
Numbers 31:31 – “So Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord commanded Moses.”

Extended Explanation of the Verse

Numbers 31:31 is a straightforward yet significant verse that captures the obedience of Moses and Eleazar, the high priest, to God’s instructions regarding the distribution of the spoils of war taken from the Midianites. After God provided detailed commands on how the spoils were to be divided among the soldiers, the community, and the Levites, this verse affirms that Moses and Eleazar followed God’s instructions exactly as He had commanded.

This verse highlights the importance of faithful leadership and the need to follow God’s guidance precisely. Moses and Eleazar set an example for the people by not deviating from God’s instructions, demonstrating that true leadership involves submission to God’s will. Their obedience ensured that the distribution of resources was fair, orderly, and in line with God’s design, which ultimately benefited the entire community.

Historical Context

The historical context of Numbers 31:31 occurs after the Israelites’ battle with the Midianites, which was a divine judgment against Midian for leading Israel into sin. Following their victory, God gave Moses specific instructions on how the spoils of war were to be handled. These instructions included dividing the spoils between the soldiers and the community and setting aside portions for the priests and Levites.

Moses, as the leader of Israel, and Eleazar, as the high priest, were responsible for overseeing the proper execution of these commands. Their obedience was crucial in maintaining the integrity of the process and ensuring that the community operated according to God’s standards. This moment reflects the broader theme in the Bible of God’s leaders being called to model faithfulness and integrity in their actions.

Theological Implications

Theologically, Numbers 31:31 emphasizes the value of obedience to God’s commands, especially among those in leadership positions. Moses and Eleazar’s actions underscore the principle that leaders are accountable to God first and must follow His guidance faithfully. This obedience is not just about adhering to rules but about honoring God’s authority and demonstrating trust in His wisdom.

This verse also highlights the importance of order and structure in God’s community. By following God’s instructions exactly, Moses and Eleazar ensured that the resources were managed in a way that honored God and provided for the needs of the entire community. It teaches that God’s commands are given not to burden His people but to guide them toward justice, fairness, and harmony.

Literary Analysis

The verse is concise and direct, stating simply that “Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the Lord commanded Moses.” The simplicity of this statement carries weight, emphasizing the straightforward nature of their obedience. There is no room for negotiation or alteration—what God commanded was done exactly as He instructed.

This straightforward language reinforces the theme of faithfulness in leadership and the importance of following God’s commands without hesitation. The focus on both Moses and Eleazar highlights the joint responsibility of spiritual and communal leaders in carrying out God’s will, showing that leadership is a shared task that requires cooperation and mutual respect.

Biblical Cross-References

  • Exodus 39:42-43 – Moses’ inspection of the tabernacle’s construction, confirming that everything was done according to God’s command, reflecting the importance of faithful execution of God’s instructions.
  • Joshua 11:15 – Joshua’s complete obedience to God’s commands through Moses, demonstrating the continuity of faithful leadership.
  • 1 Samuel 15:22 – Samuel’s statement that obedience is better than sacrifice, highlighting the importance of doing exactly what God commands.
  • John 14:15 – Jesus’ teaching that if we love Him, we will keep His commands, emphasizing the connection between love and obedience.

What This Verse Means for Today’s Christian

For today’s Christian, Numbers 31:31 serves as a reminder of the importance of obedience to God’s Word. It challenges believers to follow God’s instructions faithfully, even when it may seem simpler to do things their own way. This verse encourages Christians to value God’s guidance and to trust that His commands are given for their good and for the good of those around them.

It also speaks to the responsibility of leaders within the church and community. Moses and Eleazar set an example by their faithfulness, showing that leadership is about serving God’s purposes and guiding others to do the same. This verse reminds Christian leaders to remain humble, obedient, and focused on God’s will, knowing that their actions have a direct impact on those they lead.

How This Verse Relates to a Loving God

Numbers 31:31 reflects a loving God who provides clear guidance to His people and desires that they live in a way that reflects His character. God’s commands were not arbitrary but were designed to bring about justice, fairness, and the well-being of the entire community. Moses and Eleazar’s obedience to these commands shows that God’s love is expressed through His guidance, which helps His people live together in harmony.

God’s love is also evident in the way He entrusts His leaders with responsibilities, giving them the opportunity to participate in His work. By following His instructions, Moses and Eleazar were able to serve the community effectively and maintain the order that God desired. This partnership between God and His leaders reflects His loving commitment to guiding His people.

How This Verse Connects to Jesus Christ

Numbers 31:31 connects to Jesus Christ, who perfectly embodied obedience to the Father’s will. Throughout His life, Jesus consistently demonstrated complete submission to God’s commands, even to the point of death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). His obedience secured salvation for all who believe and set the ultimate example for how we are to follow God’s guidance.

In John 5:19, Jesus says, “The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing.” This statement echoes the same commitment to obedience seen in Moses and Eleazar. Jesus’ life shows that true leadership is rooted in humility and a desire to do God’s will above all else. His perfect obedience made it possible for us to be reconciled to God and empowered to live in faithful submission to His Word.

Questions for Reflection and Discussion

  1. How does Numbers 31:31 challenge you to think about your own obedience to God’s commands?
  2. In what ways can you model faithful obedience in your everyday life, whether at home, work, or church?
  3. How can you encourage and support those in leadership positions to follow God’s guidance faithfully?
  4. How does God’s loving provision of clear instructions inspire you to trust and obey Him more fully?
  5. How does Jesus’ example of perfect obedience deepen your understanding of what it means to follow God’s will?

This article invites Christians to reflect on the importance of faithful obedience to God’s Word, recognizing that His commands are given for our good and for the benefit of the community. It highlights the loving guidance of God and the ultimate example of Jesus, who perfectly followed the Father’s will, calling us to live lives marked by trust, humility, and a deep commitment to doing what God has commanded.