
What Was Zeredah in the Bible?

Zeredah: The Hometown of Jeroboam

Zeredah is a biblical location mentioned in 1 Kings 11:26, known as the hometown of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. Jeroboam was a significant figure in the history of Israel, particularly in the division of the united kingdom of Israel into the northern and southern kingdoms. The Bible notes, “Jeroboam son of Nebat, an Ephraimite from Zeredah, a servant of Solomon whose mother’s name was Zeruah, rebelled against the king” (1 Kings 11:26, NIV). This verse places Zeredah in the spotlight as the birthplace of a man who would play a pivotal role in Israel’s history.

The Geographical and Historical Context of Zeredah

Zeredah is described as being near Mount Ebal, an important site in Israel’s history. Mount Ebal is where Joshua built an altar to the Lord and renewed the covenant between God and the Israelites, as recorded in Deuteronomy 27 and Joshua 8:30-35. This covenantal significance of Mount Ebal casts a shadow of importance on nearby locations, including Zeredah. The exact location of Zeredah remains uncertain today, but its connection to Mount Ebal suggests that it was situated in the region of Ephraim, a territory rich in Israelite history and central to the events that shaped the nation.

Zeredah’s mention in connection with Jeroboam highlights the providential role it played in the unfolding narrative of Israel’s monarchy. Jeroboam, who would later become the first king of the northern kingdom of Israel after the division, emerged from this seemingly obscure town to become a key figure in a significant turning point in biblical history.

Jeroboam’s Rise from Zeredah

Jeroboam’s rise from Zeredah to a prominent position in Israel’s history underscores the biblical theme of God raising leaders from unexpected places. Initially, Jeroboam was a servant of King Solomon, entrusted with significant responsibilities due to his competence and leadership abilities (1 Kings 11:28). However, Solomon’s later years were marked by idolatry and a departure from God’s ways, which led to divine judgment upon his house. The prophet Ahijah informed Jeroboam that God would tear the kingdom away from Solomon’s son and give ten tribes to Jeroboam (1 Kings 11:29-31).

This prophecy set the stage for the eventual division of Israel after Solomon’s death, with Jeroboam becoming the ruler of the northern kingdom. Although Jeroboam’s reign would later be marred by idolatry and rebellion against God, his story begins in Zeredah, highlighting the significance of this location as the origin of a leader who would change the course of Israelite history.

Lessons for the Modern Christian

God’s Sovereignty in Choosing Leaders

The story of Zeredah and Jeroboam teaches modern Christians about the sovereignty of God in raising up leaders. Jeroboam’s ascent from a servant in Solomon’s court to the king of Israel was not merely a result of human ambition but was part of God’s divine plan. This reminds us that God is ultimately in control of the rise and fall of leaders and nations. Daniel 2:21 affirms this truth: “He changes times and seasons; He deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”

For believers today, this underscores the importance of trusting in God’s plan, even when it involves unexpected or seemingly unqualified individuals. God’s choices are often beyond our understanding, and He can use anyone, regardless of their background, to fulfill His purposes.

The Dangers of Straying from God’s Commands

While Jeroboam’s rise to power was orchestrated by God, his reign is also a cautionary tale. Despite his initial promise, Jeroboam quickly led Israel into idolatry, establishing golden calves in Bethel and Dan to prevent his people from worshiping in Jerusalem (1 Kings 12:28-30). This act of rebellion had devastating consequences, leading Israel into sin and setting a pattern of idolatry that would plague the northern kingdom for generations.

For modern Christians, this serves as a warning about the dangers of straying from God’s commands. Leadership, whether in the church, family, or community, carries great responsibility, and it is essential to remain faithful to God’s Word. Proverbs 14:12 warns, “There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death.” Jeroboam’s story is a reminder that compromising on God’s instructions can lead to spiritual ruin.

Connection to a Loving God

God’s Faithfulness Despite Human Failure

The story of Jeroboam’s rise from Zeredah and his subsequent failures highlights God’s faithfulness even in the face of human shortcomings. Although Jeroboam led Israel into sin, God’s covenant with David remained secure, and His plan for redemption continued. This demonstrates God’s steadfast love and commitment to His people, even when they fall short.

For Christians today, this is a profound reminder of God’s grace. No matter how far we stray, God remains faithful to His promises. 2 Timothy 2:13 reassures us, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.” This truth should encourage us to seek God’s forgiveness and return to Him when we fail, knowing that His love endures forever.

God’s Guidance in Our Lives

Zeredah’s role in the biblical narrative also reflects God’s guidance in the lives of His people. Just as God directed the events that led Jeroboam from Zeredah to the throne, He also guides our steps today. Psalm 37:23 says, “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him.” This should inspire confidence in believers, knowing that God is actively involved in our lives, guiding us according to His perfect will.

Connection to Jesus Christ

Jesus, the True King from Humble Beginnings

While Jeroboam’s rise from Zeredah to kingship was marked by eventual failure, it contrasts with the rise of Jesus Christ, the true King who also came from humble beginnings. Born in Bethlehem, a small and insignificant town, Jesus’ kingship was foretold by the prophets and fulfilled God’s promise of a righteous ruler from the line of David. Unlike Jeroboam, who led his people into idolatry, Jesus leads His people into truth, life, and righteousness.

This comparison highlights the difference between earthly and divine leadership. Jesus, the King of kings, leads with justice, mercy, and truth, fulfilling the role that all human leaders fall short of. As Christians, our allegiance is to Christ, the perfect King who reigns eternally and whose kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36).

The Kingdom of God and the Rejection of Idolatry

Jeroboam’s establishment of false worship centers in Israel is a stark contrast to the true worship that Jesus instituted. Jesus calls His followers to worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24), rejecting all forms of idolatry. The kingdom of God is built on the foundation of Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). For modern believers, this means rejecting anything that takes the place of God in our hearts and lives, whether it be material wealth, power, or false teachings.


Zeredah, though a minor location in the grand narrative of the Bible, holds significant importance as the birthplace of Jeroboam, a key figure in Israel’s history. The story of Zeredah and Jeroboam offers profound lessons for believers today, teaching us about God’s sovereignty in leadership, the dangers of departing from His commands, and the enduring faithfulness of God despite human failure.

As we reflect on the events associated with Zeredah, we are reminded of our need to remain faithful to God, to trust in His guidance, and to worship Him alone. Ultimately, the story of Zeredah points us to Jesus Christ, the true and perfect King, whose reign is marked by justice, mercy, and truth. In Christ, we find the fulfillment of all God’s promises and the assurance of His eternal kingdom.

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