Where does the saying “He is risen; He is risen, indeed” come from?

Brief Answer

The saying “He is risen; He is risen, indeed” originates from early Christian traditions celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Its roots are linked to scriptural accounts of the resurrection in the Gospels, particularly the angel’s declaration in Matthew 28:6 and Luke 24:34, and it became a formalized part of Christian liturgy in later centuries as a joyful Easter proclamation.

Understanding “He is risen” from a Biblical Perspective

The phrase “He is risen” reflects the foundational truth of Christianity: Jesus Christ rose from the dead. The resurrection is central to the gospel, as the Apostle Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 15:17, “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.” The expression celebrates this victory over sin and death, echoing the angel’s words at the empty tomb:

  • Matthew 28:6: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”
  • Luke 24:34: “The Lord has risen indeed and has appeared to Simon.”

These declarations emphasize that Christ’s resurrection was both foretold and fulfilled, confirming His divinity and the reliability of His promises.

Historical Context

The saying likely developed as an early Christian greeting. In the early church, believers often greeted one another with affirmations of their shared faith, particularly the resurrection. This call-and-response pattern, “He is risen” and “He is risen, indeed,” became a way to proclaim the cornerstone of their belief.

  • By the 4th century, this greeting became part of Christian liturgical practices, particularly during Easter celebrations.
  • Some traditions trace its formalization to the Eastern Orthodox Church, where it is still a common Easter greeting today in various languages, such as “Christos Anesti” (Greek for “Christ is risen”).

The use of this phrase served as a unifying proclamation in times of persecution and a bold declaration of hope in the face of hardship.

Practical Implications

This saying is more than a traditional greeting; it carries deep spiritual and practical implications:

  • Affirmation of Faith: Saying “He is risen” is a declaration of belief in the resurrection, the cornerstone of Christian hope.
  • Encouragement in Trials: The resurrection reminds Christians of God’s power to bring life from death and hope from despair.
  • Community Bonding: Sharing this phrase fosters unity among believers, as it proclaims a shared faith and victory.

Theological Depth and Insight

Theologically, “He is risen; He is risen, indeed” encapsulates profound truths:

  1. Victory Over Death: Jesus’ resurrection fulfilled God’s promise to conquer death and secure eternal life for believers (Romans 6:9).
  2. Fulfillment of Prophecy: The resurrection demonstrates God’s faithfulness in fulfilling Old Testament prophecies, such as Isaiah 53:10-11.
  3. Christ’s Divinity: Rising from the dead confirms Jesus’ identity as the Son of God (Romans 1:4).
  4. Assurance of Our Resurrection: Christ’s resurrection is the “firstfruits” of believers’ resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20).

Broader Biblical Themes

The saying connects to broader biblical themes, including:

  • Hope in Suffering: The resurrection shows God’s power to redeem even the darkest situations, encouraging believers to trust Him during trials.
  • New Life in Christ: Through Christ’s resurrection, believers are called to live transformed lives (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  • The Kingdom of God: The resurrection is a foretaste of the ultimate restoration of all things when Christ returns (Revelation 21:4-5).

The Role of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit plays a critical role in the resurrection narrative:

  • Raised by the Spirit: Romans 8:11 reveals that the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, demonstrating God’s power.
  • Empowering Believers: The same Spirit who raised Christ now lives in believers, empowering them to live victoriously.
  • Witness of the Resurrection: The Spirit confirms the truth of the resurrection in the hearts of believers (John 15:26).

Relevance for Today’s Christian

The saying “He is risen; He is risen, indeed” remains profoundly relevant:

  • Easter Joy: It reminds Christians of the reason for their Easter celebration—Jesus’ triumph over sin and death.
  • Daily Hope: The resurrection offers daily encouragement, affirming that no situation is beyond God’s power to redeem.
  • Missional Living: The proclamation challenges believers to share the good news boldly, just as the early church did.

Connection to Jesus Christ and God’s Love

The resurrection is the ultimate demonstration of God’s love:

  • John 3:16: God gave His Son so that believers could have eternal life.
  • Romans 5:8: God showed His love by sending Christ to die for sinners, and His resurrection confirms the sufficiency of that sacrifice.

Through the resurrection, Jesus invites all to experience new life, abundant grace, and eternal fellowship with God.

Bible Characters and Stories

Several characters in the resurrection narrative reinforce this truth:

  • Mary Magdalene: The first to witness the risen Christ, demonstrating the personal and transformative nature of the resurrection (John 20:16).
  • Peter and John: Their race to the tomb highlights the urgency and excitement of discovering the empty grave (John 20:3-8).
  • Thomas: His doubts and eventual belief show how Christ meets individuals where they are, offering assurance (John 20:27-29).

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the resurrection impact your daily faith and perspective on trials?
  2. What does the phrase “He is risen” mean to you personally?
  3. How can you share the joy and hope of the resurrection with others in your life?
  4. In what ways does the Holy Spirit empower you to live in the light of Christ’s resurrection?

The saying “He is risen; He is risen, indeed” is a beautiful and timeless proclamation of Jesus’ victory over death. It reminds Christians of the hope, joy, and transformative power found in the resurrection, inviting them to live with faith and boldness in light of this eternal truth.

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