
1 Samuel 28:14 Meaning

1 Samuel 28:14 – “‘What does he look like?’ he asked. ‘An old man wearing a robe is coming up,’ she said. Then Saul knew it was Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground.”

Extended Explanation

In this verse, Saul continues his interaction with the medium at Endor after she sees a spirit rising from the earth. Saul asks her for a description of what she sees, and when she describes an old man wearing a robe, Saul realizes it is the spirit of Samuel. Samuel was the prophet who had once been a mentor and spiritual guide to Saul, but now he is dead. Despite knowing that consulting a medium is wrong, Saul has sought out Samuel’s spirit in a desperate attempt to gain guidance. His immediate reaction, bowing down with his face to the ground, reflects both his reverence for Samuel and the overwhelming guilt, fear, and despair he feels.

Historical Context

Saul had once been a king who tried to follow God’s commands, and Samuel had been instrumental in guiding him. However, after repeated disobedience, God rejected Saul as king, and Samuel severed ties with him (1 Samuel 15:26). In ancient Israel, consulting the dead through mediums was forbidden by God (Deuteronomy 18:10-12), and Saul himself had enforced this prohibition earlier in his reign (1 Samuel 28:3). Now, facing the Philistine army and feeling abandoned by God, Saul seeks out a forbidden practice in desperation. The description of Samuel as an old man in a robe is significant because Samuel was known to wear a robe, a symbol of his prophetic authority (1 Samuel 15:27). This event takes place in a context where Saul is at his lowest point, both spiritually and morally.

Theological Implications

This verse shows the deep consequences of turning away from God. Saul’s desperation leads him to seek answers in ways that directly violate God’s commands. Even though he recognizes Samuel’s authority, the fact that he resorts to summoning Samuel’s spirit through a medium shows the lengths to which people will go when they have lost their connection to God. This highlights the spiritual danger of relying on anything other than God for guidance. It also demonstrates that even reverence for a godly figure like Samuel cannot replace obedience to God Himself. Saul’s actions reflect the brokenness that occurs when one abandons God’s ways and seeks answers through disobedient means.

Literary Analysis

This verse heightens the drama of Saul’s encounter with the spirit of Samuel. The description of Samuel as “an old man wearing a robe” not only confirms his identity but also evokes a sense of solemnity and reverence, given Samuel’s role as a prophet. The action of Saul bowing down “with his face to the ground” is significant. This posture of submission and reverence contrasts sharply with Saul’s earlier defiance toward God’s commands. It is a moment of irony, as Saul honors the spirit of the very man who had pronounced God’s judgment on him. This creates a sense of tragic tension, as Saul continues to ignore God’s will, even in this moment of seeking guidance from Samuel.

Biblical Cross-References

  • 1 Samuel 15:26-28: The earlier event where Samuel rejects Saul as king, tearing his robe as a symbol of Saul’s lost kingdom.
  • Deuteronomy 18:10-12: God’s command against consulting mediums or spiritists, which Saul directly violates in this passage.
  • Isaiah 8:19-20: A warning against seeking guidance from the dead, emphasizing the importance of turning to God’s Word for guidance.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, this verse serves as a reminder of the dangers of seeking answers outside of God’s will. Saul’s decision to consult a medium instead of repenting and seeking God’s guidance shows how desperation can lead to poor choices. It is easy to be tempted to rely on worldly methods or even practices that go against God’s Word when we feel lost or uncertain. However, this passage encourages us to trust in God’s timing and remain faithful to His commands, even when it seems like He is silent or distant.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

God’s love is evident even in this dark moment of Saul’s life. Despite Saul’s disobedience, God’s love continues to be present, as He desires His people to seek Him alone for guidance. The prohibition against consulting the dead was given out of God’s love and care for His people, protecting them from spiritual harm and deception. Saul’s actions serve as a cautionary tale about the consequences of turning away from God, but they also highlight God’s consistent invitation for His people to come back to Him, no matter how far they have strayed.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse contrasts with the access Christians now have to God through Jesus Christ. Where Saul turned to a medium to contact Samuel’s spirit, Christians today have direct access to God through Jesus, who is our mediator (1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus provides a way for us to seek wisdom, guidance, and comfort without needing to rely on intermediaries like mediums or forbidden practices. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus tore down the barriers that separated us from God, allowing believers to approach God confidently in prayer (Hebrews 4:16). Saul’s mistake serves as a warning, but Jesus offers the perfect solution to finding peace and guidance in times of uncertainty.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you respond when you feel like God is silent or distant? Are there worldly or forbidden ways you are tempted to seek answers?
  2. How can this passage encourage you to remain faithful to God’s guidance and commands, even in moments of desperation or fear?
  3. In what ways does Jesus’ role as our mediator provide comfort and confidence in seeking God’s wisdom and guidance?

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