
Who Was Zebidah in the Bible?

Hebrew Name and Meaning: זְבִידָה (Zebidah)

Zebidah, or זְבִידָה (Zebidah) in Hebrew, is a relatively obscure figure mentioned in the Old Testament. Her name, which likely means “bestowed” or “given,” reflects the cultural significance of names in ancient Israel, where names often carried meanings that highlighted divine favor or familial expectations. Zebidah is specifically mentioned in 2 Kings 23:36, where she is identified as the daughter of Pedaiah, the wife of King Josiah, and the mother of King Jehoiakim. Although Zebidah’s mention in the Bible is brief, her role as the mother of a king and the wife of one of Judah’s most righteous rulers places her within the broader narrative of Israel’s history during the Divided Monarchy.

Zebidah: A Woman of the Divided Monarchy

Zebidah lived during the time of the Divided Monarchy, a tumultuous period in Israel’s history when the united kingdom of Israel, established under King David and Solomon, had split into two separate kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. This division led to a period of political instability, religious apostasy, and frequent conflicts with neighboring nations. Despite the challenges of this era, Judah experienced brief periods of religious reform and renewal under kings like Hezekiah and Josiah.

Zebidah’s husband, King Josiah, is renowned in the Bible for his religious reforms and his dedication to restoring the worship of Yahweh in Judah. 2 Kings 22:1-2 describes Josiah as a king who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord,” leading the nation in a significant spiritual revival by removing idols, repairing the temple, and renewing the covenant with God. Zebidah, as Josiah’s queen, would have been a witness to these dramatic changes, playing a supportive role in the royal household during a crucial time of national religious reform.

Zebidah’s Role in the Royal Lineage

Zebidah is also noted as the mother of Jehoiakim, who succeeded Josiah as king of Judah. Unlike his father, Jehoiakim is described in 2 Kings 23:36-37 as a king who “did evil in the eyes of the Lord.” His reign marked a period of decline for Judah, leading to increased idolatry and ultimately setting the stage for the Babylonian exile. Jehoiakim’s disobedience and poor leadership highlight the complexities of royal succession and the challenges of maintaining faithfulness to God across generations.

The Bible does not provide specific details about Zebidah’s influence on her son Jehoiakim, but as his mother, she would have had a significant impact on his early upbringing and development. The contrast between Josiah’s righteousness and Jehoiakim’s wickedness underscores the unpredictability of generational faithfulness and the reality that each person must choose their own path in relation to God.

The Historical Context: The Divided Monarchy

The period of the Divided Monarchy was characterized by fluctuating loyalty to God, with some kings, like Josiah, leading reforms that brought the nation back to the worship of Yahweh, while others, like Jehoiakim, led the people further into sin and idolatry. Zebidah’s life, therefore, was situated within this broader historical context of spiritual highs and lows, reflecting the ongoing struggle of God’s people to remain faithful in the midst of political and social challenges.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Zebidah’s story, though brief, offers valuable lessons for modern Christians, particularly in the areas of family, faith, and leadership. One key lesson is the importance of godly influence within the family. As the wife of a righteous king and the mother of a future king, Zebidah’s role within the royal household would have been significant, even if it is not extensively detailed in Scripture. This highlights the vital role that parents, especially mothers, play in shaping the spiritual and moral character of their children.

Another important lesson from Zebidah’s story is the reminder that each generation must choose to follow God. Despite Josiah’s faithful leadership, his son Jehoiakim chose a path of disobedience, leading to negative consequences for the nation. This serves as a sobering reminder to modern Christians that faithfulness to God is not automatically inherited; it must be embraced by each individual.

Furthermore, Zebidah’s presence during a period of religious reform and decline illustrates the cyclical nature of spiritual life, where times of revival are often followed by periods of backsliding. This calls Christians to be vigilant in their own faith, recognizing the need for ongoing commitment to God’s Word and a continuous effort to pass on the faith to the next generation.

Connection to a Loving God

Zebidah’s story, set against the backdrop of Judah’s spiritual highs and lows, is a testament to God’s enduring love and patience with His people. Despite the failings of many kings and the eventual downfall of Judah, God’s covenant love remained steadfast. Zebidah’s life, intertwined with the reigns of Josiah and Jehoiakim, reflects the broader biblical theme of God’s persistent call to His people to return to Him.

For modern Christians, this connection to a loving God is a source of hope and encouragement. Even when we face times of spiritual decline or personal failure, God’s love remains constant, calling us back to Him. Zebidah’s story serves as a reminder that God’s love and grace are always available, regardless of the challenges or failures we may experience.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The story of Zebidah, though rooted in the Old Testament, ultimately points forward to the greater story of redemption found in Jesus Christ. The kingship of Josiah, with its emphasis on covenant renewal and religious reform, foreshadows the ultimate kingship of Jesus, who perfectly fulfilled the law and established a new covenant through His death and resurrection.

Jehoiakim’s failure as a king contrasts sharply with the perfect kingship of Christ, who reigns with righteousness and justice. While Zebidah’s son led Judah into decline, Jesus, the Son of God, leads His people into eternal life and reconciliation with God. Zebidah’s place in the royal lineage, therefore, serves as a reminder of the imperfect and flawed nature of human leadership and the need for the perfect Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the true King of Kings.


Zebidah, though only briefly mentioned in the Bible, plays an important role in the narrative of Judah’s history during the Divided Monarchy. As the wife of Josiah and the mother of Jehoiakim, her life intersects with significant moments of spiritual renewal and decline in the nation’s history. Zebidah’s story offers modern Christians lessons on the importance of godly influence in the family, the necessity of personal faithfulness, and the enduring love of God.

Through her connection to the broader narrative of Scripture, Zebidah’s life ultimately points us to Jesus Christ, the perfect King who fulfills all that the kings of Judah could not. Her story, like many others in the Bible, reminds us that every life is part of God’s redemptive plan and that our ultimate hope is found in Christ alone.

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