
Exodus 29:35: “Do for Aaron and his sons everything I have commanded you, taking seven days to ordain them.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 29:35 is a directive given to Moses regarding the ordination of Aaron and his sons as priests. God commands Moses to follow all the instructions He has provided concerning their ordination, emphasizing that the process should take seven days. This verse highlights the importance of following God’s commands precisely and the significance of the seven-day period in the ordination process.

The seven days symbolize completeness and perfection, a recurring theme in the Bible. By taking seven days to ordain Aaron and his sons, the process was not only thorough but also symbolic of their full consecration to God’s service. The entire process was designed to ensure that Aaron and his sons were fully prepared, both spiritually and physically, for the sacred duties they were about to undertake. This verse underscores the importance of patience, thoroughness, and obedience in carrying out God’s instructions.

Historical Context

In the historical context of ancient Israel, the priesthood was established by God as a means for His people to maintain a relationship with Him through worship and sacrifice. Aaron and his sons were the first to be ordained as priests, a role that required them to act as intermediaries between God and the Israelites. The ordination process was detailed and rigorous, involving various sacrifices, rituals, and symbolic acts that set Aaron and his sons apart for their holy duties.

The seven-day period for ordination was significant because it reflected the creation narrative, where God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. This parallel between creation and ordination suggests that just as God’s creation was complete and perfect, so too was the ordination of the priests, who were to maintain the holiness and order of worship in Israel.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 29:35 emphasizes the necessity of obedience to God’s commands, especially in matters of worship and consecration. The detailed instructions for ordination highlight that holiness and service to God require careful preparation and adherence to His will. This verse reminds us that our approach to God must be marked by reverence and obedience, reflecting His holiness.

The seven-day period also points to the idea of sanctification as a process. Just as Aaron and his sons were gradually consecrated over seven days, Christians today are in a continual process of being sanctified—set apart for God’s purposes. This verse encourages believers to see their spiritual growth as a journey that requires time, commitment, and a willingness to follow God’s instructions.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 29:35 is a command that carries weight and significance. The language is clear and directive, emphasizing the importance of doing exactly as God has instructed. The mention of the seven days adds a layer of symbolism, linking the ordination process to broader biblical themes of creation, completeness, and holiness.

This verse fits within the larger narrative of Exodus, where God provides detailed instructions for the consecration of the priests and the construction of the tabernacle. The careful attention to detail in these instructions reflects the seriousness with which God views worship and the preparation of those who serve Him.

Biblical Cross-References

Several other biblical passages relate to the themes found in Exodus 29:35:

  • Leviticus 8:33-36: This passage describes the actual ordination of Aaron and his sons, including the command to stay at the entrance of the tent of meeting for seven days, fulfilling the instructions given in Exodus 29:35.
  • Exodus 24:12-18: Moses spent forty days and nights on Mount Sinai receiving God’s instructions, a time of preparation that parallels the seven-day ordination process.
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23: Paul prays for the complete sanctification of believers, echoing the theme of being wholly set apart for God, as seen in the ordination process.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 29:35 serves as a reminder of the importance of following God’s instructions carefully and completely. Just as Moses was commanded to do everything exactly as God had instructed, believers today are called to live in obedience to God’s Word. This verse challenges us to take our commitment to God seriously, recognizing that our spiritual growth and service require dedication and thoroughness.

The verse also encourages Christians to see their spiritual journey as a process that takes time. Just as Aaron and his sons were ordained over seven days, we too are being sanctified day by day, growing in our faith and becoming more like Christ. This process requires patience, perseverance, and a willingness to submit to God’s leading.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 29:35 reflects God’s love in His desire for His people to be fully prepared for the roles He calls them to. By giving detailed instructions for the ordination of the priests, God was ensuring that they were thoroughly equipped for their service. This verse shows that God’s love is expressed in His care for the spiritual preparation of those who serve Him, ensuring that they are ready to fulfill their calling.

God’s love is also evident in the way He provides a clear path for His people to follow. The instructions for the ordination process were not arbitrary; they were designed to guide Aaron and his sons into a deep relationship with God, rooted in obedience and holiness. This reflects God’s loving desire for His people to live in a way that honors Him and fulfills His purposes.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Exodus 29:35 connects to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate High Priest. Just as Aaron and his sons were consecrated over seven days, Jesus’ ministry on earth was a period of preparation that culminated in His ultimate act of consecration—His sacrifice on the cross. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus fully consecrated Himself to God’s will, providing the perfect example of obedience and dedication.

In Hebrews 7:26-28, Jesus is described as a High Priest who is holy, blameless, and set apart from sinners. This passage highlights the completeness of Jesus’ consecration, fulfilling and surpassing the ordination process described in Exodus. As believers, we are called to follow Jesus’ example, committing ourselves fully to God’s purposes.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the command to follow God’s instructions in Exodus 29:35 challenge us to consider our own obedience to God’s Word?
  2. In what ways can we ensure that we are fully committed to the process of spiritual growth and sanctification, as symbolized by the seven-day ordination process?
  3. How does this verse encourage us to see our service to God as something that requires careful preparation and dedication?
  4. What does it mean for us to live lives that are fully consecrated to God, following the example of Jesus, our ultimate High Priest?
  5. How can we show gratitude for the way God lovingly prepares us for the roles He calls us to, ensuring that we are equipped to serve Him faithfully?