortified cities. This reference underscores the enduring significance of Thebez as a symbol of the dangers associated with pride and the consequences of underestimating one’s adversaries.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Danger of Pride and the Consequences of Sin

The story of Abimelech and the events at Thebez serve as a stark reminder of the dangers of pride and the severe consequences of sin. Abimelech’s rise to power was marked by treachery and murder, and his eventual downfall at Thebez illustrates the biblical principle that “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18). His death, inflicted by a woman’s hand, was a fitting end to a life characterized by arrogance and cruelty.

For modern Christians, this story serves as a warning to guard against pride and to recognize the destructive nature of sin. Abimelech’s story also highlights the importance of humility and the need to submit to God’s will rather than pursuing our selfish ambitions. James 4:6 reminds us that “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble,” encouraging believers to seek humility in their walk with God.

The Fulfillment of Divine Justice

The events at Thebez also illustrate the certainty of divine justice. Jotham’s curse upon Abimelech was fulfilled when the very people he sought to destroy became the instruments of his downfall. This serves as a powerful reminder that God’s justice is inevitable and that He will not allow wickedness to go unpunished.

For believers today, the story of Thebez reassures us that God is just and that He will ultimately bring about justice in His perfect timing. While we may witness injustice in the world, we can trust that God sees all and will judge righteously. Romans 12:19 encourages Christians to leave vengeance to God: “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

The Importance of Seeking Refuge in God

The people of Thebez sought refuge in their stronghold when Abimelech came to destroy them, and it was from this place of refuge that God delivered them. This imagery of seeking refuge resonates deeply with the biblical theme of God as our stronghold and protector. Psalm 18:2 declares, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.”

For modern Christians, Thebez’s stronghold symbolizes the protection and safety we find in God. In times of trouble and persecution, we are called to seek refuge in the Lord, trusting in His power to deliver and protect us. The story of Thebez reminds us that while earthly strongholds may fall, God’s protection is steadfast and sure.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Sovereignty and Protection

The events at Thebez reveal God’s sovereign control over history and His ability to bring about justice through unexpected means. Despite Abimelech’s power and determination, God used a humble woman and a simple millstone to accomplish His purposes. This demonstrates that God’s ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and that He can use anyone or anything to fulfill His divine will.

For believers, this connection to a loving God is a source of comfort and assurance. We can trust that God is in control of all situations, even when circumstances seem dire. His protection and care for His people are evident throughout Scripture, and the story of Thebez is yet another testament to His faithfulness.

The Call to Trust in God’s Justice

The fulfillment of Jotham’s curse at Thebez also serves as a reminder that God’s justice is perfect and will be carried out in His timing. While we may not always see justice immediately, we can rest in the knowledge that God is just and that He will not allow evil to triumph. This truth calls believers to trust in God’s judgment rather than taking matters into their own hands.

Romans 8:28 assures us that “in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” This promise encourages Christians to rely on God’s justice and to trust that He is working all things for our good and His glory, even when we cannot see the full picture.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Ultimate Fulfillment of Justice

The story of Thebez, with its themes of justice and the downfall of the wicked, ultimately points to the work of Jesus Christ, who embodies the perfect fulfillment of God’s justice. On the cross, Jesus bore the full weight of God’s wrath against sin, satisfying divine justice on our behalf. Through His death and resurrection, Christ offers forgiveness and reconciliation to all who believe in Him.

For Christians, the story of Thebez reminds us of the seriousness of sin and the justice that it demands. Yet, in Christ, we find the perfect balance of justice and mercy. Jesus’s sacrifice assures us that while God is just, He is also merciful, providing a way for us to be reconciled to Him through faith.

The Assurance of Victory in Christ

Just as the people of Thebez found refuge in their stronghold, Christians find ultimate refuge in Jesus Christ. He is our fortress and deliverer, and through Him, we have the assurance of victory over sin and death. Colossians 2:15 declares that Jesus “disarmed the powers and authorities, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”

The story of Thebez and the defeat of Abimelech serve as a foreshadowing of the ultimate victory that Christ secured for us. As believers, we are called to live in the confidence of this victory, knowing that in Christ, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37).


Thebez, though a minor city mentioned in the Bible, holds significant lessons for modern Christians. The events surrounding Abimelech’s downfall at Thebez illustrate the dangers of pride, the certainty of divine justice, and the importance of seeking refuge in God. Moreover, these themes connect us to the broader narrative of Scripture, pointing us to the perfect justice and protection found in Jesus Christ. As we reflect on the story of Thebez, we are reminded of the importance of humility, faith in God’s justice, and the assurance of victory in Christ, our ultimate stronghold and deliverer.

Where was Thebez in the Bible?

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