
Exodus 39:43 – “Moses inspected the work and saw that they had done it just as the Lord had commanded. So Moses blessed them.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 39:43 captures the moment when Moses inspects the completed work of the Tabernacle and confirms that the Israelites had followed God’s instructions exactly as commanded. This verse signifies the conclusion of the construction process, where Moses, acting as God’s appointed leader, verifies the faithfulness of the people in carrying out the divine instructions.

After inspecting the work and confirming its alignment with God’s commands, Moses blesses the people. This blessing is significant because it represents God’s approval of their obedience and dedication. The work on the Tabernacle was not merely a physical task but a spiritual act of worship and obedience. Moses’ blessing serves as a recognition of the people’s efforts and a reminder that their work was done for God’s glory.

Historical Context

The construction of the Tabernacle took place during the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness, following their exodus from Egypt. The Tabernacle was the central place of worship and the dwelling place of God among His people. God had given Moses specific and detailed instructions on how the Tabernacle and its furnishings were to be made, and these instructions were meticulously followed by the people.

Moses, as the leader of the Israelites and the mediator between God and the people, was responsible for ensuring that everything was done according to God’s commands. The inspection by Moses was the final step before the Tabernacle could be consecrated and used for worship. His blessing affirmed that the work had been completed in accordance with God’s will and that the people had been faithful in their task.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Exodus 39:43 highlights the importance of obedience and faithfulness in fulfilling God’s commands. The Israelites’ careful adherence to the instructions given by God through Moses demonstrates their reverence for God and their desire to honor Him with their work. The blessing from Moses signifies God’s approval and favor upon those who obey Him.

This verse also illustrates the concept of leadership and accountability in the community of faith. Moses, as the leader, was responsible for ensuring that the work was done correctly and that it met God’s standards. His role in inspecting and blessing the work reflects the responsibility of spiritual leaders to guide and oversee the work of God’s people, ensuring that it aligns with His will.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 39:43 serves as the conclusion to the detailed narrative of the Tabernacle’s construction. The verse is structured to emphasize the completion of the work and the satisfaction of both Moses and God with the results. The phrase “just as the Lord had commanded” is a recurring theme throughout the construction narrative, reinforcing the importance of obedience to God’s instructions.

The blessing that Moses gives is a fitting conclusion to the narrative, serving as both a reward for the people’s faithfulness and an affirmation of God’s presence and favor. The verse is concise but packed with meaning, summarizing the success of the project and setting the stage for the Tabernacle to be used as the place where God would dwell among His people.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 40:16: “Moses did everything just as the Lord commanded him.” This verse emphasizes Moses’ role in faithfully carrying out God’s instructions, similar to the way the people faithfully followed the commands for the Tabernacle’s construction.
  • Numbers 6:24-26: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” This priestly blessing reflects the kind of blessing Moses might have pronounced over the people after inspecting the work.
  • Hebrews 3:5: “Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house, bearing witness to what would be spoken by God in the future.” This New Testament reference highlights Moses’ faithfulness and leadership in carrying out God’s commands.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 39:43 serves as a reminder of the importance of faithful obedience to God’s commands. The verse challenges us to consider whether our work, whether in ministry, service, or daily life, aligns with God’s instructions and whether we are carrying out our tasks with the same diligence and reverence that the Israelites demonstrated.

This verse also encourages us to seek God’s blessing on our efforts. Just as Moses blessed the Israelites for their faithful work, we should seek to live in a way that earns God’s favor and approval. Our obedience and dedication to God’s commands should be motivated by a desire to honor Him and to receive His blessing in our lives.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love in the way He honors and blesses obedience. By giving His commands to the Israelites, God was guiding them in how to worship and serve Him in a way that pleased Him. The blessing from Moses, which ultimately came from God, was a sign of God’s approval and love for His people.

God’s love is also evident in the way He involves His people in His plans. The construction of the Tabernacle was a collective effort, and God’s blessing on the completed work shows His appreciation for their obedience and dedication. This verse reminds us that God delights in our faithful service and that His love is expressed through the blessings He bestows upon those who follow His will.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

The blessing that Moses pronounces over the completed work of the Tabernacle can be seen as a foreshadowing of the ultimate blessing that comes through Jesus Christ. Just as the Israelites were blessed for their obedience in constructing the Tabernacle, we are blessed through the perfect obedience of Jesus, who fulfilled God’s will perfectly.

In Ephesians 1:3, we read, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” Through Jesus, we receive the fullness of God’s blessing, not because of our own works, but because of His perfect obedience and sacrifice on our behalf. The Tabernacle was a temporary dwelling place for God among His people, but through Jesus, we have the promise of God’s presence with us always.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the example of the Israelites’ obedience in constructing the Tabernacle challenge you to examine your own obedience to God’s word in your life?
  2. In what ways can you seek to ensure that your work, whether in ministry, service, or daily life, aligns with God’s instructions and reflects His glory?
  3. How does understanding the importance of seeking God’s blessing influence your approach to your relationship with Him?
  4. What steps can you take to live in a way that honors God and invites His blessing, following the example set by the Israelites in Exodus 39:43?
  5. How does the connection between the Tabernacle and Jesus Christ deepen your understanding of God’s desire to bless His people through faithful obedience and the ultimate blessing we receive in Christ?

This exploration of Exodus 39:43 encourages believers to reflect on the importance of obedience, the significance of receiving God’s blessing, and the fulfillment of these principles in the person of Jesus Christ, who perfectly obeyed the Father’s will and brings us into the fullness of God’s blessing.