
Numbers 20:15 – “Our ancestors went down into Egypt, and we lived there many years. The Egyptians mistreated us and our ancestors.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Numbers 20:15 is part of Moses’ message to the king of Edom as the Israelites seek permission to pass through Edomite territory on their way to the Promised Land. In this verse, Moses recounts the history of Israel, reminding Edom of their shared ancestry and the hardships that the Israelites endured in Egypt. Moses refers to the time when the Israelites lived in Egypt for many years and suffered mistreatment at the hands of the Egyptians.

By highlighting the suffering and oppression that the Israelites experienced in Egypt, Moses aims to evoke sympathy from the Edomites, hoping they would remember the shared history and respond with kindness. This verse emphasizes the long-standing struggles of the Israelites, who had endured centuries of slavery and hardship before God delivered them. It is a reminder of their journey from oppression to freedom and the ongoing challenges they faced even after leaving Egypt.

Historical Context

The historical context of Numbers 20:15 traces back to the time of Jacob (Israel) and his family moving to Egypt during a severe famine (Genesis 46). The Israelites initially found favor in Egypt, but as their numbers grew, they became a threat to the Egyptian rulers. This led to centuries of enslavement, harsh treatment, and suffering for the Israelites. Their deliverance from Egypt under Moses’ leadership marked the beginning of their journey to the Promised Land.

At this point in Numbers, the Israelites are nearing the end of their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. Their request to pass through Edom reflects both their desire to move forward and the continued difficulties they faced from other nations. By reminding Edom of the Israelites’ mistreatment in Egypt, Moses underscores the difficult journey they have been on—a journey marked by trials, deliverance, and reliance on God’s guidance.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Numbers 20:15 serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His people, even in the face of severe adversity. The verse recounts the mistreatment of the Israelites, but it also implicitly points to God’s deliverance from Egypt, which was a defining moment of God’s power and care. This history of suffering and deliverance highlights that God is attentive to the cries of His people and is actively involved in rescuing them from their troubles.

This verse also emphasizes the importance of remembering and retelling the story of God’s faithfulness. By recounting the hardships in Egypt, Moses not only seeks to gain Edom’s sympathy but also reinforces the collective memory of God’s people. It’s a call to remember that God’s past actions are a foundation for trusting Him in the present and future.

Literary Analysis

Literarily, Numbers 20:15 uses a straightforward narrative style to recount the history of Israel’s time in Egypt. The verse is part of a larger message that Moses is delivering to Edom, and it serves as a reminder of shared history and hardship. The reference to “our ancestors” and “many years” emphasizes the longstanding nature of the Israelites’ suffering and the endurance of their community through difficult times.

The phrase “the Egyptians mistreated us and our ancestors” is direct and evokes the weight of generations of pain. This language seeks to connect the past suffering with the present journey, creating a sense of continuity in the Israelites’ experience of hardship and the ongoing need for God’s guidance and provision.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 1:8-14 – The account of the Israelites’ enslavement in Egypt, describing their mistreatment and harsh conditions under the Egyptian rulers.
  • Deuteronomy 26:6-8 – A retelling of the Israelites’ suffering in Egypt and God’s powerful deliverance, reinforcing the narrative of God’s intervention in their history.
  • Psalm 105:23-24 – A reflection on Israel’s time in Egypt, highlighting both the growth of the people and the oppression they faced.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 20:15 is a reminder of the importance of remembering where we’ve come from and how God has been faithful through every trial. Just as Moses recounted the hardships of Israel in Egypt, Christians are encouraged to reflect on their own journeys and the ways God has delivered and sustained them through difficult times. This reflection strengthens faith and provides perspective on current challenges.

The verse also challenges believers to approach others with empathy and understanding, recognizing that everyone has a story of hardship. Moses’ appeal to Edom underscores the value of shared history and the need to approach others with compassion, especially when seeking common ground or asking for help.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 20:15 indirectly points to God’s love and faithfulness. Even as the Israelites recount their mistreatment, the underlying story is one of God’s deliverance and care. God did not ignore the cries of His people in Egypt; He heard them, acted on their behalf, and brought them out with a mighty hand. This verse reminds us that God is attentive to the suffering of His people and is committed to leading them toward freedom and fulfillment.

God’s loving nature is seen in His constant presence throughout the Israelites’ history. Despite the mistreatment and trials, God remained with them, guiding and providing for them every step of the way. This verse serves as a testimony to God’s enduring love and the assurance that He is always with His people, even in their most difficult moments.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

The hardships described in Numbers 20:15 find their ultimate resolution in Jesus Christ, who came to deliver humanity from the bondage of sin. Just as God delivered Israel from Egypt, Jesus delivers us from the oppression of sin and death. In Luke 4:18, Jesus declares that He came to “proclaim freedom for the prisoners,” echoing the theme of deliverance that runs throughout Israel’s history.

Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the ultimate act of God’s love, providing a way for all who are mistreated, burdened, and lost to find hope and freedom. In Christ, the promise of deliverance is fulfilled, and we are invited into a new journey of faith and freedom, much like the Israelites were invited into the Promised Land.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does remembering your past hardships and God’s faithfulness help you face current challenges?
  2. What can Moses’ appeal to Edom teach us about seeking help and showing humility in difficult times?
  3. How does this verse encourage you to approach others with empathy and understanding, especially those who are struggling?
  4. In what ways have you experienced God’s deliverance in your own life?
  5. How does Jesus’ role as our deliverer provide hope and encouragement in the midst of life’s difficulties?

This verse reminds us of the importance of remembering our history, trusting in God’s ongoing faithfulness, and approaching others with humility and compassion. Through Christ, we find the ultimate deliverance, guiding us into a life of freedom and hope.