
Exodus 4:6 – “Then the Lord said, ‘Put your hand inside your cloak.’ So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, the skin was leprous—it had become as white as snow.”

Extended Explanation

In Exodus 4:6, God instructs Moses to perform another miraculous sign, this time involving his own body. God tells Moses to put his hand inside his cloak, and when Moses pulls it out, his hand is leprous—covered with a skin disease, making it white as snow. This transformation is sudden and shocking, displaying God’s power over even the human body. The purpose of this sign is similar to the transformation of the staff into a snake: it is meant to demonstrate God’s authority and to convince the Israelites that Moses has indeed been sent by God.

Leprosy was a serious and feared disease in ancient times, often associated with impurity and divine judgment. By giving Moses this sign, God is showing that He has control over health and illness, life and death. The sudden onset of leprosy and its equally sudden removal (as described in the following verse) is a powerful demonstration that God’s power can bring both affliction and healing. This sign would have been a compelling and undeniable evidence of divine intervention.

Historical Context

This event takes place during Moses’ encounter with God at the burning bush, where God is commissioning Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. At this time, leprosy was not only a physical ailment but also a social stigma. Those afflicted with leprosy were often isolated from their communities, as the disease was considered highly contagious and a sign of divine displeasure.

In the cultural context of ancient Egypt and the surrounding regions, diseases like leprosy were often seen as manifestations of divine punishment. By turning Moses’ hand leprous and then restoring it, God is demonstrating His sovereignty over such conditions. This sign would have had a profound impact on the Israelites, who would have understood the severity of the disease and the significance of Moses’ healing.

Theological Implications

Exodus 4:6 highlights several important theological truths. First, it underscores God’s complete control over the physical world, including the human body. God’s ability to inflict and heal disease with a simple command illustrates His power and authority over creation. This serves as a reminder that nothing is outside of God’s control, whether it’s the natural world, human health, or even life and death itself.

Second, this sign symbolizes the reality of sin and its consequences. In the Bible, leprosy often represents sin or impurity, and the sudden appearance of leprosy on Moses’ hand can be seen as a symbol of how sin corrupts and defiles. The subsequent healing of Moses’ hand foreshadows God’s ability to cleanse and restore, pointing to the hope of redemption and renewal.

Literary Analysis

The structure of Exodus 4:6 is direct and impactful. The command from God is simple—“Put your hand inside your cloak”—but the result is dramatic. The description of the leprous hand, “white as snow,” is vivid and emphasizes the severity of the condition. The contrast between the healthy hand and the leprous one creates a powerful image of transformation, highlighting the miraculous nature of the event.

The narrative also uses the suddenness of the change to create a sense of awe and wonder. This is not a gradual process but an immediate, unmistakable demonstration of God’s power. The abruptness of the miracle reinforces the idea that God’s actions are decisive and absolute.

Biblical Cross-References

Several other passages in the Bible reflect similar themes of God’s power over disease and His ability to heal:

  • 2 Kings 5:1-14 – The story of Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army who was healed of leprosy after following the prophet Elisha’s instructions. This story also demonstrates God’s power to heal and the importance of obedience.
  • Matthew 8:2-3 – Jesus heals a man with leprosy, saying, “I am willing. Be clean!” Immediately the man was cured of his leprosy. This account shows Jesus’ authority over sickness and His compassion for the afflicted.
  • Luke 17:12-14 – Jesus heals ten men with leprosy, again demonstrating His power to cleanse and restore those who are outcast and suffering.

These passages, like Exodus 4:6, emphasize God’s power to heal and restore, both physically and spiritually.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Exodus 4:6 serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty over all aspects of life, including our health and well-being. It challenges us to trust in God’s power to heal and to bring about change in our lives, even when situations seem dire or hopeless. This verse also encourages us to recognize that God can use even our weaknesses or afflictions to demonstrate His power and to bring glory to His name.

Additionally, this verse reminds us that God is both just and merciful. Just as He can bring affliction, He can also bring healing. This dual aspect of God’s nature calls us to live with both a reverence for His power and a deep trust in His goodness.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Exodus 4:6 reflects God’s love in the way He communicates His power to Moses and, through Moses, to the Israelites. While the sign of leprosy might initially seem harsh, it is actually an expression of God’s commitment to provide clear and undeniable evidence of His presence and authority. By giving Moses this sign, God is equipping him with the tools necessary to fulfill his mission and to reassure the Israelites that He is indeed with them.

God’s willingness to heal the leprous hand also shows His compassion and desire to restore. He does not leave Moses in a state of affliction but quickly brings healing, demonstrating that His ultimate purpose is not to harm but to heal and to save.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ in a profound way. Just as God showed His power to heal leprosy through Moses, Jesus demonstrated His divine authority by healing lepers during His ministry. Jesus’ healings were not just acts of compassion but also signs pointing to His identity as the Messiah and the one who brings spiritual healing to all who believe.

Moreover, the sudden transformation of Moses’ hand can be seen as a foreshadowing of the transformation that Jesus brings into our lives. Just as Moses’ hand was restored to health, Jesus offers us spiritual healing and renewal, transforming our lives from a state of sin and brokenness to one of wholeness and new life in Him.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this verse challenge your understanding of God’s power over your life, including your health and well-being?
  2. Have you experienced a situation where you saw God’s hand at work in a surprising or miraculous way? How did that impact your faith?
  3. What does this verse teach you about the relationship between sin and God’s power to heal and restore?
  4. How can you apply the lesson of God’s sovereignty and mercy in your daily life, especially when facing challenges or difficulties?
  5. In what ways does this story deepen your appreciation for Jesus’ healing ministry and His power to transform lives?

Exodus 4:6 reminds us that God is in control of all things and that He has the power to heal and restore, both physically and spiritually. It encourages us to trust in His power and to live in the confidence that He is always at work in our lives, even in the most challenging circumstances.