
Leviticus 11:22 – “Of these you may eat any kind of locust, katydid, cricket or grasshopper.”

Extended Explanation

Leviticus 11:22 provides more detail on the types of flying insects that are considered clean and permissible for the Israelites to eat. This verse specifically lists locusts, katydids, crickets, and grasshoppers as insects that can be eaten. Unlike other flying insects that walk on all fours, these insects have jointed legs for hopping, making them acceptable according to God’s dietary laws. These distinctions teach the Israelites to be careful about what they consume and to follow God’s specific instructions. This allowance for eating certain insects shows that God provided practical guidance for His people, especially considering their needs in various situations.

Historical Context

The book of Leviticus was given to the Israelites during their time in the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt. As they prepared to enter the Promised Land, God provided them with specific laws to guide them as His chosen people. The dietary laws, including those that allowed the consumption of certain insects, were part of these instructions. In the ancient world, food sources could be scarce, especially in the wilderness. Allowing certain insects, like locusts and grasshoppers, to be eaten would have been practical during times of limited resources. At the same time, these laws helped the Israelites maintain their distinct identity, separating them from the practices of other nations.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Leviticus 11:22 underscores the importance of discernment and obedience in the life of God’s people. By allowing certain insects to be eaten while prohibiting others, God teaches His people that not all things are equally acceptable. This distinction requires careful examination and discernment, reflecting the need to follow God’s commands carefully. The verse also highlights the principle that God provides for His people, even in challenging circumstances. It shows that God’s instructions are not arbitrary but are designed to teach His people to trust His wisdom and provision in all things.

Literary Analysis

Leviticus 11:22 is written in a straightforward and clear style, typical of the legal texts in Leviticus. The verse provides a specific list of insects that are clean and permissible to eat, which contrasts with the unclean insects mentioned earlier. The detailed naming of each insect ensures there is no ambiguity about which insects are allowed. This precise structure reflects the care with which God provided His laws, ensuring His people understood the boundaries and guidelines for living a holy life that reflects their commitment to Him.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Deuteronomy 14:19-20: Reiterates the types of insects that are clean and can be eaten, reinforcing the dietary laws given to Israel.
  • Matthew 3:4: Describes John the Baptist eating locusts and wild honey, showing that even in the New Testament period, devout Jews followed these dietary practices.
  • Mark 7:18-19: Jesus declares all foods clean, signaling a shift from the Old Testament dietary laws to a new understanding of purity under the New Covenant.
  • Acts 10:12-15: In Peter’s vision, God declares all foods clean, symbolizing the end of the Old Testament dietary restrictions and the inclusion of all people in God’s covenant.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For Christians today, Leviticus 11:22 might seem like an outdated rule, given that the New Testament teaches that all foods are clean (Mark 7:19; Acts 10:15). However, the principle behind this verse remains relevant. It teaches Christians to practice discernment and to understand that not everything is equally beneficial. While the specific dietary laws no longer apply, the need to evaluate what we consume—whether food, media, or ideas—is still important. Just as the Israelites were called to make distinctions between clean and unclean, Christians are called to be mindful of what they allow into their lives and hearts, ensuring it aligns with God’s will.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Leviticus 11:22 shows God’s loving care by providing clear guidelines that meet the practical needs of His people while maintaining their spiritual well-being. These dietary laws were given to protect the Israelites, both physically and spiritually, teaching them to rely on God’s wisdom and guidance. By allowing certain insects to be eaten, God demonstrated His understanding of their needs, particularly in difficult situations like their journey through the wilderness. Just as a loving parent provides rules and guidelines for their children’s safety and health, God’s commands were given out of love to help His people live in a way that reflects His holiness.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

The dietary laws, including those in Leviticus 11:22, find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Jesus emphasized that what makes a person unclean is not what they eat but what comes from their heart—our words, attitudes, and actions (Matthew 15:11). Through His death and resurrection, Jesus established a new covenant that focuses on internal transformation rather than external adherence to rules. In Acts 10, God shows Peter a vision declaring all foods clean, marking a significant shift from the old dietary laws to a focus on the heart’s condition and spiritual purity. This new perspective emphasizes the deeper spiritual cleansing and renewal that Jesus provides to all who trust in Him.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does the principle of discerning what is acceptable to God apply to our spiritual lives today?
  2. In what ways should Christians be mindful of what they allow into their hearts and minds?
  3. How does understanding the purpose behind the Old Testament laws help us appreciate the grace and freedom we have in Jesus Christ?
  4. How can we practice the principle of discernment in our daily lives to ensure we are making choices that honor God?
  5. How can we live in a way that reflects our identity as God’s people in a world filled with distractions and temptations?

This exploration of Leviticus 11:22 shows that while the Old Testament dietary laws are no longer directly applicable to Christians today, the principles of discernment, holiness, and living a life that honors God remain central to our walk with Jesus and our relationship with God.