
Leviticus 21:13 – “The woman he marries must be a virgin.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Leviticus 21:13 provides specific instructions regarding the high priest’s choice of a wife, stating that she must be a virgin. This command highlights the importance of maintaining the purity and integrity of the high priest’s household, reflecting the holiness required of his position. The high priest’s role was not just about his service in the temple but also about his family, which was expected to uphold the same standards of holiness. Marrying a virgin was seen as ensuring that the high priest’s wife had a background that aligned with the values of purity and faithfulness, qualities that were essential in a household dedicated to serving God. This requirement was meant to protect the sanctity of the priesthood and ensure that the high priest’s family life reflected his consecration to God.

Historical Context

In ancient Israel, the high priest held a unique and highly respected position as the spiritual leader of the nation. His duties were not limited to performing sacrifices and leading worship; his entire life, including his family, was a public example of what it meant to live set apart for God. In the context of marriage, the high priest was held to a stricter standard than other priests. Marrying a virgin was symbolic of a fresh and unblemished start, mirroring the kind of purity that was expected in his sacred role. This practice reinforced the idea that those serving closest to God needed to maintain the highest level of personal and familial purity to uphold the integrity of their service.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Leviticus 21:13 underscores the connection between personal holiness and public service in God’s kingdom. The high priest’s marriage was not just a private matter but a reflection of his overall dedication to God. This command emphasizes that purity is not only about personal actions but also about the relationships we form. It reminds us that those in spiritual leadership are called to a higher standard, as their lives are meant to visibly represent God’s holiness to the community. The requirement for the high priest’s wife to be a virgin serves as a symbol of the pure relationship that God desires with His people, reflecting faithfulness, commitment, and a fresh start.

Literary Analysis

Leviticus 21:13 is part of a series of laws concerning the conduct and requirements for the priests, specifically focusing on the high priest’s personal life. The verse is straightforward and clear, emphasizing the high priest’s duty to marry someone who reflects the purity expected of his office. The instruction to marry a virgin sets a clear boundary that distinguishes the high priest’s marriage from other unions, reinforcing his unique role. The simplicity of the command highlights the importance God places on maintaining the integrity of those in spiritual leadership, making it clear that even the high priest’s personal choices were guided by his holy calling.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Ezekiel 44:22: This verse reiterates similar marriage restrictions for priests, emphasizing the importance of maintaining purity and integrity in their personal lives, particularly in whom they choose to marry.
  • 1 Timothy 3:2: This New Testament verse speaks to the qualifications of church leaders, including the call to be faithful in marriage, reflecting the ongoing expectation of personal integrity for those in spiritual leadership.
  • 2 Corinthians 11:2: Paul describes the church as being presented to Christ as a pure bride, mirroring the image of purity and faithfulness expected in the marriage of the high priest.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Leviticus 21:13 serves as a reminder that our personal relationships, including marriage, should honor God and reflect His standards. While the specific requirement for the high priest does not apply to all believers, the principle of choosing relationships that uphold purity and integrity remains relevant. This verse challenges Christians to approach marriage with reverence, understanding that it is not just a personal choice but a reflection of our commitment to God. It also encourages believers to consider the spiritual impact of their relationships and to seek partners who share a dedication to living a life that honors God.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s love by setting guidelines that protect the integrity and purity of those who serve Him, ensuring that their personal lives do not compromise their sacred duties. God’s standards for the high priest were not about limiting his freedom but about preserving the holiness of his role, which had a direct impact on the spiritual health of the community. God’s love is seen in His desire to guide His people into relationships that reflect His faithfulness and purity. By instructing the high priest to marry a virgin, God was emphasizing the importance of a fresh, unblemished start, mirroring His desire for a pure and faithful relationship with His people.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is the ultimate High Priest who fulfills the purity and holiness that the Old Testament high priests were called to represent. The requirement for the high priest to marry a virgin symbolizes the perfect, unblemished relationship that Christ has with His church, described as His bride. Jesus’ life and sacrifice set the standard for holiness, demonstrating the kind of pure and faithful relationship God desires with His people (Ephesians 5:25-27). Through Christ, believers are made clean and are presented as a pure bride, fully accepted and loved by God. This connection between the high priest’s marriage and Christ’s relationship with the church illustrates the depth of God’s love and His commitment to purity and faithfulness in His relationship with us.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does this verse challenge your view of the importance of purity and integrity in your personal relationships?
  2. In what ways can you ensure that your marriage or future relationships reflect your commitment to God’s standards?
  3. How does understanding God’s requirements for the high priest influence your approach to choosing a spouse?
  4. How does Jesus’ relationship with the church inspire you to pursue purity and faithfulness in your own life?

Leviticus 21:13 calls us to consider the significance of our personal choices, especially in relationships, and how they reflect our dedication to God. Through Christ, we see the ultimate example of holiness and are encouraged to live lives that honor God in every aspect, including our marriages.