
Leviticus 10:15 – “The thigh that was presented and the breast that was waved must be brought with the fat portions of the food offerings to be waved before the Lord as a wave offering. This will be the perpetual share for you and your children, as the Lord has commanded.”

Extended Explanation

Leviticus 10:15 continues the instructions given to Aaron and his sons regarding the portions of the offerings they are to receive. In this verse, the emphasis is on the thigh and the breast portions of the sacrificial animal, which were designated as the priests’ share. These portions were to be brought along with the fat portions of the food offerings and waved before the Lord as part of the ritual. The wave offering was a symbolic act, demonstrating that the offerings were presented to God, and after this act, the portions would belong to the priests as their perpetual share. This provision was not a one-time command but was intended to be a lasting ordinance for the priests and their descendants.

Historical Context

The historical context of this verse is tied to the establishment of the priesthood and the sacrificial system in ancient Israel. After the exodus from Egypt, God provided detailed laws through Moses on how the Israelites were to worship Him and maintain their covenant relationship. The priests, who were descendants of Aaron, were given specific duties in the tabernacle, including the responsibility to handle the sacrifices. As they did not have land or other means of income, the portions of the sacrifices, like the thigh and breast, were a means of provision for them and their families. The ritual of the wave offering was part of the sacrificial process, symbolizing the dedication of these portions to God before they were given to the priests.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Leviticus 10:15 underscores the principle of God’s provision for those who serve Him. The priests were entirely dependent on the offerings brought by the people, which were in turn provided by God. This verse highlights the idea that those who dedicate their lives to God’s service are sustained by the very offerings they help to mediate. It also reinforces the importance of following God’s commands precisely, as the specific instructions for the wave offering and the designated portions reflect the order and holiness that God requires in worship. This verse also touches on the concept of stewardship, where the priests are entrusted with these offerings as part of their service to God.

Literary Analysis

Literarily, Leviticus 10:15 is part of a broader passage detailing the duties and privileges of the priests in the sacrificial system. The structure of the verse is instructional, with a focus on the actions that must be performed—bringing the thigh and breast portions along with the fat portions, and waving them before the Lord. The use of the term “perpetual share” indicates that this command was not just for that moment but was intended to establish a lasting practice. The verse’s repetition of the required actions emphasizes the importance of adhering to God’s specific instructions in worship and service.

Biblical Cross-References

Leviticus 10:15 can be cross-referenced with other passages that discuss the wave offering and the portions allotted to the priests. In Leviticus 7:31-34, further details are given about the portions of the peace offerings that are to be given to the priests, including the breast and thigh. Numbers 18:8-11 also speaks about the portions of offerings that belong to the priests, reinforcing the idea that these offerings are a perpetual share. Additionally, in 1 Samuel 2:28, God reminds Eli of the privileges given to his family as priests, including the right to partake in the offerings brought by the people, which ties back to the practices established in Leviticus.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Leviticus 10:15 serves as a reminder of God’s provision for those who serve Him and the importance of honoring God’s commands in our worship and service. While Christians are no longer under the Old Testament sacrificial system, the principles of stewardship, provision, and dedication to God’s service remain relevant. This verse challenges believers to consider how they are using the resources and blessings God has entrusted to them and how they can honor God through their service. It also encourages Christians to be mindful of the ways in which God provides for their needs, often through the means of their service to Him.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Leviticus 10:15 reflects God’s love in the way He provides for those who are dedicated to His service. By ensuring that the priests had a perpetual share of the offerings, God was taking care of their physical needs while they focused on the spiritual needs of the community. This provision is an expression of God’s care and faithfulness, showing that He values those who serve Him and ensures that they are not neglected. God’s love is also evident in the detailed instructions He gives, which guide the priests in how to properly handle the sacred duties entrusted to them.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Leviticus 10:15 connects to Jesus Christ as the ultimate High Priest who perfectly fulfills the role that the priests in the Old Testament were meant to serve. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice, and through His death and resurrection, He provides spiritual sustenance to all who believe in Him. In Hebrews 7:24-25, it is explained that Jesus holds His priesthood permanently and is able to save completely those who come to God through Him. The wave offering in Leviticus points to the ultimate offering of Christ, who presented Himself before God on our behalf. Just as the priests received a perpetual share of the offerings, believers are invited to partake in the eternal blessings that come through Christ’s sacrifice.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this verse challenge you to recognize and honor the ways God provides for those who serve Him?
  2. In what ways can you reflect the principles of stewardship and dedication in your own service to God?
  3. How does understanding the Old Testament practices help you appreciate the spiritual provisions we have in Christ today?
  4. What does it mean to you that God’s provision for the priests was a perpetual share, and how can you apply this concept to your own life?
  5. How can you ensure that your service to God is done in a way that honors His commands and reflects His love?