
Who Was Toi in the Bible?

Toi: A King During the United Monarchy

Toi, also referred to as Tou in some translations such as the NIV, was a king who lived during the time of Israel’s United Monarchy, a period when the nation of Israel was under the rule of its first three kings: Saul, David, and Solomon. Toi is specifically mentioned in 2 Samuel 8:9 and 1 Chronicles 18:9 as the king of Hamath, a city-state located in what is now modern-day Syria. His name, which means “good” or “pleasant,” reflects the peaceful and diplomatic relationship he maintained with King David, one of Israel’s most prominent leaders.

Toi’s Diplomatic Gesture to David

The biblical narrative introduces Toi in the context of King David’s military victories. After David defeated Hadadezer, the king of Zobah, Toi recognized that this victory over a mutual enemy could have significant implications for the political landscape of the region. Hadadezer had been a powerful adversary, and his defeat likely shifted the balance of power. In response, Toi made a strategic and diplomatic move by sending his son Joram (sometimes referred to as Hadoram in some translations) to congratulate David on his victory.

2 Samuel 8:9-10 records this event: “When Toi king of Hamath heard that David had defeated the entire army of Hadadezer, he sent his son Joram to King David to greet him and congratulate him on his victory in battle, for Hadadezer had been at war with Toi. Joram brought with him articles of silver, of gold, and of bronze.”

This act of sending gifts and congratulations was more than just a courteous gesture; it was a deliberate effort to establish peaceful relations with David, acknowledging his power and seeking to form an alliance or at least ensure non-aggression between their respective kingdoms. By sending his son Joram as an emissary, Toi demonstrated both humility and wisdom, recognizing the importance of maintaining good relationships with powerful neighbors.

The Political and Spiritual Significance of Toi’s Actions

Toi’s actions are significant not only from a political perspective but also from a theological one. In the ancient Near Eastern context, kings often formed alliances through gifts and treaties to secure peace and stability for their kingdoms. Toi’s decision to honor David with valuable gifts of silver, gold, and bronze indicated his desire to be on good terms with the emerging power of Israel under David’s rule.

From a biblical standpoint, Toi’s gesture can be seen as part of God’s sovereign plan to establish David’s kingdom and to bring peace to the region. David, who was described as a man after God’s own heart, was used by God to expand Israel’s borders and establish a period of peace and prosperity. The positive relationship between Toi and David underscores the idea that God’s hand was at work in the affairs of nations, orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

The Importance of Diplomacy and Peaceful Relationships

Toi’s actions provide a valuable lesson for modern Christians about the importance of diplomacy and maintaining peaceful relationships. In a world often marked by conflict and division, Toi’s example encourages believers to seek peace and pursue reconciliation in their relationships, both personally and within broader social and political contexts. The Bible calls Christians to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9), and Toi’s diplomatic approach to David serves as a reminder of the power and importance of peaceful interactions.

Recognizing God’s Sovereignty in World Affairs

The story of Toi also highlights the sovereignty of God in the affairs of nations. Just as God was at work in the political dynamics of the ancient world, He remains in control of the events and leaders of today. For Christians, this is a call to trust in God’s providence, even when world events seem chaotic or uncertain. Understanding that God is sovereign over all kingdoms and rulers provides believers with confidence and peace, knowing that ultimately, God’s purposes will prevail.

The Role of Humility in Leadership

Toi’s willingness to humble himself before David, acknowledging his victory and offering gifts, reflects the importance of humility in leadership. Whether in political, spiritual, or personal realms, humility is a key virtue that enables leaders to build bridges, foster cooperation, and avoid unnecessary conflict. For Christians, humility is a reflection of Christ’s character, who, though He was in the form of God, took on the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:5-8). Toi’s example challenges believers to adopt a posture of humility in their dealings with others, recognizing that true strength often lies in the ability to seek peace and unity.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Desire for Peace Among Nations

Toi’s peaceful interaction with David illustrates a broader biblical theme: God’s desire for peace among nations. Throughout Scripture, God expresses His desire for peace, both between individuals and among nations. In the Old Testament, we see examples of peace treaties and alliances that reflect this desire, and in the New Testament, Jesus is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Toi’s actions align with God’s heart for peace, showing that even in a world filled with conflict, there is a place for diplomacy and reconciliation.

God’s Involvement in the Affairs of Kings

The story of Toi also reminds us that God is actively involved in the affairs of kings and nations. In the Bible, God often directs the actions of leaders to fulfill His purposes, even when they may not be fully aware of it. Toi’s decision to seek peace with David can be seen as part of God’s overarching plan to establish David’s kingdom and bring about His will on earth. For Christians, this is a comforting truth, knowing that God is sovereign over all events and that His plans are ultimately for good.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Christ as the True King of Peace

Toi’s gesture of peace toward David foreshadows the ultimate peace that would be brought by Jesus Christ, the true King of Peace. While Toi sought to maintain peace through diplomacy, Jesus offers a deeper and more lasting peace—peace with God through His sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus, the descendant of David, fulfills the promise of peace not just between nations, but between God and humanity. Through Christ, believers are reconciled to God and called to be agents of His peace in the world.

Jesus’ Sovereign Reign Over the Nations

Just as God orchestrated the events between Toi and David, Jesus now reigns as the sovereign Lord over all nations. The Bible teaches that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:10-11). Toi’s recognition of David’s authority is a small reflection of the greater submission that all nations will ultimately give to Christ. For Christians, this encourages a perspective of hope and assurance, knowing that Jesus is the King of kings and that His kingdom will never end.


Toi, the king of Hamath, may be a brief figure in the biblical narrative, but his actions carry significant lessons for believers today. His diplomatic gesture toward David highlights the importance of peaceful relationships, humility in leadership, and the recognition of God’s sovereignty in world affairs. Toi’s story reminds us that God is at work in the lives of nations and leaders, orchestrating events to fulfill His purposes. For modern Christians, Toi’s example encourages us to seek peace, trust in God’s sovereign plan, and look to Jesus Christ as the ultimate King of Peace who reigns over all. Through Toi’s interaction with David, we catch a glimpse of the broader biblical themes of peace, divine sovereignty, and the anticipation of Christ’s eternal reign.

– 2 Samuel 8:9
– 1 Chronicles 18:9

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