
Who Was Tiria in the Bible?

The Identity of Tiria

Tiria is a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, mentioned only once in 1 Chronicles 4:16. The Hebrew name Tiria (תִּרְעָה, Tir‘âh) appears in a genealogical list that details the descendants of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Tiria is noted as a son of Jehallelel and is listed alongside his brothers Ziph, Ziphah, and Asarel. Although there is little detailed information about Tiria’s life or actions, his inclusion in this genealogy is significant within the context of the biblical narrative.

The Context of Tiria’s Mention

The mention of Tiria occurs within the broader genealogies found in 1 Chronicles, which are intended to trace the lineage of the tribes of Israel, particularly Judah. This genealogy is not merely a list of names; it reflects the continuity of God’s covenant with His people. The tribe of Judah is especially significant in the biblical story because it is the tribe from which King David came, and ultimately, it is the tribe from which Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was born.

The genealogies in 1 Chronicles serve multiple purposes. They emphasize the importance of family connections and heritage in the Israelite community, demonstrate the fulfillment of God’s promises through successive generations, and point forward to the coming of the Messiah. Tiria’s place within this genealogy, though seemingly minor, contributes to this larger narrative of God’s redemptive plan.

Tiria’s Family Background

Tiria is the son of Jehallelel, a man whose name means “God shines” or “God enlightens” (יְהַלְלְאֵל, Yehallelel). Tiria’s brothers are Ziph (זִיף, Zîph), Ziphah (זִיפָה, Zîphâh), and Asarel (עֲשַׂרְאֵל, ‘Asa’rel). These names, while not widely known, are significant in that they represent the continued lineage of Judah, a tribe that played a crucial role in the history of Israel.

The Significance of Genealogies in the Bible

The genealogies found throughout the Bible, including the one that mentions Tiria, are more than mere records of ancestry. They are theological statements that highlight God’s faithfulness to His covenant people. By preserving these genealogies, the Bible underscores the importance of lineage, inheritance, and the fulfillment of God’s promises to His people.

For the tribe of Judah, the genealogies are particularly important because they establish the tribe’s central role in Israel’s history and in the coming of the Messiah. Tiria’s inclusion in this genealogy serves to connect him to the broader story of God’s covenant with Israel, a story that would ultimately find its fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Every Individual in God’s Plan

Tiria’s brief mention in the Bible serves as a reminder that every individual plays a role in God’s plan, no matter how minor or insignificant their life might seem. In the vast tapestry of God’s redemptive history, each person’s life is woven into the overall narrative. For modern Christians, this truth is both comforting and challenging. It reassures believers that their lives have meaning and purpose within God’s plan, even if their impact is not widely recognized.

Faithfulness in Generations

The genealogy that includes Tiria highlights the importance of generational faithfulness. Throughout the Bible, we see God’s promises being fulfilled through successive generations, as each person contributes to the continuity of His covenant. For Christians today, this emphasizes the importance of passing on faith to the next generation. Whether through teaching, example, or prayer, the faithfulness of one generation can have a lasting impact on the next.

The Value of Heritage and Legacy

Tiria’s place in the genealogy of Judah reminds Christians of the value of heritage and legacy. The Bible places great importance on the continuity of faith and the passing down of God’s promises through families. Modern believers are encouraged to honor their spiritual heritage and to be intentional about the legacy they leave behind. Just as Tiria’s name is recorded in the biblical narrative, so too are the lives of believers recorded in God’s memory.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Care for Each Person

Tiria’s inclusion in the genealogy of Judah, despite being a lesser-known figure, reflects the personal nature of God’s care for each individual. God’s attention to detail in preserving these genealogies demonstrates His concern for every person’s place in His redemptive plan. This is a powerful reminder that God knows and values each of His children, regardless of how unnoticed they might feel in the world.

The Assurance of God’s Promises

The genealogies in 1 Chronicles, including the mention of Tiria, underscore the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises. Despite the many ups and downs in Israel’s history, God’s covenant with His people remained steadfast. For modern Christians, this is a source of great assurance. Just as God kept His promises to Israel, He will keep His promises to His people today. Believers can trust in God’s faithfulness, knowing that He is always working to fulfill His purposes.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Lineage of Judah

Tiria’s place in the genealogy of Judah is part of the larger narrative that leads to the birth of Jesus Christ. The tribe of Judah was chosen by God to be the line through which the Messiah would come. Jesus, born of the tribe of Judah, is the ultimate fulfillment of the promises made to the patriarchs and to King David. This connection to Jesus highlights the continuity of God’s plan from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

The Universality of Christ’s Salvation

While Tiria’s mention might seem insignificant, it is part of the broader tapestry that points to the universality of Christ’s salvation. Jesus came not only for the prominent figures in Israel’s history but for all people, including those like Tiria, who are less well-known. This reminds Christians that Christ’s salvation is available to all, regardless of status or recognition.

Our Place in the Story of Redemption

Just as Tiria’s life was part of the unfolding story of redemption that led to Christ, so too are believers today part of that same story. Through faith in Jesus, Christians are grafted into the lineage of faith that began with Abraham and continued through the tribe of Judah. This connection to Christ gives believers a place in the eternal narrative of God’s redemptive work, a narrative that continues to unfold as the Gospel is proclaimed to all nations.


Tiria, though a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, holds a place in the grand narrative of God’s redemptive history. His inclusion in the genealogy of Judah highlights the significance of every individual in God’s plan, the importance of generational faithfulness, and the value of heritage and legacy. For modern Christians, Tiria’s story serves as a reminder of God’s personal care, the assurance of His promises, and the believer’s place in the story of redemption that culminates in Jesus Christ. Through Tiria’s brief mention, we see the unfolding of God’s eternal purposes, encouraging us to live faithfully and to trust in the God who is always faithful to His promises.

1 Chronicles 4:16 – The sons of Jehallelel: Ziph, Ziphah, Tiria and Asarel.

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