
Leviticus 20:18 – “If a man has sexual relations with a woman during her monthly period, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them are to be cut off from their people.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Leviticus 20:18 addresses the prohibition against a man having sexual relations with a woman during her menstrual period. This law was given as part of God’s instructions on maintaining ritual purity and respecting the natural processes of the human body. The phrase “exposed the source of her flow” indicates a serious breach of the boundaries God established regarding physical and ritual cleanliness. Being “cut off from their people” meant severe consequences—often involving social or spiritual separation from the community. This verse emphasizes the importance of observing God’s laws regarding purity and respecting the times when the body is considered ritually unclean.

Historical Context

In the ancient Israelite context, laws concerning cleanliness and purity were a crucial part of daily life and worship. The people of Israel were called to be distinct from the surrounding nations by maintaining high standards of purity, both physically and spiritually. Menstrual impurity was part of a broader set of laws that included guidelines for bodily discharges and other conditions considered unclean (see Leviticus 15). These laws served not only as health and hygiene practices but also as a way to teach the Israelites about the holiness of God and the need for ritual purity in approaching Him. Observing these laws was a way for Israel to maintain a clean and holy community set apart for God.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Leviticus 20:18 underscores the idea that God cares about the physical aspects of our lives and how they relate to spiritual purity. God’s laws were designed to set boundaries that taught His people about holiness, respect, and self-control. The command to abstain from sexual relations during menstruation wasn’t just about health; it was about honoring God’s order and showing reverence for His laws. This verse highlights that holiness involves every part of life, including our most intimate moments. It reminds us that God’s people are called to live according to His standards in all things, acknowledging His authority over every aspect of life.

Literary Analysis

Leviticus 20:18 is written with clear and specific language, focusing on the consequences of disregarding God’s laws regarding ritual purity. The use of the terms “exposed” and “uncovered” highlights the seriousness of the act, emphasizing that it is not just a physical violation but a spiritual one as well. The directive that both individuals are to be “cut off from their people” serves as a powerful statement about the importance of maintaining the community’s purity. The structure of the verse directly connects the action to the punishment, reinforcing the need for obedience to God’s commands and respect for His established boundaries.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Leviticus 15:19-24: These verses outline the laws regarding menstruation and the associated requirements for purity, providing the broader context for why sexual relations during this time were forbidden.
  • Ezekiel 18:6: “He does not defile his neighbor’s wife or have sexual relations with a woman during her period.” This verse reinforces the importance of observing God’s laws regarding sexual purity.
  • Isaiah 64:6: “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags.” This passage uses the concept of ritual impurity as a metaphor for sin, emphasizing the need for God’s cleansing.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Leviticus 20:18 serves as a reminder of the importance of honoring God’s standards and respecting the physical boundaries He has established. While the specific laws regarding ritual purity are not enforced under the new covenant established by Christ, the principles behind them remain relevant. This verse challenges believers to approach their bodies and relationships with respect, recognizing that how we live reflects our reverence for God. It also emphasizes the broader biblical call to live in purity and holiness, acknowledging that every aspect of our lives, including our intimate moments, matters to God.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Although Leviticus 20:18 contains strict commands, it ultimately reflects God’s loving desire to guide His people toward a life of holiness and respect. God’s laws were given not to burden but to protect, teaching the Israelites about cleanliness, self-control, and respect for the natural processes He created. God’s love is evident in His care for every detail of our lives, showing us that He values our physical and spiritual well-being. By setting these boundaries, God was providing His people with a way to live that honored Him and kept them healthy and set apart as His chosen people.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ fulfilled the law and brought a new understanding of purity that goes beyond physical rituals. In Christ, believers are no longer bound by the specific ceremonial laws of the Old Testament, but the principles behind these laws still teach us valuable lessons about holiness and respect for God’s standards. Jesus emphasized the importance of inner purity, teaching that what comes from the heart is what truly defiles a person (Mark 7:20-23). Through His sacrifice, Jesus made a way for us to be cleansed from all sin and impurity, offering us a new life that honors God in every area. Hebrews 10:22 encourages us to “draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.”

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does Leviticus 20:18 challenge you to consider the importance of respecting God’s boundaries in all areas of your life?
  2. What does this verse teach you about God’s care for both the physical and spiritual aspects of our lives?
  3. How can you honor God with your body and maintain purity in your relationships?
  4. How does Jesus’ teaching on inner purity help you understand the broader implications of God’s laws?
  5. What steps can you take to live in a way that reflects God’s holiness and honors His design for your life?

Reflect on these questions to deepen your understanding of God’s standards, His love for His people, and the hope we have through Jesus Christ to live a life that honors Him in every aspect.