Ephesians 1:9 – “He made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,”
Extended Explanation
This verse continues Paul’s explanation of God’s grace and how He has revealed His plan for salvation. Paul says that God has made known the “mystery of his will.” In biblical terms, a “mystery” does not mean something that is unknown but something that was previously hidden and has now been revealed.
For centuries, God’s plan of salvation was not fully understood. People knew He had promised a Messiah, but they did not know exactly how He would bring redemption. But now, through Jesus Christ, God has revealed the full plan—salvation is available not only to the Jewish people but to the entire world.
Paul then says that this was done “according to his good pleasure.” In other words, God wanted to do this. It was not a forced decision or something He did reluctantly. He delights in revealing His plan and bringing people into His kingdom.
Finally, Paul says that this plan was “purposed in Christ.” This means that Jesus was always at the center of God’s plan. Salvation was not an afterthought—it was God’s design from the very beginning, and everything He has done has been fulfilled in Jesus.
Historical Context
Paul wrote this letter while he was in prison in Rome (around AD 60-62), and he was writing to believers in Ephesus, a city known for its idol worship and mystery religions. Many of the religious groups in Ephesus claimed to have hidden knowledge that only a few could understand. These “mysteries” were exclusive and only for those initiated into their religions.
Paul completely contrasts that idea. He says that God’s mystery is not hidden from believers—it has been made known to them. Everyone who follows Christ now understands God’s plan for salvation, which had been a mystery for ages.
For Jewish readers, this was a significant shift. In the Old Testament, God’s plan was often revealed in shadows and prophecies (Genesis 12:3, Isaiah 49:6). Now, in Christ, the full truth has been made clear—salvation is offered to all through Jesus (Romans 16:25-26).
Theological Implications
- God’s plan was always centered on Christ. Jesus was not a backup plan—He was the plan from the very beginning (John 1:1-3).
- Salvation is no longer a mystery. What was once unclear in the Old Testament has now been fully revealed in Christ (Colossians 1:26).
- God takes pleasure in revealing His will. He is not trying to hide Himself from us. He wants people to know Him and understand His plan (Jeremiah 29:13).
- Faith is based on what God has revealed. Christianity is not built on human wisdom or secret knowledge, but on God’s clear and open revelation in Jesus Christ.
Literary Analysis
Ephesians 1:9 is part of a long sentence in Greek (Ephesians 1:3-14) where Paul describes the blessings believers have in Christ. This verse shifts the focus to God’s revelation—His decision to make His plan known.
The phrase “the mystery of his will” is significant. In other religions and philosophies of that time, mysteries were only for an elite few. But in Christianity, the mystery has been revealed to all who believe in Christ.
Paul also uses “good pleasure” and “purposed in Christ,” emphasizing that God’s plan was not random—it was designed with joy, intention, and love.
Biblical Cross-References
- Romans 16:25-26 – “Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel… the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known.”
- Colossians 1:26 – “The mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people.”
- 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 – “We declare God’s wisdom, a mystery that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.”
- Genesis 12:3 – “All peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (God’s plan always included all nations.)
- Isaiah 49:6 – “I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”
What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian
This verse reminds us that God does not want to keep us in the dark—He wants us to know Him. Many people struggle with questions like, “What is God’s plan for my life?” or “Can I really understand God’s will?” Paul answers with a clear yes!
The most important thing we need to know—salvation through Jesus—has already been revealed. Everything else in our lives should be built on that foundation.
It also challenges us to trust in God’s timing. For centuries, people didn’t fully understand how God would save the world. But in His perfect time, He revealed it through Jesus. If we are waiting for answers in our own lives, we can trust that God will reveal what we need to know at the right time.
How This Verse Relates to a Loving God
Some people think of God as distant and mysterious, making it difficult to know Him. But this verse shows the opposite—God delights in revealing His plan to us.
- He doesn’t hide the truth—He makes it known.
- He doesn’t save reluctantly—He planned our salvation with joy.
- He doesn’t make salvation difficult—He has made it clear and available to all who believe in Christ.
This verse shows that God is not playing games with humanity—He loves us and wants us to know Him personally.
How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ
Paul makes it clear that God’s plan is centered on Jesus.
- Jesus is the one who reveals the mystery. (John 14:9 – “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.”)
- Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s plan. (Luke 24:27 – “Beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself.”)
- Jesus is the key to understanding God’s will. (Colossians 2:2-3 – “That they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”)
Without Jesus, God’s plan would remain a mystery. But because of Him, we can fully understand and experience God’s salvation.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- What does it mean that God has made known the mystery of His will?
- How does knowing God’s plan was purposed in Christ give you confidence in your faith?
- How can we respond to God’s good pleasure in revealing His plan to us?
- What are some areas in your life where you need to trust God’s timing in revealing His will?
- How does understanding God’s plan help you share the gospel with others?