
Exodus 39:6 – “They mounted the onyx stones in gold filigree settings and engraved them like a seal with the names of the sons of Israel.”

Extended Explanation

Exodus 39:6 describes a significant part of the High Priest’s ephod—the mounting of onyx stones in gold filigree settings, engraved with the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. These stones were placed on the shoulder pieces of the ephod, symbolizing the High Priest’s role in bearing the nation of Israel before God. The engraving of the names like a seal signifies permanence and the importance of each tribe in God’s eyes. The gold filigree settings highlight the value and sacredness of the priestly garments. This verse emphasizes the care and reverence with which the priest’s garments were made, reflecting the holiness of God and the importance of the High Priest’s mediatory role.

Historical Context

The ephod was a central garment in the High Priest’s attire, and the onyx stones mentioned in this verse were crucial components of it. The Israelites, having been delivered from Egypt, were now in the wilderness, where God instructed them on how to build the Tabernacle and prepare the priestly garments. The onyx stones, set in gold, were not just decorative; they held deep significance. By bearing the names of the tribes of Israel on his shoulders, the High Priest symbolized his role as the representative of the people before God. The use of gold and onyx, both precious materials, reflected the sacred nature of this responsibility.

Theological Implications

Theologically, the onyx stones mounted in gold settings symbolize the value and significance of God’s people in His eyes. Each tribe had a place on the High Priest’s shoulders, showing that every part of God’s people is important and remembered. The fact that these names were engraved like a seal indicates their permanence in God’s covenant relationship with Israel. This verse points to the idea that God’s people are precious to Him, and He carries them on His heart, just as the High Priest carried them on his shoulders. It also underscores the need for a mediator between God and His people, a role ultimately fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

Literary Analysis

Exodus 39:6 is part of a detailed narrative that describes the construction of the priestly garments. The verse is rich in imagery, with the onyx stones and gold filigree settings representing both beauty and sacredness. The use of the phrase “engraved them like a seal” adds a layer of permanence and importance to the act of engraving the names of the tribes. The language emphasizes the careful and deliberate obedience to God’s commands in making the priestly garments, reflecting the overall theme of holiness and reverence in the worship of God.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 28:9-12: These verses provide the original instructions for the engraving of the onyx stones, showing the continuity between God’s command and its fulfillment in Exodus 39:6.
  • Isaiah 49:16: This verse speaks of God engraving His people on the palms of His hands, a powerful image that echoes the engraving of the names of the tribes on the onyx stones, symbolizing God’s constant remembrance of His people.
  • Revelation 21:12-14: In the New Testament, the names of the twelve tribes are seen engraved on the gates of the New Jerusalem, linking the idea of God’s eternal covenant with His people.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 39:6 is a reminder of the value and significance that God places on His people. Just as the High Priest carried the names of the tribes on his shoulders, we are reminded that we are always before God, valued and remembered. This verse challenges believers to consider how they carry the burdens and responsibilities of representing God’s people in their daily lives. It also points to the importance of being mindful of the sacred responsibility that comes with being part of God’s covenant community.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love in the way He remembers and values each of His people. By instructing that the names of the tribes be engraved on precious stones and carried by the High Priest, God shows His commitment to His people. This act of engraving the names on the stones is symbolic of God’s deep, covenantal love, where He continually carries His people and remembers them. It is a powerful image of God’s faithfulness and His personal care for each individual in His covenant community.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

The onyx stones engraved with the names of the tribes and mounted on the High Priest’s shoulders point forward to Jesus Christ, our ultimate High Priest. Just as the High Priest bore the names of the tribes before God, Jesus carries our names before the Father. In Hebrews 7:25, we are told that Jesus “always lives to intercede” for us, fulfilling the mediatory role symbolized by the High Priest in the Old Testament. The permanence of the engraving is a picture of the eternal nature of Christ’s intercession for us, where He continually represents us before God.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the image of the High Priest bearing the names of the tribes on his shoulders impact your understanding of your value and significance to God?
  2. In what ways can you reflect the responsibility of representing God’s people in your own life?
  3. How does recognizing the permanence of God’s covenant relationship with His people encourage you in your faith?
  4. What does this verse teach you about the role of Jesus as our High Priest, and how can this understanding deepen your relationship with Him?

This article provides insight into the meaning of Exodus 39:6 and its significance for Christians today, highlighting the value God places on His people and the ongoing role of Jesus as our High Priest.