
Who Was Tohu in the Bible?

Tohu: A Levite in the Time of the United Monarchy

Tohu is a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, mentioned briefly in the genealogical records of the Old Testament. Despite the brevity of his mention, Tohu’s inclusion in these records serves as a vital link in the lineage of the tribe of Levi, the tribe set apart for priestly duties in Israel. Tohu is identified as the son of Zuph and the father of Elihu in 1 Samuel 1:1. He is also referred to by alternative names, such as Nahath in 1 Chronicles 6:26 and Toah in 1 Chronicles 6:34. These genealogical references place Tohu in the period of the United Monarchy, during the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon.

The Lineage of Tohu

Tohu’s lineage traces back to the tribe of Levi, a tribe with a unique role in Israel’s history. The Levites were not allotted a specific territory like the other tribes of Israel; instead, they were given cities throughout the land and were responsible for the religious duties of the nation, including the care of the tabernacle and later the temple. Tohu, as a descendant of Levi, was part of this honored tradition.

1 Samuel 1:1 provides the first mention of Tohu, where he is identified as the son of Zuph, an Ephraimite, and the father of Elihu. This genealogical detail is important because it connects Tohu to the lineage that eventually leads to the prophet Samuel, one of the most significant figures in Israel’s history. Samuel, who anointed both Saul and David as kings of Israel, played a crucial role in the transition from the period of the judges to the establishment of the monarchy.

The Meaning of Tohu’s Name

The name Tohu (תּוֹחִי, Tōḥu) is derived from a Hebrew word that means “formlessness” or “emptiness.” While the Bible does not explicitly connect the meaning of Tohu’s name to his character or circumstances, the choice of this name may reflect a cultural or familial significance. Names in the Bible often carry deep meanings, sometimes reflecting the hopes, struggles, or prophetic insights of those who bear them. In Tohu’s case, however, the text does not provide further elaboration on how his name relates to his life.

Tohu’s Role in Biblical History

Tohu’s significance in the Bible is largely tied to his place in the genealogy of the tribe of Levi. The Levites were critical in maintaining the religious life of Israel, particularly in their service at the tabernacle and later the temple. Although Tohu himself is not recorded as performing any specific acts or fulfilling particular roles, his inclusion in the genealogical record underscores the importance of his lineage. It is through individuals like Tohu that the continuity of the Levitical line and its sacred duties were preserved.

The alternative names for Tohu, such as Nahath and Toah, found in 1 Chronicles 6:26 and 1 Chronicles 6:34, suggest that genealogical records may have been maintained and transmitted with slight variations. These differences do not diminish the significance of Tohu’s place in the lineage but rather highlight the complexities of ancient record-keeping and the importance placed on preserving these family histories.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Faithful Service

Tohu’s life, though not detailed in Scripture, teaches modern Christians the importance of faithful service, even in obscurity. Tohu was part of the tribe of Levi, a tribe set apart for service to God, yet we hear little about his individual contributions. This reminds believers that faithfulness in the roles God assigns, even when they seem small or unnoticed, is valuable in His sight. Every believer has a part to play in God’s plan, and like Tohu, our faithfulness can impact generations to come.

The Value of Spiritual Heritage

Tohu’s inclusion in the genealogical records emphasizes the importance of spiritual heritage. Just as Tohu was part of a lineage that maintained the religious life of Israel, modern Christians are part of a spiritual lineage that connects them to the faith of the early church and the teachings of Christ. Understanding and valuing this heritage can inspire believers to live faithfully and pass on the faith to the next generation.

Names and Their Significance

The meaning of Tohu’s name, “formlessness” or “emptiness,” might seem negative, but it serves as a reminder that God often works through people who may feel insignificant or unnoticed. In the Bible, names often carry deep meanings, and God frequently chooses to work through those who might be seen as weak or insignificant by the world’s standards. This encourages believers to trust that God can use them, regardless of how they view themselves or their circumstances.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Across Generations

Tohu’s place in the genealogy of Levi is a testament to God’s faithfulness across generations. The preservation of the Levitical line, despite the challenges and changes Israel faced, reflects God’s commitment to His covenant people. Tohu’s life, though not detailed, is part of the larger story of God’s ongoing relationship with Israel, a relationship marked by God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.

For modern Christians, this highlights the truth that God is faithful to His promises, not just to individuals but to families and communities across generations. God’s covenant love extends beyond our lifetime, impacting our descendants and the broader community of faith. This encourages believers to remain faithful, knowing that their obedience and devotion contribute to the ongoing story of God’s work in the world.

God’s Use of Ordinary Lives

Tohu’s seemingly ordinary life is a reminder of how God uses everyday people to accomplish His purposes. While Tohu’s story is not filled with dramatic events, his place in the genealogy shows that God values every person and every life. In God’s eyes, there are no insignificant lives; each person plays a role in His divine plan.

This reassures believers that God sees and values their lives, even if they feel their contributions are small or unnoticed. God’s love is not based on our accomplishments but on His gracious choice to involve us in His purposes. This gives Christians confidence that their lives matter and that they are part of something much larger than themselves.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The Lineage Leading to Christ

Tohu’s place in the genealogical records ultimately points forward to the coming of Jesus Christ. The tribe of Levi, from which Tohu descended, played a central role in the religious life of Israel, and it was from the broader lineage of Israel that the Messiah would come. While Jesus did not come from the tribe of Levi but from the tribe of Judah, the careful preservation of these genealogies reflects God’s plan to bring about the Savior of the world.

Christians can see in Tohu’s genealogy a connection to the larger story of redemption that culminates in Jesus. Every person and event in the Old Testament, including those like Tohu, are part of the unfolding plan that leads to the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ. This reminds believers that all of Scripture points to Jesus and that understanding these connections deepens our appreciation of God’s redemptive work.

Jesus as the Fulfillment of the Law

Tohu’s Levitical heritage is also significant in light of Jesus’ role as the fulfillment of the Law. The Levites were responsible for the religious life of Israel, particularly in upholding the Law given through Moses. Jesus, in His life and ministry, perfectly fulfilled the Law and brought it to its full meaning (Matthew 5:17). While the Levites served as priests under the old covenant, Jesus established a new covenant through His sacrifice, becoming the ultimate High Priest who mediates between God and humanity.

For Christians, this highlights the transition from the old covenant, represented by the Levitical priesthood, to the new covenant in Christ. It encourages believers to rely not on the works of the Law but on the grace of God through Jesus Christ, who has fulfilled all that the Law required on our behalf.


Tohu, though a relatively obscure figure in the Bible, plays an important role in the genealogical records that trace the lineage of the tribe of Levi. His life, while not detailed, is part of the larger story of God’s faithfulness to His covenant people and the preservation of the priestly line. For modern Christians, Tohu’s story offers lessons on the importance of faithful service, the value of spiritual heritage, and the significance of every life in God’s plan. Tohu’s connection to the broader narrative of Scripture points forward to Jesus Christ, the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises and the true High Priest who mediates on behalf of all believers. Through Tohu’s example, we are reminded that our lives, no matter how ordinary they may seem, are part of God’s extraordinary plan of redemption.

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