
Exodus 34:33 – “When Moses finished speaking to them, he put a veil over his face.”

Extended Explanation

In Exodus 34:33, we see Moses covering his face with a veil after speaking to the Israelites. This act of veiling his face occurred because his face was radiant from being in God’s presence. The veil served to shield the Israelites from the intense glow, which symbolized the glory of God that Moses had encountered. This verse marks a transition from the direct communication of God’s commands to a more concealed interaction between Moses and the people, indicating that the glory Moses experienced was too overwhelming for the Israelites to behold directly.

Historical Context

This event takes place after Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the new tablets of the Ten Commandments. The Israelites had previously broken the covenant by worshiping the golden calf, and Moses had interceded for them, resulting in God renewing the covenant. Moses’ face shone because of his close communion with God, but the people were afraid to approach him. To accommodate their fear, Moses covered his face with a veil after delivering God’s messages. This veiling also signified the separation between God’s holiness and the people’s sinfulness, highlighting the need for a mediator.

Theological Implications

Theologically, this verse emphasizes the idea of God’s glory being both accessible and yet veiled. Moses, as a mediator, had direct access to God’s glory, but the people could only experience it indirectly. The veil represents the barriers that exist between a holy God and sinful humanity, a theme that runs throughout Scripture. It also speaks to the idea of revelation and concealment—God reveals Himself to His people, but His full glory is often hidden, accessible only through a mediator. This foreshadows the fuller revelation of God’s glory in Jesus Christ, who removes the barriers between God and humanity.

Literary Analysis

The verse is concise but rich in symbolism. The act of Moses putting a veil over his face is significant, as it shows the distinction between the sacred experience of God’s presence and the everyday life of the Israelites. The veil serves as a physical and visual barrier, reinforcing the idea that while Moses could handle the full intensity of God’s glory, the people could not. The structure of the verse, which shifts from Moses speaking to the act of veiling, highlights the transition from revelation to concealment, and from the divine to the human.

Biblical Cross-References

In 2 Corinthians 3:13-18, the Apostle Paul reflects on this event, explaining that the veil Moses wore symbolizes the temporary and fading nature of the old covenant, compared to the permanent and unveiled glory of the new covenant in Christ. Paul teaches that in Christ, the veil is removed, allowing believers to behold God’s glory with unveiled faces, and be transformed into His image. This passage in the New Testament draws a direct connection between the veiling of Moses’ face and the greater revelation of God’s glory through Jesus.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 34:33 is a reminder of the accessibility of God’s presence through Jesus Christ. Unlike the Israelites who needed a veil to protect them from God’s glory, believers today can approach God directly through Christ, who has removed the barriers that once separated us from God’s holiness. This verse challenges Christians to consider how they reflect God’s glory in their lives and to seek a deeper, more unveiled relationship with Him. It also encourages believers to recognize the significance of Jesus as the one who bridges the gap between God and humanity.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love in that He accommodates the weaknesses and fears of His people. God does not overwhelm the Israelites with His glory but allows Moses to mediate and protect them with the veil. This act shows God’s patience and understanding, as He meets His people where they are. God’s love is also evident in the provision of a mediator, first in Moses and ultimately in Christ, who makes God’s presence accessible to all believers without fear.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Exodus 34:33 connects directly to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate mediator between God and humanity. While Moses had to veil his face to protect the people from God’s glory, Jesus came to remove that veil, offering believers direct access to God. Hebrews 10:19-22 speaks of believers having confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, with hearts sprinkled to cleanse them from a guilty conscience. In Christ, the barriers that once separated us from God’s glory are removed, and we can approach Him with confidence and assurance of His love.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you approach God in your daily life? Are there barriers that you feel still exist, and how can they be removed?
  2. In what ways can you reflect God’s glory in your interactions with others, as Moses did after spending time in God’s presence?
  3. How does understanding Jesus as the one who removes the veil between God and humanity impact your relationship with Him?
  4. What does the concept of veiling and unveiling teach you about the nature of God’s revelation in your life?
  5. How can you cultivate a deeper, more unveiled relationship with God, allowing His glory to shine through you?