
Exodus 26:14 – “Make for the tent a covering of ram skins dyed red, and over that a covering of the other durable leather.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Exodus 26:14 provides instructions for the outer coverings of the tabernacle, specifying that two layers of protection are to be made. The first layer is to be made from ram skins dyed red, and the second layer, placed over the first, is to be made from another type of durable leather. These coverings served as the outermost layers of the tabernacle, protecting the sacred space within from the harsh elements of the desert environment.

The ram skins dyed red likely symbolize sacrifice and consecration. In the Old Testament, rams were often used in sacrifices, and the color red is associated with blood, representing life, atonement, and purification. The outermost covering of durable leather would have provided additional protection, emphasizing the strength and resilience needed to safeguard the tabernacle from external threats.

Historical Context

The tabernacle was the portable sanctuary where the Israelites worshipped God during their journey through the wilderness. It was constructed according to detailed instructions given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. The coverings mentioned in Exodus 26:14 were crucial for ensuring the tabernacle’s durability and protection as the Israelites traveled through the harsh and unpredictable desert environment.

In the ancient Near East, the use of animal skins for tents and coverings was common, providing shelter and protection from the elements. The choice of ram skins and durable leather for the tabernacle’s outer layers would have been both practical and symbolic, reflecting the sacred nature of the tabernacle and the need for it to be both protected and set apart.

Theological Implications

Exodus 26:14 highlights the importance of protection and consecration in the worship of God. The use of ram skins dyed red as a covering for the tabernacle symbolizes the need for atonement and purification. The tabernacle was the place where God’s presence dwelled among His people, and the outer coverings served as a physical reminder of the spiritual protection and sanctification required to approach a holy God.

The additional layer of durable leather emphasizes the strength and resilience needed to protect what is sacred. This teaches us that our relationship with God must be guarded and preserved, even in the face of external challenges and dangers. The dual layers of protection reflect God’s provision for both the spiritual and physical needs of His people.

Literary Analysis

This verse is part of a detailed section in Exodus that outlines the construction of the tabernacle. The use of specific materials, such as ram skins dyed red and durable leather, adds depth to the narrative by introducing symbolic elements that carry theological significance. The repetition of instructions related to the tabernacle’s coverings emphasizes the importance of protection, both spiritually and physically.

The verse’s structure, which lists the materials and their purposes in a straightforward manner, reflects the practical and sacred nature of the tabernacle’s construction. The choice of words, such as “covering” and “durable,” underscores the themes of protection and endurance that are central to this passage.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Leviticus 7:37 – This verse discusses the offerings made to God, including the burnt offerings involving rams, which ties into the use of ram skins in the tabernacle’s covering.
  • Psalm 91:1-4 – These verses speak of God’s protection, likening it to being covered under His wings, which parallels the protective layers of the tabernacle.
  • Hebrews 9:22 – “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness,” reflecting the significance of the red-dyed ram skins as a symbol of atonement and purification.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christians, Exodus 26:14 serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting and consecrating our relationship with God. Just as the tabernacle required layers of protection to safeguard the sacred space within, we too need to guard our hearts and minds, ensuring that our faith remains strong and resilient against the challenges of life. The use of ram skins dyed red reminds us of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who provided the ultimate protection and atonement for our sins.

This verse challenges us to consider how we are safeguarding our spiritual lives. Are we taking the necessary steps to protect our relationship with God? Are we mindful of the sacrifices made for our salvation, and do we live in a way that reflects the sanctity of that relationship?

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love in His provision of protection and care for His people. By instructing the Israelites to cover the tabernacle with layers of durable materials, God was ensuring that His dwelling place among them was secure and safeguarded. His love is evident in the way He provided for both the spiritual and physical needs of His people, ensuring that they could worship Him in a protected and consecrated space.

God’s attention to the materials used in the tabernacle’s construction also shows His concern for the details of our lives. He desires to protect us, to cover us with His love and grace, just as the tabernacle was covered and protected by these layers.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

The covering of the tabernacle with ram skins dyed red and durable leather points forward to the ultimate covering provided by Jesus Christ. Just as the tabernacle was protected by these layers, we are covered and protected by the sacrifice of Christ. His blood, shed for us, provides atonement for our sins and secures our relationship with God (1 John 1:7).

The durable leather, symbolizing strength and resilience, reflects the enduring nature of Christ’s sacrifice. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus offers us a protection that is not only sufficient but also unbreakable, ensuring that we are secure in Him (John 10:28-29).

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the instruction to cover the tabernacle with ram skins dyed red and durable leather inspire you to protect and consecrate your relationship with God?
  2. In what ways can you ensure that your faith is strong and resilient, capable of withstanding the challenges of life?
  3. How does understanding the significance of the tabernacle’s coverings deepen your appreciation for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ?
  4. What does this verse teach you about the importance of protection and sanctification in your spiritual life?
  5. How can you apply the principles of protection and consecration in your daily walk with Christ, ensuring that your relationship with God is safeguarded and cherished?