
Exodus 19:15 – “Then he said to the people, ‘Prepare yourselves for the third day. Abstain from sexual relations.'”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 19:15 records Moses’ final instruction to the Israelites as they prepare to meet with God at Mount Sinai. In addition to the physical preparations, like washing their clothes, Moses commands the people to abstain from sexual relations until after the third day. This directive highlights the need for complete focus and dedication to the upcoming encounter with God. Abstaining from sexual activity was a way to ensure that the people were spiritually and mentally prepared, emphasizing the importance of approaching God with a heart that is fully devoted to Him during this significant moment.

Historical Context

At this point in their journey, the Israelites are encamped at Mount Sinai, having been delivered from slavery in Egypt. They are about to enter into a covenant with God, which will define their identity as His chosen people. In ancient Near Eastern culture, periods of abstinence, including from sexual activity, were common before religious events as a way to ensure ritual purity and focus. For the Israelites, this command was part of a broader set of preparations that included consecrating themselves and observing strict boundaries around the mountain. These preparations underscored the seriousness of the encounter with God and the need for the people to be wholly focused on Him.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 19:15 emphasizes the importance of holiness and spiritual preparation when approaching God. The command to abstain from sexual relations is not a condemnation of sex but rather an acknowledgment that certain times require special focus and dedication to God. This verse teaches that approaching God requires setting aside normal activities to devote oneself entirely to Him. The broader principle is that there are times in life when believers are called to prioritize their relationship with God above all else, ensuring that they are spiritually ready to meet with Him.

Literary Analysis

Literarily, Exodus 19:15 serves as the culmination of Moses’ instructions to the people, emphasizing the gravity of the upcoming encounter with God. The structure of the verse is straightforward, with Moses giving a clear command that highlights the importance of the third day. The instruction to abstain from sexual relations adds a layer of solemnity to the preparations, indicating that the people must be fully dedicated to the spiritual significance of what is about to happen. This verse, while brief, carries significant weight in the narrative, building anticipation for the divine revelation that is about to occur.

Biblical Cross-References

  • 1 Corinthians 7:5 – Paul advises married couples to abstain from sexual relations for a time by mutual consent to devote themselves to prayer, reflecting a similar principle of focusing on spiritual matters.
  • Joel 2:16 – The call for the people to consecrate themselves includes even the bride and groom, emphasizing the need for everyone to participate in spiritual preparation.
  • 1 Samuel 21:4-5 – David explains that his men have abstained from women as part of their preparation, showing that this practice was understood as a way to maintain ritual purity.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, Exodus 19:15 serves as a reminder that there are times when spiritual preparation requires setting aside normal activities to focus entirely on God. While abstaining from sexual relations may not be a common practice today, the principle of dedicating oneself fully to God during significant spiritual moments is still relevant. This verse challenges believers to consider how they prepare for encounters with God, whether in worship, prayer, or special seasons of life. It encourages Christians to prioritize their relationship with God, ensuring that they are spiritually ready to meet with Him.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 19:15 reflects God’s love in His desire for His people to approach Him with a heart that is fully devoted and prepared. By instructing the Israelites to abstain from certain activities, God is guiding them to focus on the importance of their upcoming encounter with Him. This preparation is an expression of God’s love, as He wants His people to experience His presence in a way that is meaningful and transformative. God’s love is seen in His care for the spiritual well-being of His people, ensuring that they are ready to receive what He has to offer.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ in that He calls His followers to a life of holiness and devotion to God. Just as the Israelites were instructed to prepare themselves for an encounter with God, Jesus calls believers to be spiritually ready at all times, especially as they await His return. In Matthew 25:1-13, the parable of the ten virgins emphasizes the importance of being prepared for the coming of the bridegroom, reflecting the need for ongoing spiritual readiness. Through Jesus, believers are called to live lives that are set apart for God, continually preparing themselves for their ultimate encounter with Him.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you prepare yourself spiritually before significant moments with God, such as worship, prayer, or special times of seeking Him?
  2. What activities or distractions might you need to set aside to focus more fully on your relationship with God?
  3. How does understanding the importance of holiness and spiritual readiness influence your daily walk with God?
  4. In what ways does Jesus’ call to be prepared at all times challenge you to live a life that is fully devoted to Him?

Exodus 19:15 challenges Christians to consider the importance of spiritual preparation and devotion in their relationship with God. It also points to the ultimate fulfillment of these principles in Jesus Christ, who calls believers to live lives that are always ready to meet with God.