
Numbers 31:18 – “But save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Numbers 31:18 is a command given by Moses to the Israelites in the aftermath of their battle with the Midianites. Moses instructs the Israelites to spare the young girls who had never been with a man while ordering the execution of the other Midianite women and boys. The spared young girls were allowed to live and be incorporated into the Israelite community.

This command was given to prevent further spiritual corruption among the Israelites. The Midianite women had previously seduced Israel into idolatry and sin, leading to God’s judgment. By sparing only the young girls who were not involved in these immoral acts, Moses aimed to remove the corrupting influence while still showing mercy to those who were not part of the previous transgressions.

Historical Context

The historical context of this verse is tied to the events of Numbers 25, where the Midianite women led the Israelites into the worship of Baal and engaged in immoral behavior, causing a devastating plague. The battle against Midian in Numbers 31 was a direct response to this incident, as God commanded Moses to deal with the Midianites to prevent further spiritual contamination.

The command to spare the young girls while executing others was based on the need to protect Israel from repeating the sins that had brought God’s wrath upon them. In ancient times, sparing young girls was often seen as an act of mercy, allowing them to be absorbed into a new community without the influence of past sins.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Numbers 31:18 emphasizes the importance of purity and the need to protect the community from sin. This command illustrates the severity with which God’s people were to deal with influences that could lead them away from Him. Sparing only those who had not been involved in sinful practices reflects a commitment to preserving the community’s spiritual health.

This verse also touches on the themes of mercy and justice. While it might seem harsh by today’s standards, the decision to spare the innocent while dealing severely with those who had led Israel into sin reflects a balance between protecting the community and showing mercy where possible. It highlights the ongoing tension between God’s justice in dealing with sin and His desire to preserve life when it aligns with His purposes.

Literary Analysis

The verse is brief but carries a heavy weight in its directive. The phrase “save for yourselves” reflects a specific, deliberate choice made under the guidance of Moses, emphasizing the separation between those who were considered a threat to Israel’s spiritual integrity and those who were not. The wording distinguishes between the actions of the past and the future potential of the young girls who had no part in the previous sins.

This narrative detail adds to the overall theme of purging evil while preserving what is good or redeemable. The verse’s structure—contrasting who should be spared and who should not—creates a clear line between purity and impurity, reinforcing the broader message of the chapter about maintaining faithfulness to God.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Numbers 25:1-9 – The incident at Baal Peor, where the Midianite women led Israel into idolatry, setting the stage for the commands in Numbers 31.
  • Deuteronomy 20:14 – Instructions regarding the treatment of captives in warfare, illustrating the broader principles of mercy and justice in conflict.
  • 1 Samuel 15:3, 9 – God’s command to Saul to eliminate all Amalekites, demonstrating the need for full obedience in dealing with sin and disobedience.
  • Matthew 18:6 – Jesus’ warning about causing others to stumble, reflecting the seriousness with which God views influences that lead His people astray.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 31:18 highlights the need to be discerning about the influences we allow into our lives. It teaches that while mercy is important, we must also be vigilant in separating ourselves from things that can lead us away from God. This verse challenges believers to recognize that not everything should be embraced, especially when it comes to influences that can corrupt our relationship with God.

Christians are encouraged to approach life with both mercy and wisdom, making decisions that protect their spiritual health and integrity. This verse serves as a reminder that purity matters, and sometimes that means setting boundaries that align with God’s will, even when those decisions are difficult.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 31:18 reflects God’s protective love for His people, even in the context of difficult commands. God’s desire is to preserve His people’s spiritual integrity, and His instructions through Moses were aimed at safeguarding Israel from repeating past mistakes. By sparing those who were innocent of previous wrongdoing, God’s love and mercy were still present, even in a challenging situation.

God’s actions show that His love is not only about kindness but also about protecting His people from harm, guiding them away from influences that can destroy their faith. This verse demonstrates that God’s commands, even when tough, are rooted in His desire to see His people thrive in holiness and safety.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Numbers 31:18 connects to the work of Jesus Christ, who came to offer ultimate purification from sin. While the Israelites were called to separate themselves physically from harmful influences, Jesus provides a way for us to be spiritually cleansed. Through His sacrifice, Jesus removes the guilt of sin and offers believers the power to live free from its corrupting influence.

In John 17:15-17, Jesus prays for His followers to be protected from the evil in the world, asking God to sanctify them in truth. His desire is not just for physical separation but for a deep, spiritual purity that comes from being united with God’s word. Christ’s work on the cross makes it possible for believers to live set apart, fully devoted to God, without being entangled by the sins of the past.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does Numbers 31:18 challenge you to be discerning about the influences in your life?
  2. What steps can you take to protect your spiritual integrity and maintain purity in your daily walk with God?
  3. How does this verse balance the concepts of mercy and justice in your understanding of God’s character?
  4. How does God’s protective love encourage you to make wise decisions about the influences you allow into your life?
  5. How does Jesus’ work of purification inspire you to live a life that is fully set apart for God?

This article calls Christians to reflect on the importance of spiritual purity, the need for discernment, and the incredible love of God who guides us away from sin. It challenges believers to embrace the cleansing power of Jesus Christ, living lives that honor God and remain faithful to His calling.