Galatians 6:6 – “Nevertheless, the one who receives instruction in the word should share all good things with their instructor.”
Extended Explanation
This verse is a simple but important teaching about supporting those who teach the Word of God. Paul is saying that those who receive spiritual instruction should, in turn, support their teachers. This support can be financial, material, or any other means of providing for their needs.
The phrase “receives instruction” refers to learning from a teacher of God’s Word—such as pastors, preachers, or anyone who faithfully teaches the Bible. The word “share” means to give back, showing appreciation and providing for those who dedicate their time to spiritual teaching.
The principle behind this verse is fairness. Those who devote their lives to teaching others about God should not have to struggle to provide for themselves. It’s a way for believers to show gratitude and ensure that spiritual leaders can continue their work without unnecessary hardship.
Historical Context
During Paul’s time, Christian teachers and preachers often relied on the support of the churches they served. Many of these leaders left behind other forms of work to dedicate themselves fully to preaching and teaching.
In Galatia, false teachers were causing confusion, and Paul was reminding the believers to stay committed to the truth and support those who faithfully taught them. This verse encouraged the church to recognize the value of sound biblical teaching and to take care of those who provided it.
This was not a new idea. In the Old Testament, the Levites—who were responsible for teaching God’s law—were supported by the tithes and offerings of the people (Numbers 18:21). Paul was applying the same principle to those who taught in the early church.
Theological Implications
This verse carries several key teachings:
- Spiritual teachers deserve support. Those who spend their time teaching God’s Word should be provided for by the people they teach.
- Giving is an act of gratitude. Supporting teachers is a way of recognizing the value of spiritual wisdom.
- The work of ministry requires resources. Just as people invest in education, careers, and entertainment, they should also invest in spiritual growth.
- God’s design for the church includes mutual care. Believers share in each other’s burdens, including providing for those in ministry.
This verse emphasizes generosity and fairness, showing that Christians should support those who serve the church faithfully.
Literary Analysis
Paul’s wording is practical and direct. The phrase “receives instruction in the word” refers to someone learning Scripture and biblical principles. The Greek word for “instruction” (katēcheō) is where we get the word “catechism,” meaning systematic teaching.
The phrase “share all good things” suggests that this is not just about money—it includes anything that can bless and support teachers, such as food, encouragement, or other resources.
The term “their instructor” refers to those who faithfully teach God’s Word. Paul does not focus on a title or position but on the function—anyone who is dedicated to teaching the Bible.
Biblical Cross-References
- 1 Corinthians 9:11 – “If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?” (Paul reinforces that spiritual teachers should receive material support.)
- 1 Timothy 5:17 – “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.” (Those who lead and teach are to be honored.)
- Luke 10:7 – “The worker deserves his wages.” (Jesus affirmed that those who serve in ministry should be provided for.)
- Philippians 4:15-17 – Paul praised the Philippians for their generosity in supporting his ministry.
What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian
Many people today benefit from spiritual teachers—pastors, Bible study leaders, Christian authors, and even online ministries. However, it’s easy to take their work for granted without considering how they are supported.
This verse reminds Christians today that:
- Faithful pastors and teachers need encouragement and support.
- Giving to churches and ministries is part of biblical faithfulness.
- Spiritual instruction is valuable and should be appreciated.
- Churches should take care of those who lead and teach rather than expecting them to struggle financially.
For today’s Christian, this means:
- Regularly praying for and encouraging those who teach the Bible.
- Contributing financially to a church or ministry.
- Supporting pastors and teachers in practical ways (helping with personal needs, offering words of encouragement, or volunteering in ministry).
- Recognizing that spiritual growth comes with responsibility—if we benefit from teaching, we should be willing to give back.
How This Verse Relates to a Loving God
God’s love is shown in the way He provides for His people—including those who teach His Word. He does not want His servants to struggle but has designed the church to care for its leaders.
This verse reflects God’s love in several ways:
- God values those who teach His Word. He calls them to ministry and ensures they are provided for.
- God’s love is practical. He wants believers to take care of one another, especially those in leadership.
- God teaches generosity. He blesses those who give to His work (2 Corinthians 9:7-8).
This verse is a reminder that supporting God’s work is not just a duty—it is an expression of love and gratitude.
How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ
Jesus Himself depended on the support of others during His ministry.
- Luke 8:1-3 – A group of women financially supported Jesus and His disciples as they traveled and preached.
- Matthew 10:9-10 – Jesus told His disciples not to take extra provisions, because they would be supported by those they ministered to.
- John 13:13-17 – Jesus modeled servant leadership, teaching that those who lead spiritually should be honored.
Jesus set the example by teaching and giving freely, but He also received support from those who valued His message. He showed that ministry is a shared effort—those who teach and those who learn both play important roles in advancing God’s kingdom.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Have you ever considered how pastors and Bible teachers are supported?
- How can you personally encourage and support those who teach God’s Word?
- Do you see financial giving as an act of gratitude toward God? Why or why not?
- What does this verse teach about generosity and responsibility in the church?
- How does Jesus’ example challenge your attitude toward giving and supporting ministry?
This verse is a reminder that spiritual instruction is a gift, and those who teach should be supported by those who learn. Whether through financial giving, encouragement, or practical help, Christians are called to take care of those who faithfully teach God’s Word.