
Exodus 25:19 – “Make one cherub on one end and the second cherub on the other; make the cherubim of one piece with the cover, at the two ends.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 25:19 continues God’s instructions to Moses regarding the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, specifically the atonement cover, also known as the mercy seat. In this verse, God commands that two cherubim be crafted, one on each end of the cover. These cherubim were to be made of hammered gold and formed as one piece with the atonement cover itself. The cherubim were positioned facing each other, with their wings spread upward, overshadowing the cover.

The command to make the cherubim as part of the same piece of gold as the cover signifies the unity and completeness of the Ark’s design. This design reflects the idea that God’s presence, symbolized by the cherubim, and His mercy, symbolized by the atonement cover, are inseparable. The cherubim, representing angelic beings who serve as guardians of God’s holiness, emphasize the sacredness of the Ark and the significance of the mercy seat as the place where God’s presence would dwell among His people.

Historical Context

The historical context of Exodus 25:19 is during the period after the Israelites had been delivered from slavery in Egypt and were journeying through the wilderness. God gave Moses detailed instructions for building the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary where God’s presence would dwell among His people. The Ark of the Covenant was the most sacred object in the Tabernacle, and the atonement cover, with its cherubim, was the focal point of the Ark.

In the ancient Near Eastern world, cherubim were often depicted as powerful, protective beings associated with the divine presence. For the Israelites, the cherubim on the Ark represented the guardians of God’s holiness, a reminder that approaching God required reverence and purity. The Ark was placed in the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle, where only the high priest could enter once a year, emphasizing the sacredness of the space and the seriousness of encountering God’s presence.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 25:19 highlights the connection between God’s holiness and His mercy. The cherubim, as guardians of the atonement cover, symbolize the protection of God’s holiness while also pointing to the mercy He offers through atonement. The fact that the cherubim and the cover were made of one piece of gold emphasizes that God’s justice and mercy are not separate; they are perfectly united in His character.

This verse also points to the importance of mediation in the relationship between God and humanity. The cherubim’s position over the atonement cover, where the high priest would sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the Day of Atonement, signifies that God’s holiness is upheld even as He provides a way for His people to be forgiven and restored to fellowship with Him.

Literary Analysis

From a literary perspective, Exodus 25:19 is part of the detailed narrative describing the construction of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The specific instructions for the cherubim underscore the importance of careful obedience to God’s commands in the design of sacred objects. The repeated mention of the cherubim and their connection to the atonement cover emphasizes their symbolic role as guardians of God’s holiness.

The verse also fits into the broader literary structure of Exodus, which includes detailed descriptions of the Tabernacle’s construction, followed by its actual building later in the book. The meticulous nature of these instructions reflects the importance of the Tabernacle as the dwelling place of God among His people.

Biblical Cross-References

Several biblical cross-references help deepen our understanding of Exodus 25:19:

  • Genesis 3:24 – Describes the cherubim placed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden to guard the way to the tree of life, highlighting their role as guardians of sacred space.
  • Psalm 99:1 – Refers to God as enthroned between the cherubim, emphasizing His holiness and the reverence due to Him.
  • Hebrews 9:5 – Mentions the cherubim overshadowing the mercy seat, connecting the Old Testament imagery with the New Testament understanding of God’s presence and atonement.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, Exodus 25:19 serves as a reminder of the holiness of God and the importance of reverence in our relationship with Him. The cherubim on the atonement cover symbolize the sacredness of God’s presence and the seriousness with which we should approach Him. This verse challenges us to consider how we view God’s holiness and how we respond to His offer of mercy through Jesus Christ.

The unity of the cherubim and the atonement cover also encourages us to reflect on the inseparability of God’s justice and mercy. In our own lives, this means recognizing that God’s forgiveness is not cheap; it comes at the cost of upholding His holiness, a truth that is ultimately fulfilled in Jesus’ sacrifice.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 25:19 reveals God’s love in His desire to dwell among His people while maintaining His holiness. The cherubim, as guardians of the atonement cover, represent the protection of God’s holy presence. Yet, the very existence of the atonement cover beneath them shows that God has made a way for His people to be in His presence through atonement. This demonstrates God’s deep love and His willingness to provide a means for reconciliation, even though His holiness demands justice.

God’s careful instructions for the Ark, including the cherubim, show His love for His people by ensuring that they could approach Him in a way that honored both His holiness and their need for mercy.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Exodus 25:19 connects directly to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of the atonement cover. Just as the cherubim guarded the mercy seat, Jesus guards our access to God’s presence. Through His sacrifice on the cross, Jesus has provided the perfect atonement for sin, making it possible for us to come into God’s presence with confidence.

In the New Testament, Jesus is described as the mediator between God and humanity, fulfilling the role that the atonement cover and the cherubim symbolized. Hebrews 9:24 explains that Jesus entered heaven itself, not with the blood of animals, but with His own blood, to appear in God’s presence on our behalf. This ultimate act of atonement allows us to be forgiven and restored to fellowship with God, fulfilling the symbolism of the cherubim and the mercy seat.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the instruction to make the cherubim as one piece with the atonement cover challenge you to think about the unity of God’s holiness and mercy?
  2. What does this verse teach you about the significance of God’s presence and the reverence required in approaching Him?
  3. How can the example of the cherubim on the atonement cover inspire you to reflect on the seriousness of sin and the need for atonement?
  4. In what ways does recognizing Jesus as the fulfillment of the atonement cover and the cherubim deepen your appreciation for His role as your mediator?
  5. How can you live in a way that reflects the holiness and reverence that Exodus 25:19 emphasizes, knowing that God has provided a way for you to approach Him through Christ?

Exodus 25:19 calls us to reflect on the holiness of God and the reverence required in approaching His presence. It challenges us to recognize the significance of atonement and the central role that Jesus Christ plays in making it possible for us to come before God. As we consider this verse, we are reminded of the greater truth that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of what the cherubim and atonement cover represented—the place where God’s mercy meets our need for forgiveness, allowing us to experience His presence and grace.