
Numbers 22:20 – “That night God came to Balaam and said, ‘Since these men have come to summon you, go with them, but do only what I tell you.’”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Numbers 22:20 captures a significant moment where God responds to Balaam’s ongoing struggle with the temptation presented by Balak’s officials. Although God had previously told Balaam not to go with them, this time God gives Balaam permission to go, but with a strict condition: Balaam must only do what God tells him. This command emphasizes that Balaam’s actions are to be guided solely by God’s words, not by Balak’s offers or Balaam’s personal desires.

This verse reveals that God allows Balaam to accompany the officials, but He still maintains control over what Balaam can say and do. God’s instruction—“do only what I tell you”—underscores the importance of obedience and highlights that, even though Balaam is going along with the officials, he is not free to act on his own. God’s sovereignty remains central, and Balaam’s role is to speak only the message God provides.

Historical Context

The Israelites were camped near Moab after defeating several powerful enemies, which caused fear among the surrounding nations, including Moab. King Balak, in his desperation, repeatedly tried to persuade Balaam to curse the Israelites, believing that a curse could stop their advance. Despite God’s initial command not to go or curse Israel, Balak’s persistence and the promise of rewards led Balaam to seek God’s guidance again.

God’s response to Balaam in this verse reflects a turning point in the narrative. While God permits Balaam to go with the officials, He maintains authority over Balaam’s actions, ensuring that His will prevails over human plans. This sets the stage for the unfolding events where Balaam, though physically present with Balak, must remain spiritually obedient to God.

Theological Implications

This verse highlights God’s sovereignty and the importance of obedience, even when circumstances shift. Although God allows Balaam to go with Balak’s officials, He makes it clear that Balaam’s actions are still under God’s control. Theologically, this serves as a reminder that God’s will is not subject to human manipulation, and His authority remains paramount, even when He permits certain actions.

The verse also underscores the danger of testing God’s patience by continually seeking an answer that aligns with personal desires. While God grants Balaam permission to go, it is clear that this is not an endorsement of Balaam’s motives but rather a test of his obedience. It teaches that while God may allow us to proceed in certain directions, He still requires us to follow His guidance closely, regardless of our own ambitions.

Literary Analysis

Numbers 22:20 uses direct dialogue between God and Balaam to emphasize God’s continued involvement in the situation. The phrase “go with them, but do only what I tell you” serves as a clear directive that establishes the boundaries of Balaam’s actions. This instruction highlights the tension between Balaam’s physical journey with the officials and his spiritual duty to remain faithful to God’s command.

The verse also adds a layer of complexity to Balaam’s role, as he is allowed to accompany Balak’s men but is still bound by God’s instructions. This creates a narrative tension that keeps the reader engaged, wondering how Balaam will navigate this precarious position between human pressures and divine authority.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Proverbs 16:9: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” This reflects the idea that while Balaam is allowed to go, God controls the outcome.
  • Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” God’s guidance to Balaam is an example of His continued counsel, even when we struggle with our own desires.
  • Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. This highlights that God’s ways are beyond human understanding, reminding us to trust in His guidance.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 22:20 serves as a reminder that God’s permission is not the same as God’s approval. Sometimes, God allows us to proceed in a certain direction to teach us valuable lessons about obedience, trust, and the consequences of our choices. This verse challenges believers to remain sensitive to God’s instructions, even when we are permitted to move forward in situations that test our faith.

It also emphasizes the need to listen closely to God’s guidance and not allow external pressures or personal desires to dictate our actions. Balaam’s experience serves as a cautionary tale that while God may allow us to walk certain paths, we are still called to obey His voice and follow His commands above all else. For Christians, this means continually seeking God’s direction and being willing to adjust our course when He speaks.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

This verse reflects God’s loving involvement in guiding His people, even when they struggle with their own decisions. God’s willingness to speak to Balaam again shows His patience and His desire to direct Balaam’s actions, protecting him from making decisions that would go against God’s will. God’s instruction—“do only what I tell you”—is an expression of His loving guidance, reminding Balaam of the importance of obedience.

God’s love is evident in His ongoing communication with Balaam, providing clear boundaries and direction. This interaction shows that God does not abandon His people, even when they are wrestling with conflicting desires. Instead, He remains engaged, offering guidance that reflects His care and protection.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Balaam’s situation parallels the life of Jesus, who perfectly embodied obedience to God’s will, even when faced with great pressure. In the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by Satan to go against God’s plan, but He consistently responded with God’s word, refusing to act outside of God’s command (Matthew 4:1-11). Jesus’ unwavering commitment to doing only what His Father instructed stands in contrast to Balaam’s struggle, showing the perfect model of obedience.

Through Jesus, believers see the ultimate example of what it means to follow God’s will without compromise. His life and ministry demonstrate that obedience to God leads to true fulfillment and blessing, even when the path is difficult. Jesus’ faithfulness provides the strength and encouragement needed for Christians to remain obedient in their own journeys.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How do you respond when God’s direction seems to conflict with your own desires or ambitions? Are there times when you’ve sought a different answer from God?
  2. In what ways have you experienced God’s guidance in situations where you were allowed to proceed but still felt the need to listen closely to His instructions?
  3. How does Balaam’s ongoing struggle with obedience challenge you to examine your own commitment to following God’s will?
  4. How does Jesus’ perfect example of obedience encourage you to trust in God’s guidance, especially when facing difficult choices?

This verse invites believers to reflect on the importance of listening to God’s voice and following His guidance closely, trusting that His will is always the best path forward.