
Exodus 28:42: “Make linen undergarments as a covering for the body, reaching from the waist to the thigh.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 28:42 provides instructions for the making of linen undergarments for Aaron and his sons, who were to serve as priests. These undergarments were to be worn beneath the other priestly garments, covering the body from the waist to the thigh. This verse emphasizes the importance of modesty and purity in the service of God, even in the most private aspects of the priests’ attire.

The undergarments served a practical purpose in ensuring that the priests were appropriately covered as they performed their duties in the tabernacle. However, they also held symbolic significance, representing the need for moral and spiritual purity in those who approach God. The requirement for these undergarments underscores the idea that nothing is hidden from God, and that those who serve Him must be pure in both outward appearance and inward character.

Historical Context

The instructions in Exodus 28:42 were given as part of the broader guidelines for the priestly garments, which were designed to reflect the holiness and dignity required in the service of God. Aaron and his sons, as priests, were to perform their duties in the tabernacle, a place where God’s presence dwelled among the people of Israel. The care and detail given to every aspect of their attire, including the undergarments, highlight the reverence with which they were to approach their sacred responsibilities.

In the ancient world, clothing often carried deep symbolic meaning, and the garments of priests were no exception. The inclusion of undergarments in the priestly attire reflects the broader cultural concern for modesty and the need to approach sacred spaces with respect and humility. For the Israelites, these undergarments were not just about modesty but also about maintaining the sanctity of the tabernacle and the holiness required in the presence of God.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 28:42 highlights the importance of modesty and purity in the service of God. The undergarments, though hidden from view, were an essential part of the priestly attire, symbolizing the need for inner purity and integrity. This verse reminds us that God sees beyond outward appearances and is concerned with the heart and character of those who serve Him.

The requirement for these undergarments also reflects the broader biblical theme of covering and atonement. Just as the undergarments covered the priests, symbolizing their modesty and purity, so too does God provide covering for our sins through atonement. The verse points to the idea that approaching God requires not only external preparation but also an inward commitment to holiness.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 28:42 is a verse that, while brief, carries significant meaning. The instruction to make linen undergarments emphasizes the completeness of the priestly attire and the attention to detail required in preparing to serve God. The use of linen, a material often associated with purity and cleanliness, reinforces the symbolic meaning of these garments.

The verse’s focus on covering the body from the waist to the thigh also underscores the importance of modesty, a theme that runs throughout the Bible. The careful description of the undergarments adds to the overall narrative of the priestly garments, emphasizing the thoroughness with which God’s instructions were to be followed.

Biblical Cross-References

Other passages in the Bible expand on the themes found in Exodus 28:42:

  • Genesis 3:21: Describes how God made garments of skin to clothe Adam and Eve after their sin, symbolizing God’s provision and covering for their shame.
  • Leviticus 16:4: Specifies that the high priest must wear linen garments, including undergarments, on the Day of Atonement, underscoring the importance of purity in approaching God.
  • Isaiah 61:10: Speaks of being clothed with garments of salvation and a robe of righteousness, reflecting the idea that God provides covering for our spiritual needs.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 28:42 serves as a reminder of the importance of modesty and purity in our approach to God. Just as the priests were required to wear linen undergarments as part of their preparation to serve in the tabernacle, believers are called to maintain both outward and inward purity in their relationship with God. This verse challenges us to consider how we can pursue modesty, integrity, and holiness in our own lives, recognizing that nothing is hidden from God.

The verse also encourages believers to reflect on the idea of spiritual covering and atonement. Just as the undergarments provided a physical covering for the priests, God provides a spiritual covering for us through Jesus Christ, who atoned for our sins and makes us acceptable in His sight.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 28:42 reflects God’s love in the way He provides detailed instructions to ensure that His people approach Him with purity and reverence. The requirement for linen undergarments shows God’s concern for both the outward and inward aspects of our lives, emphasizing that He desires His people to be holy in every way. This verse demonstrates God’s deep care for His people, guiding them in how to live lives that reflect His holiness and love.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ, who provides the ultimate covering for our sins. While the linen undergarments symbolized the purity required of the priests, Jesus offers us true spiritual covering through His sacrifice on the cross. In Galatians 3:27, believers are described as being “clothed with Christ,” symbolizing the righteousness that we receive through Him.

In Christ, the symbolism of the priestly garments, including the undergarments, is fulfilled. Jesus, who is perfectly pure and holy, covers our sins and makes us acceptable before God, allowing us to approach Him with confidence and humility.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the requirement for linen undergarments in the priests’ attire challenge you to think about the importance of modesty and purity in your own life?
  2. In what ways can you ensure that your approach to God is marked by both outward and inward holiness?
  3. How does understanding Jesus as the one who provides spiritual covering for our sins influence your relationship with Him?
  4. What steps can you take to live a life that reflects the purity and integrity that God desires from His people, both in private and in public?