
Exodus 2:7 – “Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, ‘Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?’”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 2:7 continues the dramatic story of Moses as a baby, focusing on the quick-thinking and resourceful actions of his sister, Miriam. After Pharaoh’s daughter discovered Moses in the basket and was moved with compassion for the crying infant, Miriam, who had been watching from a distance, courageously approached the princess. She offered to find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby, a suggestion that would ensure Moses’ survival and keep him connected to his biological family.

Miriam’s suggestion was both practical and strategic. By proposing to find a Hebrew woman to nurse Moses, she not only provided a solution that met Pharaoh’s daughter’s immediate needs but also ensured that Moses would be cared for by his own mother, Jochebed. This moment is pivotal because it allowed Moses to be raised in the early years of his life by his own family, learning about his heritage and the faith of his people before entering Pharaoh’s household.

Historical Context

The historical context of this verse is crucial to understanding its significance. The Israelites were living as slaves in Egypt under the harsh rule of Pharaoh, who had decreed that all Hebrew baby boys were to be killed by being thrown into the Nile River. In this environment, Miriam’s actions were incredibly brave. Approaching an Egyptian princess, who was part of the very family responsible for the oppression of her people, was risky. Yet, Miriam’s boldness opened the door for God’s plan to unfold.

During this time, women like Miriam and Jochebed played critical roles in preserving the life and faith of their people. Despite the oppressive and dangerous circumstances, they acted with courage and faith, trusting that God would protect them and work through their actions.

Theological Implications

Theologically, this verse highlights the importance of faith in action. Miriam’s initiative and courage are examples of how God often works through ordinary people who are willing to step out in faith. Her actions were not just about saving her brother; they were a part of God’s larger plan to deliver the Israelites from slavery. This teaches us that even the seemingly small and simple acts of obedience can have significant implications in God’s plan.

This verse also demonstrates God’s providence. Miriam’s suggestion to find a Hebrew woman to nurse Moses was not just a clever idea; it was part of God’s plan to ensure that Moses would be nurtured by his own mother, preserving his identity as a Hebrew and laying the foundation for his future role as the leader of Israel.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 2:7 is a turning point in the narrative, showcasing a moment of quick thinking and divine orchestration. The verse highlights the interaction between human initiative and divine providence. Miriam’s bold question is direct and to the point, yet it is also filled with wisdom and care. The dialogue between Miriam and Pharaoh’s daughter builds suspense and sets the stage for Moses’ eventual return to his biological family.

The literary structure here emphasizes the tension and the high stakes of the situation. Miriam’s approach to Pharaoh’s daughter is both daring and strategic, reflecting the careful balance of human action within the broader context of God’s sovereign plan.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 1:17 – The midwives who feared God and did not obey the king’s orders to kill the Hebrew boys, showing another example of courageous women who played a role in God’s plan.
  • Proverbs 16:9 – “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps,” reflecting how Miriam’s actions were part of God’s established plan.
  • Hebrews 11:23-24 – These verses highlight the faith of Moses’ parents and by extension, the faith of his sister, in protecting him against Pharaoh’s decree.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 2:7 is a powerful reminder that God often works through our boldness and initiative. Miriam’s willingness to act, even in a dangerous and uncertain situation, teaches us the importance of stepping out in faith, trusting that God is in control. Her example encourages us to be proactive in our faith, looking for opportunities to be part of God’s work in the world.

This verse also reassures us that God is involved in the details of our lives. Just as He orchestrated events to ensure Moses was nursed by his own mother, God is capable of working through the circumstances of our lives to bring about His good purposes.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 2:7 reveals God’s loving care and attention to the needs of His people. Through Miriam’s actions, we see a God who is deeply concerned with the well-being of His children, ensuring that Moses would not only survive but thrive in the care of his own family. God’s love is evident in the way He protects and provides for His people, even in the most challenging circumstances.

God’s love is also seen in how He empowers individuals to be part of His plan. Miriam’s boldness was not just her own; it was inspired by a trust in God’s protection and provision. This reflects the truth that God’s love often works through us, motivating us to act on behalf of others.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Miriam’s role in ensuring Moses’ survival has a parallel in the New Testament with the protective care that surrounded the early life of Jesus. Just as Miriam acted to protect her brother, Joseph and Mary acted to protect Jesus by fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod’s decree (Matthew 2:13-14). Both stories highlight God’s protection over those He has chosen for a specific purpose.

Additionally, Moses, who would later deliver Israel from physical bondage, serves as a foreshadowing of Jesus, who delivers us from spiritual bondage. The protection and nurturing of Moses, made possible by Miriam’s actions, set the stage for his future role as a deliverer, just as Jesus’ early life was marked by divine protection in preparation for His mission to save humanity.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does Miriam’s boldness inspire you to take action in your own life, especially when facing challenging situations?
  2. What can you learn from Miriam about the importance of quick thinking and initiative in serving God’s purposes?
  3. How have you seen God’s providence at work in the details of your own life, similar to how He worked in Moses’ life?
  4. What does this verse teach you about the role of ordinary people in God’s extraordinary plans?
  5. How does understanding the connection between Moses’ protection and Jesus’ early life deepen your appreciation for God’s care and provision?

This verse encourages us to trust in God’s providential care and to be bold in our faith, knowing that God can use our actions, no matter how small, to accomplish His greater purposes.