
Who Was Tobijah in the Bible?

Tobijah: A Man of Multiple Roles in Biblical History

Tobijah (טוֹבִיָּה, Toviyyah), a name meaning “Yahweh is good,” appears in the Bible in two distinct contexts, each reflecting different aspects of his character and his contributions to the life of Israel. In one instance, Tobijah is mentioned as a teacher of the Law during the reign of King Jehoshaphat, and in another, as a craftsman involved in a significant prophetic act during the ministry of Zechariah. Both roles highlight the importance of obedience, service, and faithfulness to God’s commands in the life of the believer.

Tobijah the Teacher of the Law

Tobijah’s Role in Jehoshaphat’s Reforms

2 Chronicles 17:8 mentions Tobijah as one of the men appointed by King Jehoshaphat to teach the Law in the cities of Judah. This was part of Jehoshaphat’s broader reforms aimed at turning the hearts of the people back to God. During this time, Judah faced the threat of idolatry and spiritual decline, similar to the northern kingdom of Israel. To combat this, Jehoshaphat sent out teachers throughout the land to instruct the people in the Mosaic Law, ensuring that they understood God’s commandments and lived according to His will.

Tobijah’s inclusion in this group of teachers suggests that he was a man of considerable knowledge and integrity, entrusted with the critical task of educating the people in God’s ways. The importance of this mission cannot be overstated, as it was through such teaching that the spiritual health of the nation could be restored and maintained. By grounding the people in the Law, Tobijah and his fellow teachers were helping to preserve the covenant relationship between God and His people.

Tobijah the Craftsman

Tobijah’s Involvement in Zechariah’s Prophetic Act

Tobijah’s second mention in the Bible is found in Zechariah 6:10, where he is named as one of the men involved in a prophetic sign-act commanded by God. The prophet Zechariah, during the post-exilic period, was instructed by God to take silver and gold from Tobijah, Heldai, and Jedaiah, who had returned from Babylon, and to make a crown for Joshua the high priest. This crown was symbolic, representing the future reign of the Messiah, who would be both king and priest, uniting these two offices in one person.

Tobijah’s role in this act, though seemingly minor, was part of a significant prophetic message. His contribution of materials for the crown placed him in a position of supporting God’s prophetic work through Zechariah. This act demonstrated his willingness to participate in God’s plans, providing resources that would be used to communicate a profound truth about the coming Messiah.

Theological Significance of Tobijah’s Roles

A Man of Service and Obedience

Tobijah’s involvement in both teaching the Law and contributing to a prophetic act underscores the importance of service and obedience in the life of a believer. Whether through educating others about God’s commands or supporting prophetic ministry, Tobijah exemplified a life dedicated to serving God’s purposes. His willingness to take on different roles as needed by God’s plan highlights the flexibility and faithfulness required of those who serve the Lord.

In a broader theological sense, Tobijah’s life reflects the truth that God uses individuals in various ways to accomplish His purposes. Whether in teaching, craftsmanship, or any other field, the key is to be available and obedient to God’s call, trusting that He will use our gifts and resources to further His kingdom.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Biblical Teaching

Tobijah’s role as a teacher of the Law during Jehoshaphat’s reign offers a powerful lesson for modern Christians about the importance of biblical teaching. In an age where many are drifting away from the truth of Scripture, the need for sound, biblical instruction is as critical as ever. Tobijah’s example encourages believers to prioritize the study and teaching of God’s Word, both in their personal lives and within the church. By doing so, they can help safeguard their faith and ensure that the next generation is grounded in the truth.

Serving in Different Capacities

Tobijah’s dual roles as a teacher and a craftsman remind Christians that God calls His people to serve in various capacities. Whether teaching, providing resources, or engaging in acts of service, every role is valuable in God’s eyes. Modern believers are encouraged to embrace the different ways God may call them to serve, recognizing that all work done for the Lord is meaningful and contributes to His greater plan.

Faithfulness in Obscurity

Although Tobijah is not a well-known figure in the Bible, his faithfulness in carrying out God’s commands is a powerful testimony. This teaches Christians that their service to God does not need to be in the spotlight to be significant. Faithfulness in the small, often unnoticed tasks is highly valued by God. Believers can find encouragement in knowing that God sees and honors their efforts, even if they go unnoticed by the world.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Use of Ordinary People

Tobijah’s life illustrates how God delights in using ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary purposes. Whether through teaching the Law or contributing to a prophetic act, Tobijah was part of God’s plan to guide and shape His people. This reflects the character of a loving God who involves His children in His work, allowing them to participate in His redemptive plan. For modern Christians, this is a reminder that no matter how ordinary they may feel, God can and will use them if they are willing to serve.

God’s Faithfulness to His Covenant

In both of Tobijah’s roles, we see God’s faithfulness to His covenant with Israel. Through teaching the Law, Tobijah helped ensure that the people remained faithful to the covenant. Through his contribution to the prophetic act in Zechariah, he was part of a declaration of God’s ongoing plan to send a Messiah who would fulfill the promises made to His people. God’s faithfulness is evident in how He continually provided guidance, instruction, and hope to Israel, ensuring that His covenant would be remembered and fulfilled.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets

Tobijah’s roles point forward to the ultimate fulfillment of God’s Law and the prophetic promises in the person of Jesus Christ. As a teacher of the Law, Tobijah’s work was part of the ongoing effort to prepare God’s people to receive the Messiah. Jesus Himself came to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17), perfectly embodying the righteousness that the Law demanded.

In Zechariah’s prophetic act, where Tobijah contributed to the making of a crown for Joshua the high priest, we see a foreshadowing of Jesus, who would unite the offices of king and priest. Jesus is the ultimate High Priest and King, the one who fulfills all that the Law and the Prophets pointed toward. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus accomplished what the Law could not, bringing salvation to all who believe in Him.

The Call to Participate in Christ’s Mission

Tobijah’s willingness to serve in various roles serves as a call for Christians to participate in Christ’s ongoing mission in the world. Just as Tobijah was part of God’s work in his time, believers today are called to contribute to the advancement of God’s kingdom through their unique gifts and callings. Whether in teaching, serving, or supporting the work of the church, every believer has a role to play in proclaiming the gospel and building up the body of Christ.


Tobijah, though not a prominent figure in the Bible, played significant roles in two key periods of Israel’s history. As a teacher of the Law under King Jehoshaphat and as a contributor to a prophetic act during Zechariah’s ministry, Tobijah exemplifies faithful service and obedience to God’s call. His life teaches modern Christians the importance of biblical teaching, the value of serving in different capacities, and the need for faithfulness in all things. Ultimately, Tobijah’s story points us to Jesus Christ, the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets, and challenges us to participate in His redemptive work in the world. Through Tobijah’s example, believers are reminded that every act of service, no matter how small, is part of God’s greater plan and is valuable in His sight.

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