
Exodus 38:22 – “Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, made everything the Lord commanded Moses.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 38:22 introduces us to Bezalel, the chief artisan responsible for constructing the Tabernacle and its furnishings. The verse emphasizes that Bezalel, under the guidance of Moses and by the command of the Lord, made everything as instructed. This highlights Bezalel’s role as a skilled craftsman, chosen by God to carry out the detailed work necessary to build the Tabernacle, the sacred place where God would dwell among His people.

The fact that Bezalel is named and his lineage is mentioned—son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah—underscores his significance and the trust placed in him to fulfill this monumental task. The verse also reflects the obedience and faithfulness of Bezalel, who followed God’s instructions precisely, ensuring that every part of the Tabernacle was made according to the divine blueprint given to Moses.

Historical Context

The construction of the Tabernacle took place during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt. The Tabernacle served as the central place of worship, where sacrifices were offered and where God’s presence dwelled among His people. The detailed instructions for the Tabernacle’s construction were given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, and these instructions included every aspect of the Tabernacle’s design, from the structure itself to the various furnishings and utensils used in worship.

Bezalel, from the tribe of Judah, was chosen by God to lead the construction effort. His selection was not random; God specifically filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him wisdom, understanding, and skill in all kinds of craftsmanship (Exodus 31:1-5). This divine empowerment enabled Bezalel to oversee the intricate work required to build the Tabernacle according to God’s specifications.

Theological Implications

Theologically, this verse highlights the importance of obedience and faithfulness in fulfilling God’s commands. Bezalel’s role in constructing the Tabernacle illustrates how God equips those He calls to carry out His work. Bezalel did not undertake this task on his own; he was filled with the Spirit of God, which enabled him to complete the work as God intended. This serves as a reminder that when God calls us to a task, He also provides the resources and abilities needed to fulfill it.

Additionally, Bezalel’s obedience to God’s commands reflects the broader biblical theme of faithfulness. In building the Tabernacle, Bezalel was contributing to the creation of a sacred space where God would meet with His people. This act of obedience and craftsmanship was not just about following instructions; it was an act of worship, a way of honoring God by creating a place worthy of His presence.

Literary Analysis

In the literary context of Exodus, this verse is part of the concluding section that summarizes the construction of the Tabernacle. The specific mention of Bezalel and his lineage highlights his significance and the role he played in this important task. The repetition of the phrase “everything the Lord commanded Moses” throughout this section emphasizes the meticulous care taken to ensure that the Tabernacle was built exactly as God had instructed.

The naming of Bezalel also serves to personalize the narrative, reminding readers that the construction of the Tabernacle was a communal effort involving real people with real skills, all working together under God’s direction. This attention to detail and the inclusion of specific individuals like Bezalel adds depth to the story and reinforces the idea that God works through people to accomplish His purposes.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 31:1-5 – Describes God’s selection of Bezalel and His empowerment of him with the Spirit of God to carry out the work of constructing the Tabernacle.
  • 1 Chronicles 2:20 – Mentions Bezalel as a descendant of Hur, connecting his lineage to the tribe of Judah and highlighting his family’s significance in Israel’s history.
  • Colossians 3:23-24 – Encourages believers to work heartily as for the Lord, reflecting the dedication and obedience shown by Bezalel in his work.

Application for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, Exodus 38:22 serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of obedience and faithfulness in carrying out God’s work. Just as Bezalel was called and equipped by God to build the Tabernacle, we too are called to serve God in various ways, using the gifts and talents He has given us. This verse challenges us to consider whether we are faithfully using our skills and resources to honor God and fulfill the tasks He has given us.

Bezalel’s example also reminds us that our work, no matter how ordinary it may seem, can be an act of worship when done in obedience to God. Whether we are involved in ministry, business, art, or any other field, we can honor God by doing our work with excellence and integrity, just as Bezalel did in constructing the Tabernacle.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love in His careful selection of individuals like Bezalel to carry out His plans. By choosing and equipping Bezalel for the task of building the Tabernacle, God was showing His care for the details of His dwelling place among His people. This act of empowerment is an expression of God’s love, as He provides the necessary skills and abilities to those He calls, ensuring that His plans are fulfilled according to His perfect will.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Bezalel’s role in constructing the Tabernacle, where God’s presence would dwell, points forward to Jesus Christ, who is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s presence among His people. Just as Bezalel built the Tabernacle according to God’s instructions, Jesus came to fulfill the will of the Father perfectly. Jesus is often described as the cornerstone of our faith (Ephesians 2:20), and through Him, God dwells among us, not in a physical Tabernacle, but in our hearts through the Holy Spirit.

Moreover, Bezalel’s obedience and craftsmanship in creating a place for God’s presence foreshadow the work of Christ, who, through His life, death, and resurrection, made a way for us to enter into God’s presence eternally.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does Bezalel’s obedience to God’s instructions challenge us to consider our own faithfulness in the tasks God has given us?
  2. In what ways can we use the gifts and talents God has given us to serve Him and build His kingdom?
  3. What does this passage teach us about the importance of doing our work with excellence and integrity as an act of worship?
  4. How does Bezalel’s role in constructing the Tabernacle point us to the work of Jesus Christ in fulfilling God’s plan of redemption?
  5. How can we apply the principles of obedience, faithfulness, and craftsmanship, as seen in Bezalel’s work, to our daily walk with God?

This verse encourages us to reflect on the importance of using our gifts and talents in obedience to God, honoring Him through our work, and recognizing the ultimate fulfillment of these principles in Jesus Christ, who perfectly carried out the Father’s will.