
1 Corinthians 7:36 Meaning

1 Corinthians 7:36 – “If anyone is worried that he is not acting honorably toward the virgin he is engaged to, and if his passions are too strong and he feels he ought to marry, he should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married.”

Extended Explanation

Paul is addressing a specific situation here—what should a man do if he is engaged but struggling with whether to marry or not?

  • “If anyone is worried that he is not acting honorably” – This suggests that the man is engaged to a woman and feels pressure, possibly because of strong feelings or social expectations.
  • “If his passions are too strong” – This implies that he is struggling with self-control and the temptation to engage in sexual activity before marriage.
  • “He feels he ought to marry” – If he genuinely believes that marriage is the right step, he should not feel guilty about going forward with it.
  • “He should do as he wants. He is not sinning. They should get married.” – Paul reassures them that getting married is not a sin; it is a God-given institution. If a couple is struggling with purity or if marriage is the right decision for them, they should go ahead and marry rather than live in temptation.

Paul’s teaching here is practical and realistic. He recognizes that not everyone is called to singleness and that marriage is a good and honorable choice for those who desire it.

Historical Context

  1. Cultural Expectations of Marriage – In the ancient world, engagements were serious commitments, often arranged by families. A man who was betrothed was expected to follow through with marriage unless there was a serious reason not to.
  2. Concerns About Singleness and Marriage in the Early Church – Paul has been discussing the benefits of singleness for those who can remain focused on serving God (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). But he understands that not everyone has that calling, and he does not want people to feel forced into singleness.
  3. The Importance of Honor and Purity – In both Jewish and Greco-Roman culture, a man was expected to protect the honor of his fiancée. Engaged couples were not to be physically intimate before marriage, and a broken engagement could bring shame. Paul is encouraging men to do what is right—either commit to marriage or remain self-controlled.

Paul’s teaching recognizes the real struggles people face and offers wise guidance based on biblical values and practical concerns.

Theological Implications

  1. Marriage is a God-Given Institution – Paul does not discourage marriage; instead, he confirms that it is good and honorable for those who choose it.
  2. Self-Control is Important, But Marriage is Not Sinful – While Paul encourages singleness for those who can remain fully devoted to God, he also acknowledges that not everyone has that calling. If a person struggles with purity, marriage is a better option than falling into sin (1 Corinthians 7:9).
  3. God’s Will is Different for Each Person – Some people are called to singleness, and some are called to marriage. Neither is better or worse—it depends on how God leads each individual.

Paul makes it clear that there is freedom in Christ to make wise and God-honoring decisions about marriage.

Literary Analysis

Paul’s language here is gentle and practical:

  • “If anyone is worried” – Paul acknowledges that people may feel conflicted about marriage and wants to relieve unnecessary stress.
  • “He is not sinning” – This reassurance is important. Some might have thought that choosing marriage over singleness was a spiritual failure, but Paul confirms it is a valid and honorable choice.
  • “They should get married” – This is not a command, but a wise option for those struggling with temptation or uncertainty.

Paul is not creating legalistic rules—he is offering spiritual guidance that allows believers to make wise choices.

Biblical Cross-References

  • 1 Corinthians 7:9 – “But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” (Paul’s earlier encouragement that marriage is the right choice for those struggling with temptation.)
  • Hebrews 13:4 – “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure.” (Marriage is good, and purity within it is essential.)
  • Genesis 2:24 – “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” (God’s original design for marriage.)
  • Proverbs 18:22 – “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” (Marriage is a blessing from God.)

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

  1. Marriage is a Good and Honorable Choice – If a person desires marriage and is struggling with purity, they should not feel guilty about pursuing marriage.
  2. Singleness is Not a Requirement for Spiritual Growth – While Paul praises singleness for those who are called to it, he makes it clear that getting married is not a failure—it is a God-given gift.
  3. Making Wise Relationship Decisions is Important – Paul encourages thoughtful decision-making in relationships. If engagement is leading to temptation or uncertainty, a couple should prayerfully decide whether marriage is the best step forward.

This verse helps believers navigate the challenges of relationships, purity, and marriage with wisdom and freedom in Christ.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

  1. God Cares About Our Struggles – He understands the real difficulties people face in relationships and gives wisdom through His Word.
  2. God Gives Freedom, Not Burdens – He does not force everyone into singleness or marriage but allows each person to follow His calling with wisdom.
  3. God Created Marriage for Our Good – Marriage is not a burden but a gift that reflects God’s love and faithfulness.

This verse shows that God lovingly guides us in making decisions that honor Him and bring peace to our lives.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

  1. Jesus Taught About the Purpose of Marriage – In Matthew 19:4-6, Jesus affirmed that marriage was part of God’s design from the beginning.
  2. Jesus Calls Us to Live Pure Lives – In Matthew 5:28, He warns about lust, showing that marriage can be a way to honor God and remain pure.
  3. Jesus is Our Ultimate Fulfillment – Whether single or married, our deepest satisfaction is found in Christ, not in our relationship status.

Jesus’ teachings confirm Paul’s wisdom about marriage as a good option for those who desire it, while also showing that our ultimate purpose is to serve God.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this verse challenge the way people think about singleness and marriage?
  2. If you are engaged, how does this verse guide your decision-making process?
  3. How can you make sure your relationship decisions honor God and reflect His wisdom?
  4. In what ways does this verse bring freedom and relief for those struggling with the question of marriage?
  5. How does this verse help Christians see marriage as a gift rather than a burden?

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