Mark 7:8: “You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.”
Extended Explanation of the Verse
In this verse, Jesus continues His rebuke of the Pharisees and religious leaders. He exposes their error: they have abandoned God’s commands in favor of human traditions. Rather than submitting to God’s law, they were more concerned with their own religious rules, treating them as if they were divine.
Jesus is making a serious accusation—these religious leaders, who were supposed to teach people God’s ways, were actually leading them away from true obedience. They had “let go” of what God had clearly commanded in Scripture and were instead “holding on to” traditions that had no divine authority. Their focus was on external rituals rather than on true devotion to God.
This verse reveals a deep problem: man-made traditions, when elevated above God’s word, can become obstacles to genuine faith. Jesus warns against substituting human rules for God’s truth because such practices lead people away from authentic obedience.
Historical Context
The religious leaders of Jesus’ time followed an extensive set of extra-biblical traditions known as the oral law. These were interpretations and expansions of God’s commands, passed down by Jewish elders. Over time, these traditions became just as important—if not more important—than the actual Scriptures in the eyes of the Pharisees.
For example, God commanded His people to honor their parents (Exodus 20:12), but the Pharisees created loopholes that allowed people to avoid helping their parents if they declared their resources as “devoted to God” (Mark 7:10-13). This is the kind of hypocrisy Jesus was condemning.
Instead of submitting to God’s actual word, the Pharisees were using their traditions to justify disobedience. Their system of rules was not drawing people closer to God but making it harder to truly follow Him.
Theological Implications
This verse teaches a powerful truth: God’s word is the final authority, not human traditions. Jesus makes it clear that man-made rules must never replace what God has actually commanded. When people prioritize traditions over Scripture, they risk distorting true faith.
This also exposes the danger of legalism—trying to be righteous by following religious rules rather than seeking a transformed heart. The Pharisees believed that their traditions made them holy, but Jesus revealed that true holiness comes from obedience to God’s commands, not from man-made regulations.
Another key lesson here is that religion without a heart for God is meaningless. The Pharisees were strict in their practices, but their devotion was misplaced. True obedience flows from love for God, not from a desire to follow human customs.
Literary Analysis
This verse is structured as a contrast:
- “You have let go of the commands of God” – This shows rejection of what God has actually said.
- “And are holding on to human traditions” – This shows attachment to something that lacks divine authority.
The wording suggests an intentional choice—the Pharisees actively chose to let go of God’s commands in favor of something man-made. Jesus’ phrasing paints a picture of abandoning truth in exchange for false security in tradition.
The phrase “holding on” suggests a firm grip, showing that the Pharisees were unwilling to let go of their traditions, even when confronted with God’s truth. This highlights their spiritual blindness and stubbornness.
Relevant Biblical Cross-References
- Isaiah 29:13 – “These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” Jesus quotes this earlier in the chapter (Mark 7:6-7).
- Colossians 2:8 – “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition rather than on Christ.”
- Matthew 23:23 – Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for obsessing over minor laws while neglecting justice, mercy, and faithfulness.
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Scripture is God-breathed and should be our foundation, not human traditions.
What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian
This verse is a strong warning for modern believers. Many churches and individuals still fall into the same trap—placing human traditions above God’s word. While traditions can be helpful in guiding worship and spiritual growth, they must never take priority over Scripture.
This verse challenges us to ask: Are we following God’s word, or are we just going through the motions of religious customs?
It’s easy to get caught up in rituals, church traditions, or cultural expectations and mistake them for biblical truth. Jesus’ words remind us to evaluate everything against Scripture and ensure that our faith is rooted in God’s commands, not human customs.
How This Verse Relates to a Loving God
God’s love is seen in His desire for a genuine relationship with His people. He does not want them to be burdened by unnecessary rules—He wants them to know and follow Him with sincere hearts.
Jesus’ rebuke of the Pharisees was not about rejecting structure or order; it was about redirecting people back to the truth. God’s love is shown in how He constantly calls people away from lifeless traditions and into real, life-changing faith.
How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ
Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s commands. He did not come to add more religious rules but to bring people into true righteousness through faith in Him. In Matthew 5:17, Jesus says, “I have not come to abolish [the law] but to fulfill them.”
Jesus also shows that real obedience comes from a transformed heart. In Mark 7:15, He teaches that what truly defiles a person is not external actions but the condition of their heart. This points to the need for a Savior—only through Jesus can hearts be cleansed and made right with God.
Furthermore, Jesus openly rejected traditions that hindered people’s relationship with God. He consistently pointed people back to the truth of Scripture, demonstrating that real faith is about knowing and obeying God’s word, not just following religious customs.
Questions for Reflection and Discussion
- Are there any traditions in your life that you follow more out of habit than true devotion to God?
- How can you make sure that your faith is based on Scripture rather than human customs?
- What are some ways that churches today might be guilty of holding on to tradition instead of God’s word?
- How does this verse challenge you to examine your own obedience to God?
- What steps can you take to deepen your relationship with God and move beyond empty rituals?
This passage is a powerful reminder that true worship is based on God’s truth, not human traditions. Jesus calls us to let go of anything that distracts us from real faith and to build our lives on His word alone.