
Numbers 23:3 – “Then Balaam said to Balak, ‘Stay here beside your offering while I go aside. Perhaps the Lord will come to meet with me. Whatever he reveals to me I will tell you.’ Then he went off to a barren height.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

In Numbers 23:3, we see Balaam instructing Balak to remain by the sacrifices while he goes to seek a word from the Lord. Balaam, a prophet hired by Balak to curse the Israelites, follows the ritual preparations but acknowledges that he is dependent on what God will reveal to him. Balaam’s approach shows that despite the pagan-like sacrifices, he understands that he cannot control God’s response. He goes to a barren height, a remote place likely chosen for its seclusion, to receive God’s guidance.

This verse highlights the tension between human efforts to manipulate spiritual outcomes and the reality of God’s ultimate control. Balaam does not presume that God will answer as Balak desires; instead, he expresses a tentative “perhaps,” showing a recognition that God’s will cannot be forced. The barren height symbolizes a place of solitude, reflecting the need for distance from human interference when seeking divine revelation.

Historical Context

This event occurs during Israel’s journey to the Promised Land. Balak, the king of Moab, feels threatened by the Israelites and hires Balaam to curse them, hoping to weaken their advance. Balaam was known as a prophet with influence, and Balak believed his curse would be effective. The rituals of sacrifices and seeking divine guidance were common practices in the ancient Near East, reflecting attempts to sway spiritual powers through physical actions.

However, God was actively involved in protecting Israel, overriding Balak’s intentions. Balaam’s consultation with God on the barren height underscores the ancient belief in seeking secluded places for divine encounters, often away from the distractions of daily life. This historical context reveals the clash between human plans and God’s sovereign protection over His people.

Theological Implications

Theologically, this verse demonstrates that God is not subject to human manipulation. Balaam’s recognition of God’s authority highlights that, despite the offerings and rituals, God’s will remains paramount. Balaam’s approach reflects a limited understanding of God’s power, as he acknowledges that God may or may not choose to speak.

This passage also emphasizes the principle that true revelation comes from God alone, not through human efforts or external rituals. It challenges the belief that spiritual outcomes can be controlled by human actions, reminding us that God’s purposes are independent of human schemes. This verse teaches that God’s guidance and revelation are matters of His grace, not the result of manipulation.

Literary Analysis

Numbers 23:3 sets the scene for a crucial moment of divine revelation. The narrative’s pacing slows down as Balaam separates himself from Balak and the offerings, creating a sense of anticipation. The phrase “barren height” suggests a place devoid of life, enhancing the imagery of solitude and the seriousness of seeking God’s word.

The use of dialogue is significant, as Balaam’s words to Balak—“Perhaps the Lord will come to meet with me”—introduce uncertainty. This uncertainty reflects the broader narrative tension between human intentions and divine sovereignty. The contrast between the grand sacrifices and the simplicity of Balaam’s solitary act of seeking God highlights the futility of human efforts compared to the power of God’s voice.

Relevant Biblical Cross-References

  • Proverbs 16:9 – “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” This verse emphasizes that no matter the plans, God’s will ultimately prevails.
  • James 4:13-15 – “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city…’ Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.’” This passage aligns with the concept of seeking God’s will rather than presuming control.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 23:3 is a reminder of the importance of seeking God’s will rather than trying to manipulate outcomes through actions or rituals. It teaches the value of humility in approaching God, recognizing that His plans are higher than ours. The verse calls believers to step aside from their own agendas and seek God’s direction, trusting in His wisdom rather than their efforts.

This verse also encourages Christians to find “barren heights” in their own lives—moments of solitude and quiet where they can genuinely seek God’s guidance without distraction. It’s a call to prioritize God’s voice above all else, acknowledging that true revelation and wisdom come only from Him.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 23:3 shows that God, in His love, remains in control and does not bend to human manipulation. His responses are driven by His perfect will and His protective care for His people. This verse reveals a God who listens, responds according to His purposes, and cannot be swayed by human agendas. It demonstrates that God’s love ensures His decisions are always in the best interest of His people, regardless of external pressures.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

This verse connects to Jesus Christ in the way that Christ perfectly exemplified seeking God’s will. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “Yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). Just as Balaam acknowledged his dependence on God’s word, Jesus demonstrated perfect submission to the Father’s will, even when it led to the cross. Christ’s obedience secured the ultimate blessing—salvation for all who believe—fulfilling God’s unchangeable plan that cannot be thwarted by any force.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. What does Balaam’s approach in Numbers 23:3 teach us about the right attitude when seeking God’s guidance?
  2. How can we create “barren heights” in our lives—places of solitude where we can genuinely listen for God’s direction?
  3. In what ways do we try to control outcomes rather than surrendering to God’s will?
  4. How does recognizing God’s sovereignty help us trust Him in uncertain situations?
  5. How can this verse inspire us to seek God’s guidance humbly and patiently in our daily lives?

This verse challenges us to step aside from our own plans, seek God’s direction, and trust in His loving control over our lives.