
Who Was Zebina in the Bible?

Hebrew Name and Meaning: זְבִינָא (Zebina)

Zebina, or זְבִינָא (Zebina) in Hebrew, is a relatively obscure figure mentioned briefly in the Old Testament, specifically in the book of Ezra. His name, which is of uncertain meaning, is associated with a significant moment in Israel’s history during the period of exile and return. Zebina is mentioned in Ezra 10:43 as one of the men who had married foreign women, a practice that had become a serious concern for the Israelites as they sought to reestablish themselves as a holy nation following their return from Babylonian exile.

Zebina’s Context: The Time of Exile and Return

Zebina lived during a critical period in Israel’s history when the nation was recovering from the Babylonian exile. The exile, which began in 586 B.C. with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, was a time of great sorrow and reflection for the Israelites. During this period, the Jewish people were forcibly removed from their homeland and scattered across the Babylonian Empire. However, after several decades, under the decree of King Cyrus of Persia, the Jews were allowed to return to their land and rebuild their lives, their city, and their temple.

The return from exile was more than just a physical journey; it was also a spiritual renewal. The returning exiles were determined to avoid the sins that had led to their downfall, particularly the sin of idolatry. This renewal effort was led by figures like Ezra and Nehemiah, who were committed to restoring the nation’s covenant relationship with God. One of the key issues they confronted was the widespread practice of intermarriage with foreign women, which had the potential to lead the people back into idolatry and away from the worship of Yahweh.

Zebina’s Challenge: Obedience in Difficult Circumstances

Zebina is mentioned specifically in the context of Ezra’s reforms, which included a call for the men of Israel who had married foreign women to separate from them. This directive, found in Ezra 10:11, was based on the commands given in Deuteronomy 7:3-4, where God explicitly instructed the Israelites not to intermarry with the surrounding nations to prevent them from being led astray into idolatry.

For Zebina and the others listed in Ezra 10, this was no small task. Divorcing their foreign wives meant disrupting their families, parting from loved ones, and possibly even leaving behind children. However, this act of obedience was seen as necessary to maintain the spiritual purity of the community and to renew their covenant relationship with God.

Zebina’s willingness to follow through with this difficult command, despite the personal cost, reflects a deep commitment to putting God’s laws above personal desires and relationships. His inclusion in this list, though brief, speaks volumes about the seriousness with which the returning exiles took their faith and their determination to align their lives fully with God’s will.

The Significance of Zebina’s Obedience

Zebina’s obedience is a powerful example of what it means to prioritize God’s commands, even when it involves significant personal sacrifice. The challenge Zebina faced is one that many believers can relate to in various forms: the tension between personal desires and the demands of faith. In Zebina’s case, the issue was particularly stark, as it involved dismantling a family structure, something that would naturally be painful and disruptive.

Yet, the call to holiness and faithfulness to God sometimes requires such difficult decisions. Zebina’s story reminds us that true obedience to God often involves making hard choices, but these choices are ultimately acts of faith and trust in God’s greater plan. Zebina’s actions were part of a larger effort to restore Israel to a place of spiritual integrity, setting the stage for the community to move forward in God’s purposes.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

Zebina’s story, though brief, offers profound lessons for modern Christians. First and foremost, it highlights the importance of obedience to God’s Word, even when that obedience is difficult. In a world where compromise is often seen as a virtue, Zebina’s decision to follow God’s command, despite the personal cost, stands as a testament to the seriousness with which believers should approach their faith.

This narrative challenges Christians today to consider areas of their lives where they may be tempted to compromise on God’s standards. Whether it’s in relationships, business practices, or personal habits, Zebina’s example calls believers to prioritize their relationship with God above all else. It’s a reminder that faithfulness to God often involves making choices that are countercultural or personally challenging, but that these choices are part of what it means to live a life fully devoted to God.

Connection to a Loving God

Zebina’s story also speaks to the character of God as a loving and holy God who desires the best for His people. The command to separate from foreign wives was not an arbitrary or cruel demand; it was rooted in God’s desire to protect His people from the spiritual dangers that had led them into exile in the first place. God’s commands, though sometimes difficult, are always given out of His love and concern for our well-being.

For modern Christians, this connection to a loving God is crucial. It reminds us that God’s laws are not burdensome but are given to lead us into a fuller, more abundant life in Him. Even when His commands are difficult to follow, they are ultimately for our good and for the good of the community of faith.

Connection to Jesus Christ

The story of Zebina ultimately points forward to the greater story of redemption found in Jesus Christ. While Zebina’s actions were part of a broader effort to restore Israel’s covenant relationship with God, they also highlight the limitations of the old covenant, which relied on external obedience to the law. In contrast, Jesus Christ came to establish a new covenant, one that transforms the heart and empowers believers to live in true righteousness.

Through Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice has been made, and the need for the kind of external separation that Zebina was required to make has been fulfilled in the work of Christ. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection offer a way for all people, regardless of their background, to be reconciled to God and to each other. Zebina’s story, with its emphasis on obedience and sacrifice, finds its fulfillment in the obedience of Christ, who sacrificed Himself for the salvation of all.


Zebina, though a minor figure in the Bible, offers a powerful example of obedience and faithfulness to God’s commands. His willingness to make a difficult decision for the sake of spiritual integrity serves as a model for modern Christians, reminding us of the importance of putting God first in all areas of life. Zebina’s story also points us to the loving and holy nature of God, who desires our best and who calls us to a life of holiness and obedience. Ultimately, Zebina’s story finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who through His obedience and sacrifice, has made a way for all people to be reconciled to God and to live in true righteousness.

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