
Numbers 20:19 – “The Israelites replied: ‘We will go along the main road, and if we or our livestock drink any of your water, we will pay for it. We only want to pass through on foot—nothing else.’”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

In Numbers 20:19, the Israelites make a final attempt to negotiate with the king of Edom after their initial request to pass through Edom’s territory was denied. Despite Edom’s harsh response and threat of violence, Moses and the Israelites appeal once more, emphasizing their peaceful intentions. They assure Edom that they will stick to the main road and will not cause any harm or take anything that belongs to the Edomites. Even if their livestock drinks water, they promise to pay for it, highlighting their willingness to respect Edom’s resources and to compensate for any potential inconvenience.

This verse shows the persistence of the Israelites in seeking a peaceful resolution and demonstrates their commitment to act honorably, despite facing hostility. Their reply underscores that they are not looking to take advantage of Edom but simply need a safe passage to continue their journey. It reflects their desire to avoid conflict while moving forward with their God-given mission to reach the Promised Land.

Historical Context

At this point in the Israelites’ journey, they were nearing the end of their 40-year period of wandering in the wilderness. The most direct route to the Promised Land lay through Edom, a territory controlled by the descendants of Esau, who was Jacob’s (Israel’s) brother. Despite the shared ancestry between the Israelites and Edomites, their relationship was fraught with tension, dating back to the rivalry between Jacob and Esau.

Moses’ request to pass through Edom was a practical solution, as the king’s highway provided a clear path through the region. However, Edom’s initial refusal and threat of military action forced Moses to continue negotiating, demonstrating his desire to keep the peace and avoid conflict at all costs. By offering to pay for any resources used, the Israelites showed their willingness to respect Edom’s land and avoid taking anything by force.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Numbers 20:19 highlights the importance of persistence in seeking peace, even when faced with rejection and hostility. Moses and the Israelites did not respond to Edom’s threats with anger or force but continued to negotiate, showing a spirit of humility and respect. This teaches that God’s people are called to pursue peace and act honorably, even when met with resistance.

This verse also illustrates the value of integrity and accountability. The Israelites’ offer to pay for any water their livestock might drink shows a commitment to fairness and respect for others’ property. It reflects the broader biblical principle that God’s people should be above reproach in their dealings with others, acting honestly and justly, even when navigating difficult circumstances.

Literary Analysis

Literarily, Numbers 20:19 captures the tension between the Israelites’ peaceful intentions and Edom’s hostility. The verse is a direct response to Edom’s threat, with the Israelites emphasizing their commitment to stay on the main road and avoid any unnecessary interaction with Edom’s resources. The language used—“we will pay for it”—underscores their willingness to go the extra mile to maintain peace.

The dialogue reflects a tone of humility and reasonableness, contrasting sharply with Edom’s aggressive stance. The repeated assurances of the Israelites highlight their determination to seek a peaceful passage, showing that they are not looking for trouble but are simply trying to move forward on their journey.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Romans 12:18 – Paul’s instruction to live at peace with everyone, as far as it depends on us, which mirrors the Israelites’ efforts to negotiate peacefully with Edom.
  • Hebrews 12:14 – A call to pursue peace with all people, reflecting the persistent efforts of the Israelites to secure a safe passage.
  • Matthew 5:9 – Jesus’ blessing on peacemakers, which aligns with the Israelites’ approach in trying to resolve the conflict with Edom peacefully.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 20:19 serves as a reminder of the importance of pursuing peace and maintaining integrity in all interactions, even when faced with hostility. The Israelites’ response to Edom challenges believers to keep seeking a peaceful solution, even when others respond negatively. It’s a call to not give up on doing the right thing, even when it’s hard, and to maintain a respectful and humble attitude in all circumstances.

This verse also teaches that Christians should be willing to go the extra mile to demonstrate fairness and respect for others. The Israelites’ offer to pay for any water shows their commitment to accountability, a principle that is relevant for all believers in how they conduct themselves in personal, business, and community relationships.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 20:19 reflects God’s heart for peace and integrity. God’s guidance of Moses and the Israelites in this situation shows that He values efforts to pursue peace and encourages His people to act justly, even when others do not respond in kind. God’s love is evident in how He leads His people to act with respect and humility, demonstrating His character to the world.

God’s involvement in this situation also shows that He cares about the details of how His people interact with others. The Israelites’ willingness to pay for what they use highlights God’s desire for His people to be known for their integrity and fairness, reflecting His own nature of justice and righteousness.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ, who taught and embodied the principles of peacemaking and humility. Jesus consistently modeled a peaceful approach, even in the face of rejection and hostility. He called His followers to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek, and to seek reconciliation whenever possible (Matthew 5:38-41).

Jesus’ ultimate act of humility and peace was seen in His willingness to lay down His life on the cross, offering forgiveness and reconciliation to all who would believe in Him. Just as the Israelites were willing to pay for what they used to maintain peace, Jesus paid the ultimate price to secure peace between God and humanity. His sacrifice serves as the perfect example of going the extra mile to demonstrate God’s love and commitment to reconciliation.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you respond when your efforts to pursue peace are met with hostility or rejection?
  2. What can the Israelites’ response to Edom teach us about humility and persistence in seeking peaceful solutions?
  3. How does this verse challenge you to maintain integrity and accountability in your interactions with others?
  4. In what ways can you demonstrate a commitment to peace, even when faced with difficult or uncooperative people?
  5. How does Jesus’ example of peacemaking and humility inspire you in your own journey of faith?

This verse reminds us that pursuing peace and acting with integrity are key aspects of the Christian life. Through Christ, we are called to be peacemakers, showing God’s love and grace in all our interactions, even when the path is difficult.